Tuesday, May 26, 2020
A Review of Writingservices
A Review of Writingservices Writingservices - Overview It's not a secret that each and every assignment needs to be submitted in time, if you aim to find any grade. Giving the job to an in-house executive may lead to writing style that's contentious because everyone within your organization will probably have views on what's an appropriate and `correct' style. It isn't easy to take in both at the very same moment. They've been in this business for quite a long time and all its peculiarities. Professional Writing Help Our platform is generated for fast and simple fixes along with long-term guidance. You don't know what counterarguments your dialog partner will have and the one thing you could do is to predict them. The perfect way to attain a unified writing style that's stamped with your company personality is to produce a document known as a style-guide. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
How Did the Month of February Get Its Name
As the month best known for Valentine’s Dayâ€â€a legendary saint beheaded for his religious convictions, not his passion for true loveâ€â€February had close ties to ancient Rome. Apparently, the Roman king Numa Pompilius divided the year into twelve months, while Ovid suggests the decemviri moved it to the second month of the year. Its nominal origins also hailed from the Eternal City, but where did February get its magical moniker? Ancient Rituals...or Purell? In 238 A.D., the grammarian Censorinus composed his De die natali, or The Birthday Book, in which he wrote about everything from calendric cycles to the basic chronology of the world. Censorinus clearly had a passion for time, so he delved into the origins of the months, as well. January was named for the double-headed god Janus, who looked into the past (the old year) and present-future (the new year), but its follow-up was called after â€Å"the old word februum,†writes Censorinus. What’s februum, you may ask? A means of ritual purification. Censorinus claims that â€Å"anything that consecrates or purifies is a februum,†while februamenta signifies rites of purification. Items can become purified, or februa, â€Å"in different ways in different rites.†The poet Ovid concurs on this origin, writing in his Fasti that â€Å"the fathers of Rome called purification februa; the word (and maybe the rite) was of Sabine origin, according to Varro’s On the Latin Language. Purification was a big deal, as Ovid mockingly quotes, â€Å"Our ancestors believed every sin and cause of evil/Could be erased by rites of purification.†The sixth-century A.D. writer Johannes Lydius had a slightly different interpretation, stating, â€Å"The name of the month of February came from the goddess called Februa; and the Romans understood Februa as an overseer and purifier of things.†Johannes stated that Februus meant â€Å"the underground one†in Etruscan, and that deity was worshipped for fertility purposes. But this may have been an innovation specific to Johannes’s sources. I Want to Go to the Festival So what cleansing ceremony occurred during the second thirty days of the New Year that was important enough to merit a month being named after it? There wasn’t one in particular; February had tons of cleansing rituals. Even St. Augustine got on this in The City of God when he says â€Å"†¦in the month of February ... the sacred purgation takes place, which they call februum, and from which the month get its name.† Pretty much anything could become a februum. At that time, Ovid says the high priests would â€Å"ask the King [the rex sacrorum, a high-ranking priest] and the Flamen [Dialis]/for woollen cloths, called februa in the ancient tongue†; during this time, â€Å"houses are cleansed [with] the roasted grain and salt,†given to the lictor, a bodyguard to an important Roman official. Another means of purification is given to a branch from a tree whose leaves were worn in a priestly crown. Ovid quips wryly, â€Å"In short anything used to purify our bodies/had that title [of februa] in the days of our hairy ancestors.†Even whips and woodland gods were purifiers! According to Ovid, the Lupercalia features another kind of februum, something that was a little more SM. It took place in mid-February and celebrated the wild sylvan god Faunus (a.k.a. Pan). During the festival, nude priests called Luperci performed ritual purification by whipping spectators, which also promoted fertility. As Plutarch writes in his Roman Questions, â€Å"this performance constitutes a rite of purification of the city,†and they struck â€Å"with a kind of leather thong they call februare, the word meaning ‘to purify.’†The Lupercalia, which Varro says â€Å"was called also Februatio, Festival of Purification,’† decontaminated the city of Rome itself. As Censorinus observes, â€Å"So the Lupercalia is more properly called Februatus, ‘purified, and therefore the month is called February.†February: Month of the Dead? But February wasnt just a month of cleanliness! To be fair, though, purification and ghosts arent all that different. In order to create a cleansing ritual, one must sacrifice a ritual victim, whether flowers, food, or a bull. Originally, this was the last month of the year, dedicated to the ghosts of the deceased, thanks to its ancestor-worshipping festival of Parentalia. During that holiday, temple doors were closed and sacrificial fires were doused to avoid malevolent influences influencing holy places. Johannes Lydius even theorizes the months name came from feber, or lamentation, because this was the time when people would mourn the departed. It was filled with rituals of propitiation and purification in order to placate angry ghosts from haunting the living during festival time, as well as to send them back whence they came after the New Year. February came after the dead went back to their spectral homes. As Ovid notes, this â€Å"time is pure, having placated the dead/When the days devoted to the departed are over.†Ovid mentions another festival called Terminalia and recalls, â€Å"February that follows was once last in the ancient year/And your worship, Terminus, closed the sacred rites.†Terminus was the perfect deity to celebrate at the end of the year since he reigned over boundaries. At the end of the month was his holiday, celebrating the god of boundaries who, according to Ovid, â€Å"separates the fields with his sign and â€Å"set[s] bounds to peoples, cities, great kingdoms.†And establishing the boundaries between the living and dead, pure and impure, sounds like a great job!
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Different Path Than Most Of My Peers - 1940 Words
I have always taken a different path than most of my peers. Sometimes I am told I do things the hard way but the hard way is necessary when the path that’s available isn’t the one you want to take. I am an entrepreneur and I enjoy creating paths. Ever since I was little I always had a project or business I was working on and I was always on the lookout for things people wanted but didn’t have enough of. When I was seven years old, I created and sold subscriptions to the Jackson Times; a family newspaper that portrayed important household events of the week. In the next few years, I created a pen and pencil trading business in school that while successful, netted me by summer over 50 pens, pencils, and erasers that I couldn’t possibly use myself. The surplus taught me to plan all the way to the end right from the beginning. Now as I plan my life, I realize what an enormous impact a formal education can have. High school for me was a formative period and had a great impact on how I see the world today. I took an interest in reading philosophers such as Plato and toying with ideas about the self-motivation of humans. After finding a few likeminded individuals, we formed the Philosophy Club; a place where we could discuss, debate, and hear each other out. One of my favorite activities that we did was recruiting guest members to share their opinions on certain subjects and then challenging them to see our perspectives as well. Learning how to hear other people out and how twoShow MoreRelatedMy Strengths And Weaknesses Of A Student906 Words  | 4 PagesI have enjoyed my educational experience. I have enjoyed learning new concepts and interacting with new people. Of course, there are obstacles along the way. However, these obstacles have given me the opportunity to realize my strengths and weaknesses and learn to improve in both areas. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Market Expansion Opportunity of Rio Tinto-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the strategic management and market expansion opportunity of Rio Tinto. Answer: Introduction In this report, detailed strategic management of Rio Tinto Group is presented. Rio Tinto Group is one of the major organisations in Australia and this report has explained the chance of market entry in a specific market of European and Asian contexts. The macro-environment analysis, geopolitical risks and opportunities, business policies and trade and overall market attractiveness are presented. In this report, secondary data has been used. Overview of Rio Tinto Rio Tinto Group is a public company that is operating in mining and metals industry. Rio Tinto is an Australian-British multinational organisation and it has its share in both Australian and British market. It was established in the year 1873 by a multinational consortium as this group of investors purchased my complex on Rio Tinto in Spain from the Spanish government (Riotinto.com 2017). It has it headquarter in London and on Melbourne. This organisation followed a number of mergers and acquisitions to make itself a bigger organisation. It produces the commodities like uranium, coal, diamonds, copper and iron ore. The primary objective of the organisation is to extract the minerals from Iron Ore and Bauxite. Revenue of the organisation was USD33.78 billion and profit were USD4.76 billion in 2016. Identification of two countries selected for market entry It is serving in worldwide basis and it has operation teams in six continents and it is focusing mainly in Australia and Canada right now. In this report, in the Asian market, Saudi Arabia is selected and in the European market, Germany is selected. Current macro-environment and geopolitical forces Macro-environment analysis of Saudi Arabia The political condition of UAE is stable and it can attract the multinational organisations to enter the market, however, corruption is present in the government sector. In addition, Saudi Government is trying to improve the employment condition by attracting the foreign companies. The economic condition in the Saudi Arabia touched all-time high with 865.35 USD billion in 2016 (Salem 2016). 60% of the population of the Saudi Arabia are in the workforce and financial institutions provide help in opening of business. Monetary and banking systems are helpful in Saudi Arabia and this country is a member of WTO and World Bank. Moreover, the mining businesses in Saudi Arabia are related to the natural gas, coal, crude oil, copper, gold, zinc and silver. Social factors of Saudi Arabia are related to people's preferences, lifestyle and improvement of financial conditions among people. In Saudi, the western lifestyle is missing and Islamic influences are high, the people do recreational activ ities and companies in Saudi Arabia allow the foreign people to be in well-paid positions. Purchasing Power Parity of the customers based on GDP was estimated to USD 55158 (Wright 2016). In Saudi Arabia, technological factors are related to the young professionals who have good knowledge in information technologies and the companies have been using software, IT, satellite and mobile technologies. In mining and metal industry, all equipment is present. Geopolitical forces: The policy of Saudi Arabia is mainly focused on the cooperation with Gulf-states and the country mainly believes in the unity of Arab world. Saudi Arabia is a part of the Non-Aligned Movement and it has made a Pro-western camp with making a partnership with the US, Jordan, Egypt and other Arabian Gulf (Dickson 2015). Natural resources of Saudi Arabia are Petroleum, copper, gold, natural gas and iron-ore. These partnerships with the other countries and rich natural resources provide opportunities to open up the international relations and business opportunities. On the other side, the main concern of Saudi Arabia in recent time is the relation with the US, an effect of oil price and using the oil wealth to improve the impact of Islam. A growth rate of population in Saudi Arabia is 1.49% and life expectancy is also high. Macro-environment analysis of Germany In political factor, Germany is a federal parliamentary republic and it is situated in western-central Europe. The capital city of Germany is Berlin and in Government, it has three levels where responsibilities, roles and power are vested perfectly. Germany follows the laws of EU as it was the founder member of EU (Cecil 2015). The political situation of the country is stable and a major political power in Europe. In economic factor, Germany is the fourth largest economy in the world according to GDP and it is fifth largest in purchasing power parity. The country is the large exporter and the industries like healthcare, automotive, beer and IT are world class. Many large multinational companies have headquarters in Germany, like Adidas, Siemens, SAP, Porsche, Volkswagen and many others. Current GDP of Germany is growing strong and it represents 5.60% of world economy. In social factors, Germany is a developed country and the people experience the high standard of living and it has po wer in global and regional affairs. The disposable income of the people is high and estimated $53,000 annually (Cortizo and Keyt 2013). In technology, Germany plays an important role in the international market as most of the world leaders in technology are from German. Germany's participation in the EU has a major impact on other EU based countries to have help in technology. Moreover, in mining and metals-related technologies, it is equipped with geological, mineralogical and natural science technologies. Geopolitical forces: Germany is also a member of NATO, OECD, G4, G8 and UN Secretary Council. Germany maintains a good relation of 229 diplomatic missions with more than 188 countries. It is one of the major powers in global affairs and European regions. Federal departments play a major role in making foreign policies and Bundestag acts in a notable manner in a supervisory capacity (En.portal.santandertrade.com 2017). Peaceful collaboration is Germany's major aim and it has always been in the forefront in political achievement in a European context (Export.gov 2017). Natural resources of Germany are mainly coal (Bituminous, ignite coal, natural gas, copper, nickel, iron ore, uranium and potash. Germanys population growth rate is 1.2% and life expectancy in this country is high 81 years. These forces can help an organisation like Rio Tinto to feel safe to enter the German market and expand in the European section. Development of each countrys trade and business policy Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia has made a development strategy to diversify its economy through natural gas, crude oil and mining industry. This mining and crude oil industry provide almost 23% of real GDP and the development strategy of the Saudi Arabia is based on the liberal trade regime and it has been going through structural reforms to make it more business-friendly environment. Saudi Arabia aligned the tariff to GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) external tariff and the transition period is three years and it was there until 2011. Saudi Arabia has simple MFN (Most Favoured Nation) tariff that has 19 tariffs has mixed rates (En.portal.santandertrade.com 2017). However, there are some products that are prohibited due to religious reasons like swine and alcoholic beverages. Saudi Arabia does not impose excise duty, VAT and any other internal tax on produced or imported products. Average MFN is applied on tariff is 5.2% in Saudi Arabia and it is predefined as WTO. The development strategy provided good economic benefit from the perspective of the country as GDP grew almost 3.2% in annual average and inflation is increased average 4.5%. A report published by UNCTAD, Saudi Arabia is the third largest recipient of FDI in Asia and it is estimated to 7.43 billion (Doingbusiness.org 2017). FDI inflows in Saudi Arabia in the mining industry were 2.4% in 2015. Germany Germany has bureaucratic procedures and it is a little bit difficult to handle for the organisations that wish to enter the German market. The German trade policy has complex safety standards and it makes a complicated access for most of the US based products. Germany follows mainly EU based rules for export and import and TARIC is the governing body to determine the license for a particular product. German advocates FEP (Foreign Direct Policies) that can force to limit the market forces (Export.gov 2017). German has made a liberal camp with Netherland, Denmark, Finland and Sweden in trading and in international level, Germany is considered as competence for FDI and according to UNCTAD, Germany is considered as a 10th preferred country to do the business. As a member of OECD, Germany adheres to the capital movement and invisible operation (Cortizo and Keyt 2014). In the previous system, Germany had a boundary in foreign investment and it was used inbound investment. There is a restri ction on private direct investment and trading to Germany. In transport, waterways, airport and maritime transport, German policy states that foreign-owned company must be registered in the Federal Republic of Germany. Identification of potential dangers, risks and opportunities Risk and dangers in current policies of Saudi Arabia a) In recent time, Saudi Arabia is observing a downward trend in FDI flows as FDI inflows fell by 8.6% compared to 2015 (Dickson 2015). The reasons behind the investment slowed down are the social and political tensions and reduced accessed of credit, moreover, the policy of Sauditisation is another reason in lower FDI. Foreigners cannot invest directly in some of the sectors. b) Saudi Arabia has undertaken the reformation policy of foreign investment, however, a legal framework is disturbing in order to solve the commercial disputes. In applying the intellectual property, the companies are having issue and Government has applied a percentage to employ Saudi people in the companies. Government is making delay in signing the contract and making payment. It takes time For Saudi Arabia to establish legal entities to get the licences. c) Conservative culture of Saudi Arabia is another issue for expatriates and in the workplace, enforced segregation of sexes (Vassiliev 2013). The investors face hardship in identifying the suitable sponsors in the initial stage to enter the market and it is needed to find an appropriate Saudi partner. Opportunities a) Saudi Arabia provides strengths in business policy as it does not need taxation on personal income and it has proximity in gulf markets. b) Saudi Arabia is key members of the Gulf Cooperation Council and it is the largest economy as well as the population in the Gulf region (Salem 2016). Once, Saudi Arabia entered into WTO, FDI climate has been improved and this country's strong side is economic stability, large local market, mines, the high spending power of companies and customers and banking system. c) Investors and multinational companies are observing rapid diversification in investment in Saudi economy and government are making a massive investment in infrastructure, transport, education, energy and healthcare. In business, Saudi companies use English as a mode of communication. Risk and dangers in current police of Germany a) In the year 2015, the FDI reached to USD33 billion, however, the inflows decreased to USD 9.5 billion in 2016 (Export.gov 2017). However, the tax rate in the Germany is high because the Germany tries to control the export from the US. b) In Germany, public financial institutions are structurally high in deficit and Eastern part of the Germany is not so developed economically and it is trying to catch up the Western part. However, ageing population is another problem in the growth of the workforce. c) Germany has been facing the issue of financing by the EU and with German Federal entities and the German government does not help in the initial investment phase. Opportunities a) Germany has an opportunity in the powerful industrial network and the Germany has skilled labours equipped with technologies. Germany has the reliable infrastructure in doing the business economic and politically. The legal framework is helpful and it is situated in heart of the Europe. b) Germany has the largest population in EU and it has competitive taxation (Cecil 2015). c) Germany provides favourable incentives for investment to multinational companies to Research Development and to enter the market. Conclusions Between these two countries, Saudi Arabia would be more appropriate to enter for Rio Tinto. In recent time, Saudi Arabia has projected a growth rate of 9% in the mining industry and it is the third pillar of the economy. Saudi Arabia has Arabian Shield where rocks had core minerals of iron ore, bauxite, copper, gold and silver, however, the non-metallic minerals are abundant. Saudi Arabia government has given greater access to the foreign companies in the mining industry and it is estimated to provide $26 billion by the end of 2020 adding 25,000 employment. The Government of Saudi started to invest in infrastructure and government wants large privatisation programme to train the national workforce, enhance raw materials and foster economic development and stable exchange rate. In case of first-stage processed products, the tariff has 4.2% and fully-processed products, the tariff rate is 5.5%. The tariff escalation is observed from first to the final stage and mixed protection of tari ff is seen in the metallic and non-metallic mineral products. Rio Tinto will get assistance to expand the business in Gulf countries and these countries have mines and Saudi Arabia is one of the world's 25 largest economies with aiming the top in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia is providing substantial cost advantage with low domestic cost in industrial land and cost of energy. Rio Tinto could get free access to other MENA economies and GCC countries and enjoy good transport and infrastructure. Reference List Cecil, L., 2015. Albert Ballin: business and politics in imperial Germany, 1888-1918. Princeton University Press. Cortizo, F.R. and Keyt, B., 2013. Climate Change and Flood Protection in Germany: Business Opportunities. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, 2013(6), pp.7319-7321. Dickson, H.R.P., 2015. The Arab of the Desert (RLE Saudi Arabia): A Glimpse Into Badawin Life in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia (Vol. 1). Abingdon: Routledge. Doingbusiness.org. 2017. Doing Business in Saudi Arabia - World Bank Group. Available at: https://www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploreeconomies/saudi-arabia [Accessed on 11 Dec. 2017]. En.portal.santandertrade.com. 2017. Business practices in Saudi Arabia - Santandertrade.com. Available at: https://en.portal.santandertrade.com/establish-overseas/saudi-arabia/business-practices [Accessed on 11 Dec. 2017]. En.portal.santandertrade.com. 2017. Operating a business in Germany - Santandertrade.com. Available at: https://en.portal.santandertrade.com/establish-overseas/germany/operating-a-business [Accessed on 11 Dec. 2017]. Export.gov. 2017. Germany - 1-Openness to Restrictions upon Foreign Investment | export.gov. Available at: https://www.export.gov/article?id=Germany-Openness-to-and-Restrictions-upon-Foreign-Investment [Accessed on 11 Dec. 2017]. Hill, C.W., Jones, G.R. and Schilling, M.A., 2014. Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. London: Cengage Learning. Peppard, J. and Ward, J., 2016. The strategic management of information systems: Building a digital strategy. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons. Riotinto.com. 2017. About Rio Tinto. Available at: https://www.riotinto.com/about-us-108.aspx [Accessed on 11 Dec. 2017]. Salem, M.I., 2016. The role of business incubators in the economic development of Saudi Arabia. The International Business Economics Research Journal (Online), 13(4), p.853. Vassiliev, A., 2013. The History of Saudi Arabia. London: Saqi. Wright Jr, J.W. ed., 2016. Business and economic development in Saudi Arabia. Berlin: Springer.
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