Monday, September 30, 2019
Poverty Eradication Programmes in India Essay
1. The National Food for Work Program The National Food for Work Program was launched on 14 November 2004 in 150 of the most backward districts of India with the objective of generating supplementary wage employment. The program is open to all rural poor who are prepared to do manual, unskilled labor. It is implemented as a centrally-sponsored scheme. Food grains are provided to the States free of cost. 2. Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana for providing self-Employment to Educated Unemployed Youth was announced by the Prime Minister on 15th August, 1993 to provide self-employed opportunities to one million educated unemployed youth in the country. The Scheme has been formally launched on 2 nd October, 1993 . The PMRY has been designed to provide employment to more than a million Person by setting up of 7 lakhs micro enterprises by the educated unemployed youth. 3. Rural Employment Generation Programme (REGP) Rural Employment Generation Programme (REGP) with effect from 1st April, 1995 . Its objectives are * To generate employment in rural areas. * To develop entrepreneurial skill and attitude among rural unemployed youth. * To achieve the goal of rural industrialization. * To facilitate participation of financial institutions for higher credit flow to rural industries. 4. Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) is an initiative launched by the Government of India on April 1, 1999. The SGSY aims at providing self-employment to villagers through the establishment of Self-help groups. Activity clusters are established based on the aptitude and skill of the people which are nurtured to their maximum potential. Funds are provided by NGOs, banks and financial institutions. 5. Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana It was introduced in 2000 – 2001 with the objective of focusing on village level development in five critical areas, i.e., Primary Health, Primary Education, Housing, Rural Roads and Drinking Water and Nutrition with the overall objective of improving the quality of life of people in rural areas. Rural electrification was added as an additional component from 2001 – 2002. 6. The Antyodaya Anna Yojana The Antyodaya Anna Yojana was launched on December 25, 2000. It contemplated providing 25 kg. of food grains per month at highly subsidized rates of Rs. 2 per kg. For wheat and Rs. 3 per kg. for rice to each Antodaya family. The total number of families to be covered under this scheme was placed at one crore. Antyodaya Anna Yojana has started in six States – Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and the UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Anowa- Whose Fault?
African Women Writers Tragic Responsibility Anowa is the second, last, and most accomplished play written by Ghanaian playwright, poet, short-story writer, and novelist Ama Ata Aidoo. Anowa was first published in 1970 and had it’s British premiere in London in 1991 (Enotes, 2013). It tells the story of a young African woman named Anowa. She is not like any of the other traditional women in the town. Anowa likes to make her own choices and lives by her own opinions. The elders call her stubborn, she won’t marry any of the sturdy men in the town, she laughs at her own jokes, listen to her own tales, and follows her own advice (67).They all believe her vision is clouded. Her mother, Badua, wishes to see her marry a man and her father could care less what she does. She ends up meeting a man, Kofi, in the village and falls in love with him. She irrationally runs off with him and marries him. She completely disowns her family and begins a life with Kofi. Over time, they fall away from each other do to communication issues and fertility issues. Due to the massive pain and heartache from the situation, Kofi and Anowa both kill each other in the end. There is debate within the text about who was at fault for the tragic ending.Many say that Anowa was the sole reason for their suicides. Although everyone in the society is at fault. Anowa’s parents, Anowa, Kofi, and the traditional society are at fault. Badua has spoiled Anowa for most of her life. She has allowed her daughter to act and think as she wishes. Badua states, â€Å"how can she come to any good when everyone is always gossiping about her? †(70). The mother is at fault for allowing her child to let her mind run free as a child and into her adolescence. She wanted her daughter to have control and then when she had it and chose to be with Kofi, her mother became very controlling and angry.As Badua complains to Osam, Anowa’s father, about her daughter not finding a husband, Osam writes her complaining off by saying that his only duty was to create children (71). Osam goes on to explain that he wanted her to become a priestess. Badua would not listen to him. She covered her ears and explained that priestess’ are not people; they are too much like Gods they interpret, they don’t feel and they have no shame (72). Osam is at fault because he avoids the situation. He doesn’t care what Anowa chooses and he doesn’t care to listen to his own wife.On page 78, Osam states his view about Anowa being immature. Even though he knows this, not once did he do anything to make her a more â€Å"mature†woman (78). On page 91, Badua states how she should have â€Å"taught (Anowa) to marry a man. †It is ironic considering she doesn’t have a great marriage and chose a man who doesn’t care. Badua and Osam are to blame for Anowa’s behavior. Anowa plays a massive role in the tragedy. Although she is not the only one t o blame, she is by far one of the main reasons for the suicides. There is nothing wrong with her wanting to think and choose on her own.Yet she chooses a man she met off the street; A man whom many find to be unsuitable for any woman in town. When she meets him, she has her legs and her breasts exposed (69). While Kofi and Anowa were swooning in the village, a woman looked back at them and falls over. They both laugh, finding the situation hilarious, but it shows the low maturity level they both have (69). When Kofi proposes, Anowa runs home and is screaming in the streets. Badua tells her she is marrying a â€Å"fool,†a â€Å"watery male. †Badua explains to Anowa that â€Å"marriage is like a piece of cloth†¦it’s beauty passes with wear and tear. She was trying to explain that what counts is what is on the inside, not the outside. Anowa immediately responds with, â€Å"I don’t care! †(77). She is being childish and impulsive. She isn†™t thinking about what is best for her. She is thinking about her own desires and is being selfish. No one in the story truly knows what is right or wrong. After she runs off with Kofi, she constantly argues with him. She states that she doesn’t need any protection and that she can take care of herself. She believes she can do everything on her own. She is ignorant. Kofi responds with realism but she always wants to fight him regardless.There are times when Kofi wants to enlighten her with a new concept, such as medicine, but she immediately shoots him down. She is not open-minded and isn’t willing to sacrifice anything for him (85). Yet she expects everyone else and Kofi to be open-minded. Anowa will talk to herself about Kofi rather than just talking to Kofi about what’s going on in her head. If she does not get her way, she exaggerates her emotions, like saying she was going to â€Å"cut her throat. †(90). For years, she knows she is unhappy and tha t she sees no future for herself with him.Instead of confronting that, she fights Kofi and rebels against everything he chooses. Anowa’s immaturity is seen even at the end of the book when she calls in everyone from town to tell of Kofi’s decision to kick her out of the house and to expose him of his infertility and lack of masculinity (121). You can’t blame people for not having the correct answer to everything, but it’s obvious that Anowa is partly to blame. Throughout the whole story, Kofi plays the victim. He manipulates the situation to make it seem as if he isn’t at fault for anything and that he has made all the best choices he thinks he could have made.Just like Anowa, he talks to himself often about the problems within their relationship and how he feels but they never communicate those things together. When Anowa speaks her mind, Kofi asks who told her that information, as if she couldn’t think for herself. Kofi only lives by what other people say is right or wrong, rather than listening to himself. Anowa wants to keep working but he thinks they have the right to rest. He never makes a compromise with her stating that she could work if she really wanted to. Kofi can tell that Anowa is unhappy but he could care less.He does nothing to make her feel happier. From the beginning of the story, the question of his masculinity is evolving. The old women explains how he â€Å"combs his hair too much. †(80). When Anowa begins to notice they are not able to have children, she believes she is at fault. When she offers to find Kofi another woman. This is the normal tradition for their culture, yet he becomes annoyed at her help. This is one time in the story where he chooses not to follow traditional ways. At one point, he wants to buy men and Anowa does not like this idea.She states that she doesn’t need help from other men. Kofi says, â€Å"if you don’t, I do. †(90). Which is still not a g ood explanation or reason for buying them. He explains that they will be helpers and that they won’t be â€Å"carrying†him or anything of that sort. By the end of the book, these men are carrying him. â€Å"But the Kofi of the trade in slavery, who ultimately depends on slave labor, is the Kofi of the excess that corrupts the soul. The new Kofi, who has made a pact with the devil of material success no matter at whose cost, is already dead long before his suicide†(Ngugi wa Thiong’o).Over time, Kofi begins to dress better and is always with the men he bought. He sees a doctor at one point in the story and finds out that he is unable to have children. Even though he has this information, he still blames Anowa as if it was her fault they couldn’t have children. He never tells her that he is the one with the issue. Anowa brings up the issue again towards the end of the book. She says she wants to find him another wife to have children with and he get s mad at her. Anowa has an epiphany and asks, â€Å"Are you dying? †(117).She realizes that he is the one with the fertility problem and has keeping it from her. She states that his has â€Å"exhausted his masculinity,†that he is â€Å"dead wood. †(122). She does all of this in front of everyone in the community. She humiliates him and he runs off and shoots himself. She then drowns herself soon after. Everyone in the story was blaming everyone else. They all had different reasons and different opinions about who was to blame for the tragedy. Due to Anowa’s untraditional spirit, many of the people blamed her for everything. The truth of the matter is that everyone in the story was at fault.No one wanted to communicate properly, no one was disciplined correctly, everyone had a huge ego and no one was willing to work anything out. Everyone was irrational and immature. Everyone is to blame for the suicides. Bibliography Literature of Developing Nations fo r Students,  ©2013 Gale Cengage. Retrieved at: http://www. enotes. com/anowa. Ngugi wa Thiong’0. Ama Ata Aidoo: A Personal Celebration. April, 2012. Retrieved at: http://www. newafricanmagazine. com/features/culture/ama-ata-aidoo-a-personal-celebration. Aidoo, Ama Ata, Anowa, Longman Group, 1970.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Balancing Control in Management
In any kind of organization, management control and management styles are core representatives of the way the organization works and how the people within the organization interact. To have a positive and healthy organizational environment, a suitable and balanced management style is very important. An organization has many plans and tasks that it takes care of either on a day to day business or time specific projects. The kind of management control over these projects and the involvement of the manager along with the employees also plays a crucial part in how successful these tasks and projects are.Management in a business environment comprises a combination of the different theories of management styles and the actual implementation or the practice. it is extremely important of a task for an organization to find the right kind of business management style which would be suitable to the kind of environment and personality your organization or business has and should be given a lot o f time and a lot should be invested in it.This is important because knowing your weaknesses and working on them to make them your strong points and also highlighting the strong points of your personality can help the organization grow and enable smooth process of communication with the employees and other people of concern. (Daud, 2008) If you consider the management style that exercises a lot of control and power over the employees and where the management has a lot of emphasis on what is being done on projects, it is basically known as an autocratic style of leadership.In this style the manager wants to take care of everything by enforcing a lot of power and sometimes misusing his or her power. Here more power and trust is given in the hands of the boss or the manager rather than the employees themselves. Rather than making the employees feel a part of the decision or the process, the management tends to take care of all the important decisions and creates a very cold and unconcer ned environment for the employees to work in. The problems that arise in this kind of leadership are that there is no employee manager relationship.People are not motivated to work because they feel like they are working under a dictatorship and they have no say in what the organization does. There is no employee loyalty or sense of belonging. This kind of style does manage to get the work done but at the expense of the morale of the employees. Employees in these kinds of culture are generally dissatisfied and there is a high employee turnover which refers to the amount of employees that leave the organization. (Beam, 2008)When we talk about the management style that has an open environment and complete freedom is given to the employees to make their own decisions and to build a casual and open environment where there are no rules or there is no one to answer to, you are basically describing a democratic style of management. Here the management has very little influence over what th e employees are doing and there is no form of formal control or guidance over the employees. The employees are given maximum freedom of input in projects and plans of the organization.Although the final decision is still taken by the management in this style of control, the employees are efficiently involved in the process before these decisions are made. The problem with this kind of management is that it completely ignores one of the core aspects of management that is control. The lack of control can have serious consequences on the kind of output the employees produce. With some kind of control, the management is able to keep the employees on their toes and is able to produce the outcome on time.In this kind of democratic leadership, the environment is such that employees are happy to come and there is a sort of comfort and the employees feel like they are a part of the organization, however, the relaxed environment can be misused by the employees to the extent that their work ho lds less importance than building and maintaining relationships. (Daud, 2008) Now we realize how important it is to create a balance between these two very diverse styles of management and management control. so one of these alternatives is known as â€Å"the laissez fair management style†.This style is one approach that aims to strike a balance between the two different approaches by using the advantages and avoiding the disadvantages of both the democratic and autocratic styles of leadership. This is a more accommodating style of management, This approach gives a balanced amount of power to the employees by allowing them to give their input in the decision making process while giving the management the control over making the decisions on both the project and how the employees are performing over projects and plans.Here the employees is not shunned and is given a fair chance to participate but also is under the control of the management so that he or she is answerable for a nything that they are doing or any task that they have been assigned to do so to the upper management. This way the balanced environment of work and healthy employee and management relationship is also maintained. References Beam, J. (2008).What is Employee turnover, Retrieved on September 3, 2008 from http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-employee-turnover. htm Daud, Naz (2008), Different Management Styles, Retrieved on September 3, 2008 from http://www. articlesbase. com/management-articles/different-business-management-styles-432524. html Windmueller, J. (1996). Conflict analysis and resolution bookshelf, Retrieved on September 3, 2008 from http://www. spcomm. uiuc. edu/projects/vta/vta021. 401
Friday, September 27, 2019
How did segregation, political machines, trusts, and immigration Essay
How did segregation, political machines, trusts, and immigration impact America from the end of Reconstruction through the Prog - Essay Example The majority of the Progressives supported the Prohibition movement as it was seen tantamount to undermining the local boss’ political power in saloons. (Timberlake, 1970) This era also coincides with the promotion of women’s suffrage in order to bring the â€Å"purer†female based vote into the political arena. (Southern, 1968) The Progressive movement is also better known for its emphasis on enhancing efficiency in all sectors. This change was brought about in large part by identifying older work methodologies which were subsequently modernised by promoting scientific methods. The political reform of the Progressive movement was led by many different people. The aspects of local government, medicine, finance, education, industry, churches, railroads, insurance and numerous other areas were reformed. The Progressive movement is particularly notable for introducing the social sciences to the purely scientific method and then developing them accordingly. The field s of political science, history and economics can be seen as major benefactors of the Progressive reform movements.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Answer the questions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Answer the questions - Research Paper Example In other words, the term ‘paradigm shift’ is used to show a considerable change in a basic model or perception. Nanomachines are still an emerging field of technology. Governments and large corporations are spending huge sums on research and development in the field of nanorobots. The first stream of research is nanomedicine that aims to utilize nanobots for cellular level operations. An example is the work by the Harvard and MIT researchers who attached chemotherapy drug to nano-particles which are able to identify cancer cells and release the drug into them. Another area is the use of robot organisms for space and planet exploration and colonization. For this purpose, Symbrion and Replicator projects are going on under the Seventh Framework Program of the European Union. Also, efforts are undertaken to incorporate distributive intelligence, programming and control. The success of this research will lead to the development of nano-swarms which are capable of computing and collaborating intelligently. In the field of molecular computing, researches are taking place in two directions. The first direction is using DNA computers to analyze the human genome with the intention to get accurate data that can be utilized for medical diagnosis. The second direction is the application of evolutionary computation to molecular evolution. An example is the application of the genetic algorithm to molecular evolution. Mills’ utilitarianism is based on the ‘greatest happiness principle’. According to him, one should select such an action that offers the greatest degree of happiness to the greatest number of stakeholders. The first argument against Doomsday Argument is the posteriori observation that claims that the chances for the extinction of a dominant species like humans are less than once in a million years. Another argument is that the people of a heavily populated future are not yet alive. So, it is not
Choose two theorists of Consciousness who write from different Essay - 1
Choose two theorists of Consciousness who write from different perspectives; explore and evaluate their respective contributions to the discipline of Psychonautics and Somanautics - Essay Example It should also fully explain the phenomena that are related to consciousness elements (Wilber, 2000). Although it is as old as human existence itself, consciousness has been a major unresolved problem in the world of science (Lancaster, 2004). However, there are some researchers who are willing to tackle this mystery. The term psychonautics is derived from two Greek terminologies: psyche (mind, spirit, soul) and nautes (sailor, navigator). It refers to the methodology used in the explanation and description of the subjective effects of consciousness states that have been altered (Surhone, Tipledon and Marseken, 2010). These alterations of the mind can be caused by many things including the use of mind-altering substances and spiritualism. Psychonautics can also be used to refer to a certain research concept whereby an individual explores human existence and experience by immersing himself into a state of altered consciousness (Eccles, 1994). Psychonautics can also be defined as the methodology sued in the study and exploration of consciousness and altered forms of consciousness. This definition rests with the idea that for one to study consciousness, he has to transform it first. Somanautics, a derivation of the Greek words soma (body) and nautes (Salilor, navigator), is a term used to refer to the exploration of the consciousness of the body. Therefore, the field of psychonautics and somanutics deals with the study and exploration of the body, mind and soul. The person who immerses himself into altered states for research purposes is referred to as a psychonaut (Blom, 2009). Surhone, Tipledon and Marseken (2010) add that the term psychonautics can be applied on a diversity of activities including those in which the altered states are â€Å"induced and utilized for spiritual purposes or the exploration of the human condition†(3). Some of the examples of altered state
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Language of the future generation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Language of the future generation - Essay Example Moreover, all the things of the world are interconnected, because the language is a binding part of this chain. Therefore, the language deserves respect and special attention, as any important thing deserves respect and special attention. Every day we use many different words. These words are in turn arranged in a certain order, which forms a unique and interesting world. This world has its own laws and also the presence of certain secrets. The world of language besides has its own unique history. Therefore, the words, with which we share with each other, always act on our souls, thoughts and life in general. In everyday life we ​​use language such often as breathe and walk. Communication is our common means of transmission of any information. But if we use a variety of words and phrases, we should think about their origin and meaning. After all, how correctly and competently we use the tools of our language, how we are perceived by others. One word can sometimes have o n the interlocutor quite diverse influences. So from the early age, when we begin to learn the basics of grammar and vocabulary, we must diligently and in good faith to obtain this knowledge. Otherwise, the person will not know the correct language. So, when he becomes an adult and independent person, he would realize that good knowledge of the language would make him more authoritative and wise for example among his colleagues. However, he will experience a shame and a lack of success.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Concept Analysis of Caring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Concept Analysis of Caring - Essay Example Nurse is a person capable to provide care while interacting with people. The provision of nursing care enables interactions to depict that this profession provides a basis for nursing as a profession discipline to interact with the society. Caring as a concept can be construed to mean providing for, looking after, or caring about somebody. The disposition for caring can range from a mild concern to a strong attachment of deep-felt love. According to caring and nursing theorists such as Ranheim & Bertero (2012) and Gillespie et al. (2012) caring is both a value and an attitude that becomes an intent due to manifestation of the concrete acts. Other caring philosophers argue that caring relationships establish strong ethos of love, sacrifice, and responsibility in caritative ethic. Care and caring have a feministic inclination due to the natural mother taking care of children. To better understand the approach of caring and the role of the practice I will consolidate empirical findings from three different studies that will reveal the nurse caring intentions to reflect the caring theory in practice. The study aims to elaborate a critical representation of the caring concept as presented in the nursing literature using conceptual analytical approaches. The critical reflection on the caring concept represents the concept as vague and indefinite while ontology and epistemology in profession nursing distinguish conceptual analyses of caring and the structural perspective of language. Additionally the paper will mention the self-referential attributes of the concept of caring, uses, and the analytical methods. An alterative view will explain caring as a discursive practice instead of a rigid entity while informing on the role of the concept in the nursing practice. A poststructuralist view perceives caring as deputation rather than a guiding concept that can c ater for extensive research in caring theory. Lastly the paper will examine the
Monday, September 23, 2019
What is Organizational Psychology Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
What is Organizational Psychology Letter - Essay Example Organizational psychology has been in existence since the previous century - since factories began their operations. The owners of these factories aimed at gaining profits, and they did not consider the employees’ interest and well-being. Psychologists used their knowledge in testing employees in different occupations. Between 1924 and 1932, psychologist Harry Landsberger discovered that employees performed better when they felt that someone else was interested in their work, for instance, supervisors in white coats, who carried clipboards, were an inspiration to employees (Cogniphany, 2008). The study of the history of organizational psychology informs us on how far we have come, and the importance of the previous ideas, which can determine the future of organizational psychology. Organizational psychology brought about change in work, after the First World War, the then industrial psychologists were interested in fatigue and efficiency, and researched on how to design work that would yield maximum profits (Furnham, 2005, p.62). However, the present organizational psychologists are interested in the well-being of employees, and the effect they have on the organization. In 1960, McGregor differentiated between the assumptions that managers have on employees. Theory X stated that the supervision approach is determined by managers’ view on human nature. This theory insists that human beings hate working; therefore, they must be controlled or punished for organizational goals to be achieved. Therefore, high levels of control would be exercised by managers who support theory X. whilst theory Y insisted on the application of less control, this theory acknowledges that people view work as a natural activity, and therefore, they are committed to work if they are motivated with rewards (Furnham, 2005, p.67). The Hawthorne effect indicated that employees respond positively to change in the work
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Ibm Case Essay Example for Free
Ibm Case Essay History By the 1950’s, IBM became the dominant vendor in the computer industry with the release of the IBM 701 along with many other series of mainframes, which are large central processors. Then in the1960’s and 1970’s, the company had to diversify to get on the same level as smaller companies, such as Digital Equipment Corporation, who were introducing microprocessors. This threatened IBM’s position in the computer industry. Their response was coming put with a personal computer, software, and services. In 1981, IBM officially introduced the IBM PC with a compatible hardware platform. This was a large accomplishment for the company. A few years later, on May 1st, 2005, IBM sold its PC division to the Chinese company Lenovo for $655 million in cash and $600 million in Lenovo stock. Then on January 25, 2007, IBM sold their printing systems division for $725 million to Ricoh and created a new Ricoh subsidiary called InfoPrint Solutions Company. Ricoh will now own a 51% share and IBM will own a 49% share. Also in 2007, IBM’s yearly revenue was $98. 8 billion and they had a net income of $10. 8 billion dollars. IBM is run by about 427,000 employees. There are three main people who keep the business running smoothly. The most important one is Samuel J. Palmisano, who is the Chairman, President, and CEO. Another important associate at IBM is Mark Loughridge, who is the SVP and CFO. And lastly, Douglas Elix, who is another SVP, a Group Executive, and is in charge of Sales and Distribution. These three men are vital to the company’s success. Besides them, most of the employees at IBM are IT Specialists, Application Services Consultants, and Managing Consultants. Every company has to have competitors. Competition makes a healthy industry. Some of the top competitors IBM runs against are EDS (Electronic Data Systems Corporation), Hewlett Packerd, and their biggest competitor, Microsoft, whom they are ranked right behind in second place in their industry. IBM has many recent accomplishments within that last few years. One of the major ones was the development of the world’s tiniest nanophotonic switch, which is a device for routing light on a chip scale. Another project they have completed wasweb 2. security concerns with â€Å"SMash,†which is one of their development tools. Another very large project they completed was the design of the microprocessor for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Nintendo Wii. All three of those were a good addition to the list of products they already design. This opened up their age range of consumers as well since a lot of children play these video systems. Besides recent accomplishments in their elec tronic field, IBM also had many of their employees win multiple awards for their achievements. They have had three of their employees win Nobel Prizes, which are achievements in either physics, chemistry, literature, peace, economics, medicine and physiology; four have received a Turing Awards, which are awards for technology; five have National Medals of Technology; and five more have received National Medals of Science. These are all very big accomplishments that IBM is very proud of. IBM is currently working on many projects. One of its big ones is Eclipse, which is a platform-independent, Java based software framework. Another is developerWorks, which is a website run by IBM for software developers and IT professionals. It contains large numbers of how-to articles and tutorials, software downloads, code samples, discussion forums, podcasts, blogs, wikis, and other resources. Then there is alphaWorks which is IBM’s source for emerging software technologies. They are also working on more semiconductor designs and manufacturing for them. Open client offering is another project they are working on. It is to run on Windows, Linux and Apples. Used for word processing, presentations, Lotus Notes, instant messaging, blogging, etc†¦ UC2: Unified Communications and Collaboration is an IBM and Cisco joint project. It will offer numerous Eclipse applications developers a unified platform for an easier work environment. Examples of this would be click-to-call and voice mailing. SWOT on Management IBM holds more patentsthan any other U. S. based technology company. IBM’s Project Management Center of Excellence, or PM COE, is first-rate. PM COE is considered IBM’s â€Å"Think Tank†. It is a program that has been set up to define the steps needed to strengthen IBM’s project management capabilities. PM COE combines external industry trends and directions with IBM business, organizational, geographic requirements and insight. Using PM COE, IBM has developed project management policy, practices, methods, and tools (Wikipedia, 2008). For someone to be considered for a management position, they must complete IBM certification or accreditation. To be accepted in to the certification or accreditation process an individual must have done the following. Successfully passed PMI exam (i. e. be a certified PMP). Verifiable documentation and approval for mastery/expertise in a well-defined set of PM skills. Several years of PM experience spanning at least 3 verifiable projects within the immediate 5 years (including specific role, team size, and budget requirements). Verifiable documentation and proof of at least one area of specialty. Demonstrated the use of IBMs Worldwide Project Management Method (_WWPMM_). Completed extensive classroom and online education and testing. To become a Junior Project Manager, you must go through self assessment and get supervisors authorization to be accredited. Becoming a Senior Project Manager requires going through the rigorous IBM certification process, which involves Candidate preparing a detailed package with proof of above requirements. Package review, approval, and support by at least two levels of Senior Management. Package review and re-verification by PM COE expert. Personal interviews with the PM COE Certification board. Candidates whose experience, skills, knowledge and education are deemed valid, verifiable and accurate, are certified by the board as either Certified Senior Project Manager (CSPM) or Certified Executive Project Manager (CEPM). Senior Project managers must validate their skills and expertise against IBM’s worldwide standards. It is a deliberately long process with multiple checkpoints designed to ensure the integrity, fairness and legitimacy of the certification. This helps IBM maintain customer confidence in their products (Wikipedia, 2008). Since IBM is such a large, diversified, and established company they do not have many weaknesses. One weakness is they have a tendency to â€Å"strong arm†clients that are highly dependent on IBM products (Bradley, 2004). In the future this reputation could lead companies to be hesitant to rely on IBM’s merchandise. This reputation could also create bad enough relationships with current clients to make them transfer to a competitor’s product. IBM has also been known to â€Å"over promise†(Bradley, 2004). Since they are such a large corporation, with many capabilities, they tend to promise unrealistic deadlines to their customers. Businesses don’t like losing money, and opening later then planned is a good way to do that. These delays in their customers start-ups, could also lead to unfavorable relationships that could cause clients to move their business elsewhere. IBM is constantly looking for new opportunities to expand their share of the market, or start a new market. IBM is looking into revolutionizing the prevention of traditional and online fraud and Identity thefts. They are working on a comprehensive anti-fraud program that is going to help banks protect themselves and their customers, while continuing to offer their products and services (IBM, 2006). IBM is also conducting case studies for the automotive industry. The case studies are going to help them change the industry, and become more innovative (Lunani, 2006). Hopefully, the innovations will alleviate some of the stress the industry is under. Management Practices ; Theories SWOT analysis is a very important part of finding out a lot of information pertaining to current management functions within the company. However, it is what the management does after they find their strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats that are the most relevant part of determining a company’s success. The theories and practices the company uses to take advantage of their strengths, try to combat their weaknesses, use opportunities to their best interest, and to defend themselves from threats are the key determinant on what the company’s future looks like. IBM as one of the top companies in the world clearly knows what they are doing. They have taken into careful consideration their SWOT analysis and their management theories and practices are derived from their analysis. Being involved in competitive global competition, the company’s workforce is an essential part to IBM’s success. In knowing of this, IBM has created a list of seven key core workforce capabilities. These capabilities include: Understanding the demographics and capabilities of the workforce, predicting future labor supply and demand, utilizing social networks to increase the visibility and application of knowledge across the organization, enabling individuals to perform work regardless of location, facilitating collaboration across traditional organizational boundaries, driving the rapid development of skills and capabilities to meet changing business conditions, and evaluating employee performance and providing appropriate feedback. IBM has implemented these guidelines so their workforces can constantly adapt to the ever changing global business environment. In addition, workers are paid incentives for their input to keep the employees with a sense of involvement which is important to keeping them excited about IBM. At IBM, the managers believe and in a workforce that is diversified. According to Ron Glover, VP for Global Workforce Diversity at IBM, focuses on what it means to retain a true culture of diversity is IBM’s greatest competitive advantage. From all the way back to World War I, IBM has romoted workforce diversity when they hired disabled veterans to work for the company. Even when no one was using diversity IBM was. Way back in 1953, CEO at the time Thomas Watson sent out a very controversial stating that IBM needs to hire the best people, regardless of their race, ethnic origin, sex. In addition, the company added sexual orientation in 1984. He knew that this would give IBM a competitive advan tage because IBM would then be able to hire talented people the it’s competitors would turn down. (hrmreport. com, 2008) Another way IBM tries to get the best workers is using their program called Extreme Blue. This is an internship program for graduate and undergraduate students. This internationally known program is great for getting students prepared to work for IBM. IBM believes this will give students interested in working for a IBM a realistic perspective on what it would be like to work for them. IBM runs this diverse workforce under a classical management perspective. Money is assumed to be the primary motive and have a traditional compensation plan. The main forms of pay to employees are base pay and valuable other forms of benefits such as retirement plans and insurances. According to the company’s website, â€Å"cash compensation opportunities include base pay, commissions, performance bonuses, awards and other forms of earnings. †In addition to these forms of pay, IBM also offers generous paid vacation and holidays. There are also some benefits to relieve stress and just get away from the company for a little while. These benefits include reduced-prices, cooking lessons, and fitness centers. This management style has worked for them and we think they should stick with the classical approach to management and not move to a behavioral perspective. IBM uses an analyzer strategy which most large companies use. An analyzer strategy is a strategy in which the firm attempts to maintain its current businesses and to be somewhat innovative in new businesses. They use this strategy because they want to produce some new product opportunities while protecting their base of operations. (Griffen, 2007) Management Structure â€Å"The management structure that IBM maintains is an effective internal control structure. This structure has clearly defined lines of responsibility, as well as comprehensive systems and control procedures. This structure is beneficial because it assures customers that their transactions are put through correctly and efficiently. â€Å"(http://sec. edgar-online. com) An important part of IBM’s management structure is a good internal audit program. IBM takes a good amount of time to train its workers correctly. Each employee receives written policies and procedures to ensure that each employee knows exactly what to do under any circumstance or problem that may arise. By doing this everyone is on the same page and everything is done the way they want it done. IBM is now thinking about cutting 13,000 jobs most of which should be mostly in Europe and other headquarters around the world. Ethics With all of the diversity that exists within the company it would be hard for IBM to conduct any work without ethics on their minds. As in any large company there is some sort of unethical behavior going on, however these behaviors have not been detrimental to the company thus far. So far it is obvious that IBM wont make any large scale unethical decisions such as the like of Enron. The ethics are very important in the business process and will be discussed more in an interview with a former employee. Interview With a Former Employee Flat or tall management structure? â€Å"The structure tends to be taller than most companies, especially within the consulting group. †Management Style? â€Å"The managers take a very classical by the book style to their decisions. Everything that had happened before was documented and later considered protocol, if there was success. †What ethics does IBM use in decision making? â€Å"IBM has well defined guidelines on many ethical issues, and it is required that all new employees review these guidelines. Employees are also required to take an annual review test to comply with IBM corporate policy. In my experience IBM relies on individual managers to make judgment calls on grey areas, and the managers I worked with all took ethic approaches to handling the issue. †What are the areas for improvement? â€Å"IBM has had difficulties integrating its consulting division, since the acquisition of Price Waterhouse Coopers consulting in 2002. Much effort has been focused on getting full value from this acquisition, and at least initially the purchase was viewed as a misstep. With changes over the last few years, the consulting division has become the bulk of IBM revenue, but there are still opportunities to better leverage the consulting division in light of other IBM business units. IBM has also been severally criticized for its outsourcing practices, and has taken very proactive measures to combat this public criticism. †Any alliances? â€Å"IBM has numerous alliances with companies, all the way from suppliers to working with competitors. The number of alliances in likely in the thousands. †What makes IBM so successful? The ability to solve large scale business problems, especially in the IT sector, by combining various internal specialties and partnerships to create and implement end to end solutions. †Have you witnessed any unethical behavior throughout the company? â€Å"I have not personally witnessed any unethical behavior, but have spoken to a former VP who was put in a position to take an unethical action by someone who wa s very senior in the organization. †Hiring procedures? Promotions procedures? â€Å"Hiring is done at the group level, based upon target numbers that are established at the top of the organization. Final hiring decisions are made at the senior manager level. Promotion decisions occur annually with promotions and compensation based upon the outcome of the decision. Promotion is granted if the employee can show sufficient evidence that he/she is operating at the intended promotion level, and that the results are sustainable (ie. , results must be shown for a relatively long time and consistent time period, in various situations) . The implementation of the corresponding compensation typically occurs six months after promotion decisions are made. The timing of promotions and compensation increases are an area which many employees feel needs to be corrected, and IBM has stated it intends to reduce the total time of the process. †Relationship between managers and subordinates? â€Å"Varies greatly based upon individual relationships. IBM offers many channels to discuss issues, but the design of the promotion/compensation/staffing structure makes it imperative to have a successful working relationship with direct and next level management. †Is there a lot of management restructuring? Yes, at the lower levels, especially in consulting, management roles are very fluid and change frequently in comparison with other companies. Some of this is based on market changes, some on promotions/exits, and some on business results. †What kind of fringe benefits do workers receive? â€Å"Discounts with partner companies, cell and broadband reimbursement, 401k contribution, pension (eliminated in 2006), corporate educatio n, annual bonus (consulting division), extensive health care coverage at low rates. †Is there a lot of communication between the different headquarters? Conclusion It is obvious that IBM is successful because their values and the way they conduct business. This is a direct reflection upon their management structure, style, and practices. They will surely stay on the same track of success for many years to come. As they push forward in their business they are becoming one of the most well known businesses whether it be for technology or consulting around the world. No matter what kind of work a person is in one thing is for certain, everyone can learn from the way IBM conducts their business.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Pendahuluan Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang
Pendahuluan Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang 1.0 Pendahuluan *Pendahuluan {Englsh Translation Preliminary} similar to Pengenalan {Englsh Translation: Introduction} Read this essay in English here > Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang terdiri daripada lebih 200 kumpulan etnik. Antaranya ialah Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan-Dusun, Iban dan lain-lain. Dengan penduduk yang pelbagai budaya ini, perpaduan etnik atau sebaliknya sentiasa menjadi agenda dalam pengurusan masyarakat dan pemerintahan negara ini. Oleh kerana wujudnya kepelbagaian budaya, agama dan bahasa dalam kalangan rakyat di negara ini, maka timbulah pelbagai masalah yang melibatkan hubungan etnik. Boleh dikatakan bahawa perkauman akan sentiasa menjadi batas pemisah antara rakyat pelbagai kaum. Keadaan ini seterusnya boleh melahirkan ketegangan dan konflik antara kaum dan seterusnya boleh menyebabkan berlakunya pertumpahan darah. Berdasarkan kepada peristiwa 13 Mei, beberapa perkara penting yang perlu dipandang serius dalam membina nagara bangsa yang bersatu padu. Dalam hal ini, ternyata faktor hubungan etnik yang harmonis menjadi anak kunci bagi keseimbangan antara kekukuhan ekonomi dan kestabilan politik. Hubungan etnik yang mantap sangat perlu dalam kalangan rakyat sesebuah negara yg mempunyai kepelbagaian dari segi agama, bahasa, budaya dan etnik. Rakyat Malaysiayang terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum dan agama perlu menganggap diri mereka sebagai bangsa Malaysia yang berfikir dan bertindak ke arah mencapai satu matlamat. Sejajar dengan ini, perpaduan yang sedia terjalin antara kaum di negara ini perlu diperkukuhkan lagi bagi mewujudkan suasana negara yang lebih aman, maju, selamat dan makmur. 2.0 Cabaran hubungan etnik 2.1 Cabaran hubungan etnik dari aspek ekonomi Salah satu cabaran hubungan etnik dalam aspek ekonomi ialah pemisahan fizikal. Pemisahan fizikal ini wujud kesan daripada dasar ‘pecah dan perintah yang diamalkan oleh penjajah British pada masa dahulu. Pemisahan fizikal ini menyebabkan menyebabkan sesuatu golongan etnik itu tidak mengenal atau berpeluang untuk berinteraksi dengan lebih kerap kerana tinggal di wilayah yang berbeza. Hal ini merenggangkan perhubungan perhubungan dan interaksi serta memperkuatkan lagi perasaan kekitaan dan etnosentrisme dalam kalangan anggota setiap etnik. Keadaan ini seterusnya akan menimbulkan prasangka, stereotaip dan mengekalkan kejahilan dalam kalangan ahli sesuatu golongan etnik terhadap golongan etnik yang lain. Setiap golongan etnik mempunyai sistem pendidikan yang tersendiri dan masih menggunakan sukatan pelajaran yang diamalkan di negara asal mereka. Pelajar Melayu belajar di sekolah Melayudan menggunakan bahasa Melayu. Orang India pula bersekolah di sekolah Tamil dan menggunakan bahasa Tamil. Manakala bagi pelajar Cina, mereka bersekolah di sekolah Cina dan menggunakan bahasa Mandarin. Keadaan ini menyebabkan interaksi sesama mereka hanya berkisar dalam kalangan etnik yang sama. Selain itu, kontrak sosial juga juga kerap dibangkitkan oleh sesetengah pihak. Kontrak sosial merupakan persetujuan yang dicapai semasa kemerdekaan dalam merangka perlembagaan. Antara isu yang sering ditimbulkan ialah kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu, kedudukan agama Islam, bahasa Melayu, dan sebagainya. Sebarang isu atau kontrak sosial yang dibangkitkan boleh membawa kepada kerenggangan hubungn etnik di Malaysia. 2.2 Cabaran hubungan etnik dari aspek ekonomi Dalam sektor ekonomi, terdapat jurang yang luas dari segi penguasaan ekonomi. Kebanyakan orang Melayu menguasai sektor pertanian yang agak mundur. Orang Cina umumnya menguasai sektor yang lebih maju seperti perniagaan dan perdagangan. Manakala orang India pula menguasai sektor ekonomi yang berasaskan ladang. Kesannya, wujud jurang pendapatan yang berbeza antara etnik. Dasar British yang meletakan kaum berdasarkan kepada pekerjaan menyebabkan etnik tertentu mendominasi dalam satu-satu bidang pekerjaan. Orang Melayu kebanyakannya terlibat dalam sektor pertanian, nelayan dan berkhidmat sebagai penjawat awam. Kebanyakan orang Cina pula terlibat dalam sektor perniagaan dan perlombongan. Manakala sebahagian besar orang India pula merupakan buruh di estet. Perbezaan ini telah menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati dalam kalangan etnik tertentu. Secara tidak langsung, perkara ini memperkukuhkan lgi semangat perkauman. 2.3 Cabaran hubungan etnik dari aspek politik Di negara ini terdapat pelbagai parti politik yang berasaskan kumpulan etnik dan setiap parti politik akan memperjuangkan kepentingan kumpulan etnik yang diwakilinya. Politok perkauman ini boleh menimbulkan perasaan tidak senang hati dan mengukuhkan semangat perkauman jika penyuaraan kepentingan etnik tertentu dibuat tanpa mengambil kira kepentingan semua pihak. Jika isu perkauman seperti bahasa, kebudayaan, pendidikan, agama, kerakyatan dan ekonomi dibangkitkan, maka tindakan ini tidak akan menyumbang kea rah masyarakat yang bersatu padu. 2.4 Cabaran nilai antara etnik Malaysia merupakan negara yang terdiri daripada masyarakat majmuk. Oleh itu, terdapat pelbagai perbezaan dari segi agama, bahasa dan kebudayaan dalam masyarakat di Malaysia. Setiap kumpulan etnik mempertahankan kebudayaan dan adat resam mereka, mengutamakan etnik mereka dan mungkin juga menganggap kebudayaan mereka sahaja yang terbaik. Hal ini menyebabkan anggota etnik lebih mengutamakan anggota daripada etnik yang sama dalam memilih sahabat, mendapatkan pekerjaan dan natijah akhirnya akan mewujudkan polarisasi antara etnik. Selain daripada itu kewujudan akhbar yang pelbagai bahasa dengan mengutamakan kelompok etnik mereka akan memperkukuhkan lagi perasaan kumpulan etnik masing-masing. Cabaran dari segi kepentingan nilai ini akan mewujudkan masalah yang lebih besar jika fahaman etnosentrisme itu dijadikan pegangan dalam masyarakat. 2.5 Cabaran globalisasi Globalisasi merujuk kepada dunia tanpa sempadan dimana perhubungan menjadi semakin pintas dan cepat. Kita boleh mengetahui keadaan dunia luar dengan pantas dan cepat dan segala maklumat boleh disalurkan tanpa ada sekatan. Globalisasi membawa masuk pengaruh dari Barat dari segi ideology, budaya hedonism dan nilai negatif, ekonomi bebas, sains dan teknologi yang memusnahkan dan system politik yang dianggap terbaik bagi semua manusia. Melalui globalisasi, kuasa Barat mengeksport segala macam keburukan yang merosakkan negara dan alam sekitar, budaya hiburan dan pengeksplotasian sumber manusia dan bahan mentah. Gejala ini mengakibatkan lenyapnya nilai luhar dan pemikiran Barat diterima secara ke dalam masyarakat. Kejayaan mereka ini dibantu oleh masyarakat tempatan yang menganggap segala yang datang dari barat adalah baik dan moden. Keadaan ini akan memberi kesan kepada hubungan etnik, intergrasi, perpaduan, mudah terjadinya konflik dan lebih parah lagi mengundang rusuhan kaum. Secara tidak langsung, keadaan ini akan memburukan lagi hubungan etnik di Malaysia. 3.0 Peranan kerajaan dalam meningkatkan hubungan etnik 3.1 Penubuhan Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional Peristiwa rusuhan kaum pada 13 Mei 1969 telah membuka mata pelbagai pihak tentang pentingnya usaha-usaha yang lebih serius diberikan tumpuan dalam mengurus perbezaan serta sensitiviti yang terdapat dalam sesebuah masyarakat majmuk seperti Malaysia. Berikutan peristiwa tersebut, Majlis Gerakan Negara (MAGERAN) telah ditubuhkan. Pada 1 Julai 1969, Jabatan Perpaduan Negara di bawah perintah MAGERAN telah diwujudkan bagi menanggani isu-isu berhubung pembinaan semula perpaduan masyarakat di negara kita pada waktu itu (Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional,2006). Selepas pembubaran MAGERAN, Majlis Penasihat Perpaduan Negara telah ditubuhkan iaitu pada 23 Februari 1971. tanggungjawab bagi memupuk dan memelihara perpaduan antara kaum di negara ini terus diletakkan di bawah tanggungjawab Jabatan Perpaduan Negara. Antara 1990-2004, Jabatan Perpaduan Negara telah diletakkan semula di bawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri dengan nama Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional (JPNIN). Bermula daripada kemerdekaan sehingga kini, kerajaan telah merangka dan memberi penekanan kepada beberapa dasar dalam bidang sosioekonomi yang menjurus kepada perpaduan dan keharmonian masyarakat pelbagai kaum serta integrasi nasional. Dasar-dasar yang dimaksudkan termasuklah Dasar Pendidikan Kebangsaan, Dasar Kebudayaan Kebangsaan dan Dasar Ekonomi Baru. Dasar-dasar tersebut telah diperkukuh lagi dengan memperkenal Rukun Negara sebagai ideologi kebangsaan. Bagi mengurangkan tindak tanduk politik yang boleh memecahbelahkan rakyat, usaha telah diambil untuk membentuk Barisan Nasional. Sebagai tindakan susulan dalam memperlengkap dan memperkukuh usaha pembentukan bangsa Malaysia., beberapa dasar lain telah dibentuk. Antaranya ialah Dasar Pembangunan Negara, Dasar Wawasan Negara dan Dasar sosial Negara. Pendirian kerajaan telah menegaskan lagi dalam pernyataan Wawasan 2020. JPNIN melalui Pelan Tindakan Perpaduan dan Integrasi Nasional 2005-2010, telah merancang pelbagai usaha untuk memupuk dan mempertingkatkan perpaduan dan integrasi nasional iaitu: 1. Strategi Politik: Persefahaman 2. Strategi Ekonomi 3. Strategi Pendidikan 4. Strategi Penggunaan Bahasa Kebangsaan 5. Strategi Agama 6. Strategi Kebudayaan 7. Strategi Integrasi Wilayah 8. Stategi Keselamatan 9. Strategi Pembangunan Kawasan 10. Strategi Penggunaan Tenaga Manusia 11. Strategi Media Massa 12. Strategi Kesukanan 13. Strategi Pemasyarakatan Perpaduan 14. Strategi Pertubuhan Sukarela 15. Strategi Penyelidikan dan Penerbitan Bahan Bacaan 16. Strategi Pemantauan Isu-isu Semasa dan Konflik 17. Strategi Penubuhan Panel Penasihat Perpaduan Negara (PANEL) dan Jawatankuasa Penasihat Perpaduan Peringkat Negeri (JKPPN) 18. Strategi Program dan Aktiviti Perpaduan 19. Strategi-strategi lain: -Mewujudkan latihan dalam bidang komunikasi antara budaya -Mewujudkan pengauditan dasar-dasar kerajaan -Menghasilkan satu etika mengenai hak dan tanggungjawab kemanusiaan untuk rakyat Malaysia -Penerbitan bahan bacaan secara meluas mengenai kaum-kaum di Malaysia. 3.2 Memperkasakan sekolah wawasan Sistem pendidikan pebagai aliran menyebabkan tidak ada acuan khusus yang boleh digunakan untuk membentuk masyarakat yang bersatu padu . sistem pendidikan pelbagai aliran yang wujud sekarang telah mengakibatkan ibu bapa pelajar memilih aliran mengikut kaum masing-masing. Usaha memupuk perpaduan haruslah dimulakan sejak awal lagi dengan mambabitkan murid sekolah rendah dalam acuan yang sama. Dengan itu, sekolah kebangsaan perlu diperkasakan bagi menerapkan semangat perpaduan dalam kalangan pelajar pelbagai etnik. Justeru, para pelajar dapat dilatih hidup saling bekerjasama dan mempunyai semangat patriotisme serta berakomodatif yang tinggi. Maka, usaha-usaha perlu diambil untuk memperkasakan sekolah kebangsaan dalam sistem pendidikan negara bagi meletakkan landasan yang lebih kukuh ke arah menyatupadukan rakyat berbilang kaum di negara ini tanpa mengetepikan sekolah rendah jenis kebangsaan yang telah dipersetujui oleh semua golongan etnik di bawah kontrak sosial. Setiap ibu bapa diberi kebebasan menghantar anak mereka ke sekolah kebangsaan. Jika mereka memilih sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina atau Tamil, maka tidak ada sesiapa yang boleh menghalang mereka. Namun begitu, sekolah kebangsaan merupakan institusi pendidikan utama bagi anak-anak Malaysia untuk memenuhi aspirasi dan memiliki jati diri nasional. Sekolah Kebangsaan bukan sahaja berkemampuan untuk mendidik pelajar tetapi membantu menanam nilai-nilai perpaduan dalam kalangan pelajar yang terdiri daripada palbagai kaum. Sekolah kebangsaan merupakan aliran utama pendidikan untuk semua warganegara Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum. Bagi memupuk semangat perpaduan dan keyakinan terhadap sistem sekolah satu aliran, sekolah kebangsaan perlu dijadikan lebih menarik untuk menarik minat orang bukan Melayu. Dalam Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan, bagi menjadikan sekolah kebangsaan sebagai sekolah pilihan, kualiti pengajaran di sekolah kebangsaan akan diperingkatkan dengan 100 peratus guru di sekolah menengah dan 25 peratus guru di sekolah rendah akan mempunyai kelayakan ijazah pertama menjelang tahun 2010. Semangat perpaduan dalam kalangan pelajar bukan sahaja perlu dipupuk oleh pihak sekolah tetapi juga institusi pendidikan tinggi. Antara langkah yang boleh dijalankan adalah seperti berikut, iaitu: 1. Tidak mengetepikan proses penguasaan bahasa ibunda masing-masing dengan memperkenalkan pengajaran bahasa Mandarin dan Tamil. 2. Memberi kesedaran kepada pelajar tentang kepentingan interaksi antara golongan etnik. 3. Mengadakan lebih banyak aktiviti antara golongan etnik 4. Mengadakan program interaksi antara sekolah dan memasukkan unsur-unsur interaksi etnik dalam kurikulum serta meningkatkan kemahiran berinteraksi dengan golongan etnik lain. 3.3 Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) yang mula dilaksanakan pada tahun 2004 merupakan khusus latihan wajib selama tiga bulan secara berkhemah dan berasrama bagi remaja lepasan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. PLKN dilaksanakan berteraskan Rukun Negara dan mempunyai kurikulum multidisiplin yang merangkumi empat modul iaitu modul fizikal (merangkumi antara lain aktiviti kawad, merempuh halangan, merentas desa dan kembara hutan); modul kenegaraan (pengetahuan tentang pembinaan Negara atau nation-building); Modul Pembinaan Karakter (penerokaan diri sendiri dan hubungan interpersonal) dan Modul Khidmat Komuniti (merangkumi antara lain aktiviti gotong- royong seperti membersihkan, mengindahkan dan menceriakan kawasan sekitar). PLKN tidak bersifat kerahan tenaga atau mengikut trend yang diamalkan oleh negara lain. Seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Jabatan Latihan Khidmat Negara, PLKN bertujuan untuk meningkatkan semangat patriotisme dalam kalangan generasi muda , memupuk perpaduan kaum serta integrasi nasional, membentuk perwatakan positif menerusi nilai-nilai murni, menyemarakkan semangat kesukarelaan, dan melahirkan generasi muda yang lebih cergas, cerdas dan penuh keyakinan. PLKN sememangnya menyumbang terhadap usaha memupuk perpaduan kaum, terutamanya dalam kalangan golongan remaja kerana semua aktiviti yang dijalankan menekankan semangat muhibah dan saling bertolak ansur antara peserta tidak mengira kaum atau agama. Modul kenegaraan dapat menyemai semangat cinta akan tanah air di samping membolehkan para peserta mempelajari adat dan budaya pelbagai kaum. Apabila wujudnya rasa cintakan negara dalam diri peserta, perpaduan kaum dan integrasi nasional serta saling kerjasama antara kaum di Malaysia dapat diwujudkan kerana masing-masing mempunyai satu matlamat, iaitu untuk melihat Malaysia sebagai negara yang aman dan harmonis. Hal ini akhirnya dapat melahirkan remaja yang sanggup berkorban demi perpaduan bangsa. 4.0 Peranan masyarakat dalam konteks hubungan etnik 4.1 Rukun Tetangga Skim Rukun Tetangga telah diperkenalkan pada tahun 1975 berikutan dengan kuat kuasanya Peraturan-Peraturan Perlu (Rukun Tetangga 1975). Pada peringkat awal, Rukun Tetanggga membolehkan rakyat mengawal keselamatan di kawasan kediaman masing-masing. Dengan tumpuan diberi kepada tugas rondaan yang diwajibkan kepada masyarakat setempat yang berumur antara 18 hingga 55 tahun. Mulai 1 Januari 1983 kerajaan telah memperkenalkan satu pembaharuan dengan memberi penekanan pada konsep kejiranan yang bertujuan untuk memupuk serta mengukuhkan lagi semangat kejiranan dalam kalangan masyarakat setempat. Berikutan dengan ini, Peraturan Perlu (Rukun Tetangga) 1975 telah dipinda bagi tujuan tersebut. Dalam tahun 2000, pendekatan Rukun Tetangga telah dipinda sekali lagi dengan memberi mandat yang lebih luas iaitu pembangunan masyarakat secara menyeluruh ke arah mewujudkan perpaduan nasional. Visi Rukun Tetangga ialah membantu dalam pembentukan satu bangsa Malaysia yang bersatu padu dalam konteks pencapaian Wawasan 2020. Manakala misinya ialah memupuk kesefahaman dan bertolak ansur ke arah pembangunan bangsa Malaysia yang bersatu padu serta beridentiti sendiri dan motonya pula ialah Bersatu Terus Maju. Objektif Rukun Tetangga, iaitu memelihara, meningkat dan mengukuhkan perpaduan rakyat dan integrasi nasional selaras dengan dasar-dasar pembangunan negara berlandaskan Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Rukun Negara. Bagi memastikan matlamat Rukun Tetangga tercapai, beberapa aktiviti dilakukan oleh komuniti Rukun Tetangga yang boleh dikategorikan kepada beberapa bentuk aktiviti seperti berikut: sosial: amalan kunjung-mengunjung semasa musim perayaan seperti Hari Raya, Tahun Baru Cina, Deepavali, Krismas, Hari Gawai, Pesta Keamatan, dan Hari Keluarga. Pendidikan- pendidikan tidak formal, kolokium jiran wanita, kursus motivasi, kursus kepimpinan, tuisyen, ceramah-ceramah dalam pelbagai bidang. Sukan- sukan neka, larian, permainan bola sepak, bola baling, bola jaring, sukan air, sukan tradisional, sukan rakyat dan lain-lain. Rekreasi- tai chi, ekspedisi mendaki bukit, kembara dan mountaineering, khemah kerja dan lain-lain. Kesihatan dan alam sekitar-ceramah kesihatan berkaitan antidadah, AIDS, kanser, kempen kebersihan, anti nyamuk dan menjaga harta awam. Kesenian dan kebudayaan- kelas-kelas seni tari, kraf tangan, permainan tradisional, kelas gamelan, kompang, tarian tradisional, tarian singa, pertunjukan pentas dan lain-lain. Ekonomi- aktiviti tanaman secara hidroponik, ternak ikan air tawar dan membuat air lada Skim Rukun Tetangga diperkenalkan pada tahun 1975 sebagai satu langkah membolehkan rakyat sendiri mengawal dan menjaga keselamatan kawasan kediaman mereka. Skim ini kemudiannya diperbaharui dengan menekankan konsep kejiranan dengan falsafah bahawa kesejahteraan kawasan sejiran akan menjamin kesejahteraan negara. Pada masa kini peranan Skim Rukun Tetangga diperluas lagi dengan pendekatan pembangunan komuniti bagi memastikan perpaduan dan keharmonian hubungan dalam masyarakat akan terus berkekalan dan berterusan. Sehingga Mei 2006 sebanyak 3228 kawasan Rukun Tetangga telah ditubuhkan di seluruh negara. Jawatankuasa Rukun Tetangga ini telah menganjurkan pelbagai aktiviti dalam komuniti mereka. Dari bulan Januari hingga Mei 2006, Jawatankuasa Rukun Tetangga di seluruh negara telah melaksanakan sebanyak 36029 aktiviti. Aktiviti ini bertujuan untuk membolehkan penduduk setempat berkenalan, bantu-membantu dalam menghadapi masalah bersama, berinteraksi dan merapatkan hubungan pada peringkat akar umbi antara pemimpin dengan rakyat dan antara rakyat pelbagai keturunan, adat dan budaya (Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional). 4.2 Rumah Terbuka Rumah terbuka akan diadakan oleh setiap rakyat Malaysia apabila tiba musim perayaan. Setiap golongan etnik di Malaysia akan sering kunjung-mengunjungi ke rumah jiran tetangga walaupun berlainan etnik. Sebagai contoh, semasa perayaan Hari Raya Aidilfitri, etnik Cina, India, Kadazan, Iban dan pelbagai lagi akan mengunjungi ke rumah orang Melayu dan begitulah sebaliknya bagi etnik lain. Etnik Cina misalnya akan berusaha menyediakan makanan yang halal kepada etnik Melayu apabila menjemput etnik Melayu datang ke rumah sewaktu Tahun Baru Cina. Hal ini menunjukan etnik Cina begitu mengambil berat dan memahami budaya etnik Melayu. Begitu juga dengan etnik Melayu tidak akan menyajikan daging lembu kepada etnik India apabila mereka datang ke rumah semasa Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Pertimbangan ini memperlihatkan keharmonian hubungan etnik sentiasa terjalin kukuh dalam kalangan rakyat dan memahami dan menghormati budaya masing-masing. Amalan ini membuktikan integrasi sosial dalam kalangan masyarakat begitu tinggi walaupun berlainan agama, bangsa dan kebudayaan. 4.3 Penerimaan Budaya Dewasa ini, masyarakat bukan Melayu di Malaysia mula menerima budaya orang Melayu dari segi pakaian dan makanan. Misalnya, orang bukan Melayu segak menggayakan baju kurung dan baju Melayu terutamanya pada hari Jumaat dan fenomena ini sesuatu yang biasa bagi pelajar bukan Melayu. Bagi orang Melayu pula, mereka mula menerima masakan orang Cina dan India serta pemberian duit raya telah menggunakan sampul atau angpau yang terkenal dalam kalangan orang Cina. Dewasa ini juga telah kelihatan di taman-taman perumahan, terdapatnya penempatan yang sama untuk semua etnik yang pastinya keadaan ini akan menggalakkan lagi hubungan etnik dalam kalangan rakyat melalui aktiviti setempat. 4.4 Program di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) Bahagian hal ehwal pelajar melalui persatuan-persatuan dan kelab-kelab hendaklah sentiasa menggalakkan aktiviti dan program yang menjurus kepada perpaduan kaum dalam kalangan mahasiswa. Sebagai contoh, melalui aktiviti Pesta Tanglung, yang bukan sahaja melibatkan mahasiswa Cina dan India, tetapi turut juga disertai oleh mahasiswa Melayu. Menyentuh kepimpinan pelajar, ternyata tidak didominasikan oleh sesuatu kaum sahaja, tetapi turut sama dianggotai oleh pelbagai kaum seperti dalam Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP). Kandungan kursus di semua institusi pendidikan harus menitikberatkan aspek-aspek pendidikan yang harmonis dalam sesebuah masyarakat pelbagai kaum. Nilai-nilai rohani dan budaya bersama perlu diberikan keutamaan dalam subjek Kenegaraan, Tamadun Islam dan Asia serta Hubungan Etnik. Maka, adalah penting kurikulum yang ada menguatkan peribadi moral dan sahsiah para pelajar. Hal ini kerana keperibadian yang tinggi menjadi asas kepada segala nilai rohani dan budaya yang akan menyatupadukan generasi muda. Saranan diwujudkan kelab perpaduan atau Kelab Rukun Negara di setiap IPT merupakan satu langkah yang amat baik kerana saranan ini merupakan usaha bagi menyemai kesedaran terhadap kepentingan perpaduan kaum. Justeru, bahagian hal ehwal pelajar sewajarnya menggalakkan para mahasiswa menganggotai kelab perpaduan atau Kelab Rukun Negara dengan memberi beberapa keistimewaan seperti pengecualian kredit dan sebagainya. Pihak university juga perlulah memberi sokongan terhadap aktiviti yang dijalankan baik dari segi material mahupun khidmat nasihat. Aktiviti kokurikulum merupakan bidang pembelajaran yang menekankan pemupukan dan perkembangan diri individu melalui psikomotor, kognitif dan efektif. Justeru, aktiviti kokurikulum yang dilaksanakan seperti program sukan, kelab, persatuan, pameran, ceramah dan pelbagai lagi haruslah dipergiat dan dipertingkat lagi dalam kalangan mahasiswa pelbagai kaum. Di luar sistem akademik, para pelajar harus dilibatkan dalam aktiviti pelbagai kaum seperti keluarga angkat, persatuan dan badan beruniform. Hal ini akan memberi pengalaman yang sangat berharga dalam memahami bagaimana kehidupan rakyat Malaysia. Manakala aktiviti perpaduan dan khidmat masyarakat mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam menggalakan penyertaan dan pengalaman bersama antara kaum. Oleh itu, galakan kepada aktiviti seperti ini perlu diberikan dengan kerjasama rapat pihak kerajaan dan sektor swasta. Para pelajar juga perlu ditugaskan dalam projek-projek perkhidmatan masyarakat seperti operasi khidmat masyarakat, mahasiswa balik kampung dan sebagainya. Para pensyarah juga perlu diterap dan didedahkan dengan sikap perpaduan antara kaum yang positif. Para pensyarah mestilah diberi pendedahan kepada kursus seperti sosiologi perhubungan kaum atau hubungan etnik untuk menerapkan nilai-nilai yang penting dalam kalangan pelajar bagi memupuk keharmonian kaum. Sesungguhnya para pensyarah mempunyai peranan yang besar sebagai agen penyebar perpaduan dan keharmonian dalam negara pelbagai kaum ini. Mereka merupakan agen integrasi dan perpaduan yang memainkan peranan penting dalam menggalakkan lebih banyak interaksi melalui tugasan dan projek akademik. 5.0 Peranan NGO dalam Konteks Hubungan Etnik Walaupun terdapat pertubuhan yang berasaskan golongan etnik, namun terdapat pertubuhan induk pada peringkat kebangsaan yang menaungi pertubuhan berasaskan etnik seperti Pertubuhan Belia Malaysia, Dewan Perniagaan dan Perusahaan Malaysia dan pelbagai lagi. Hal ini sudah tentulah dapat mempercepat lagi proses hubungan etnik melalui peranan yang dimainkan oleh NGO. Menyentuh aspek kepimpinan pula sama ada pada peringkat negara atau persatuan, barisan kepimpinan disertai oleh pemimpin pelbagai kaum. Sebagai contoh, kepimpinan Majlis Belia Malaysia disertai oleh semua golongan etnik yang ada di Malaysia. Walaupun terdapat pembahagian pertubuhan mengikut kaum seperti Pergerakan Belia 4B, Persatuan Belia Tamil, Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia, Dewan Perniagaan Cina Malaysia dan Dewan Perniagaan India Malaysia, namun ini sewajarnya digunakan oleh NGO ini untuk mewujudkan pelbagai dialog dan seminar dalam usaha memahami permasalahan yang wujud dan dicari jalan penyelesaiannya. Contohnya, Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) sentiasa mengadakan seminar bagi menjelaskan kepentingan hubungan etnik dalam konteks Malaysia. Untuk itu, peranan pihak swasta dan kerajaan amat diperlukan dalam menyumbangkan dana bagi meningkatkan penyelidikan dan pembangunan bagi menghasilkan inovasi dan seterusnya memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Dana-dana sedia ada seperti Intensive Research Priority Areas (IRPA) dan geran daripada pihak swasta dan pertubuhan institusi tertentu seperti Koridor Raya Multimedia (MSC), Akademi Sains Negara dan pelbagai lagi merupakan penjana kepada pembangunan ekonomi negara. Disebabkan sains dan teknologi ini begitu memainkan peranan penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi negara, maka aspek ini amat penting dalam meningkat hubungan etnik rakyat Malaysia. Hal ini kerana apabila pembangunan ekonomi negara itu berkembang pesat di samping kestabilan politik, akan mampu menarik lebih ramai pelabur sama ada dari dalam atau luar negara untuk memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Hal ini seterusnya memberi peluang pekerjaan kepada segenap lapisan masyarakat tanpa mengira golongan etnik. Kesannya, taraf hidup rakyat akan meningkat, jurang ekonomi negara dapat diseimbangkan dan ini mampu mewujudkan keharmonian dalam masyarakat Malaysia. 6.0 Kesimpulan Hubungan etnik merupakan perkara yang sangat penting bagi masyarakat Malaysia yang bersifat majmuk. Hubungan etnik ini akan melahirkan masyarakat Malaysia yang harmonis, saling bekerjasama dan bersefahaman dan sentiasa menghayati perjanjian sosial yang telah dipersetujui sejak awal kemerdekaan lagi. Usaha-usaha perlu diambil secara berterusan bagi memastikan hubungn etnik di Malaysia sentiasa berada dalam keadaan yang baik. Usaha-usaha ini adalah melibatkan peranan kerajaan, masyarakat dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan. Apa yang penting dalam memastikan hubungan etnik sentiasa dalam keadaan baik, segala usaha ini perlu disahut oleh setiap lapisan masyarakat. Kepelbagaian budaya dalam negara Malaysia seharusnya tidak menimbulkan masalah perkauman. Setiap kaum ataupun etnik perlu tahu dan memainkn peranan mereka dalam memastikan konflik perkauman seperti peristiwa 13 Mei berulang semula. Perpaduan kaum ini amatlah penting bagi menyumbang ke arah menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara maju menjelang 2020. Sehubungan dengan ini, perpaduan yang sedia terjalin antara kaum di negara ini perlu diperkukuhkan lagi bagi mewujudkan suasana negara yang lebih aman, maju, selamat dan makmur. Oleh itu, segala kerjasama semua pihak seperti kerajaan, masyarakat dan pertubuhan badan bukan kerajaan amatlah diperlukan untuk meningkatkan hubungan etnik di nagara Malaysia. Bibliografi Ishak Saat (2001). Malaysia 1945-2000. Utusan Publication Distributors Sdn. Bhd: Kuala Lumpur Shamsul Amri Baharuddin (2007). Modul Hubungan Etnik. Shah Alam: Universiti Teknologi Mara. (function() { var scribd = document.createElement("script"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })()
Friday, September 20, 2019
Al Capone Essay -- biography bio biographies crime criminals
Al Capone is one of the most recognized names in American history. Capone ran the City of Chicago with illegal activities. He appeared many times on newspapers all over the country. Every one of us has heard of Al Capone, but most of us don’t k now the story behind him. What made him to be the most feared gangster in the city of Chicago? How did this kid from a rough neighborhood and no money grow up to have $60,000,000? I’ve always been fascinated with organized crime but had never been taught anything in school about it. This report gave me the chance to explore something interesting and also educational. The more I researched Al Capone, the more I wanted to learn about him. He may look like an innocent Italian at a glance, but he has done a lot of crime in the city of Chicago. I knew going into this topic that there would be more than enough information. Going on the Internet I found many web sites that went in detail about certain aspects of Al Capone’s life. I found web pages on the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre and even a haunting of his ghost. My Grandpa had books that helped me including The Encyclopedia of World Crime and The Mafia Encyclopedia. He also had a great deal of information to tell me. Most of Al Capone’s life seems unreal, but it is true. It all started when he was born on January 17, 1899, in Brooklyn, New York. He was baptized Alphonsus Capone. As the fourth oldest of nine children, he didn’t receive much attention. â€Å"At birth, Capone's parents never would have believed that their son Alphonse would grow up to be a murderous thug without remorse. (The Encyclopedia of World Crime 603)†Capone was very wise when it came to living on the streets of New York. He was a genius when it came to street smarts. As far as school goes, Capone was almost illiterate. He came from a poverty stricken neighborhood in Brooklyn, so education was not a top priority. Capone was forced to either deal with a low wage job with a hopeless future or make an improvement for himself by committing crime. â€Å"Al Capone's philosophy was to the effect that laws only applied to people who had enough money to abide by them. (The Mafia Encyclopedia 603)†Al Capone became a member of the Bim Booms Gang as a teenager. He learned to defend himself by way of a knife and revolver. By the time Capone reached the sixth grade he had already become a street brawler. Capone n... ...ntful life. He was responsible for the death of over 500 people. As a young boy, he had no opportunities to be rich and live in a big home. The only way out was through a life of crime. That’s where he turned and he succeeded with over $60,000,000. To do something well you have to have the drive to do it. This was how Al Capone was and he was a natural at what he did. He had the right personality and the right connections to be at the top. This was how he became the most feared gangster in the city of Chicago and got that $60,000,000. I noticed a connection to Al Capone and Adolf Hitler. They both seemed to have it all then have it suddenly swept under them. They lived lives of crime and hatred but in the end it took a turn. Hitler ended up putting a gun to his mouth while Capone went insane from his stay at Alcatraz. I learned a lot from doing this report. Besides the amount of typing, which has repeatedly cramped my fingers, it let me read some interesting articles that made me really know what Al Capone’s life was like. It may seem cool to talk about Al Capone, but behind his innocent face, was an evil gangster. Al Capone’s name will live on as the crime czar who ruled Chicago.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Who Scout Understands in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." Who are the people Scout comes to understand as a result of following Atticus' advice? To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, explores different themes and contains many important lessons. One of these lessons is empathy and understanding which is introduced to the main character through Atticus Finch who says "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." By following Atticus' advice, Scout begins to understand many different characters such as her brother Jem, Miss Caroline Fisher and Arthur ‘Boo’ Radley. Upon going to school for the first time, Scout has a few misunderstandings with her teacher Miss Caroline Fisher. Instead of going back to school and facing the problem, Scout would rather hide from it and not return to school again. ‚... and she said you taught me all wrong, so we can’t ever read any more, ever. Please don’t send me back, please sir...’ (pg. 33) Atticus’ response was to tell Scout that running away from the problem is not an option. He then gives her some helpful advice. ‘.. if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along better with all kinds of folks... consider things from his point of view†¦ climb into his skin†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢(pg, 33). By now looking at the days events with a different view, Scout begins to understand that Miss Caroline Fisher really didn’t mean any harm in any of the things she did. '...but if Walter and I had put ourselves in her shoes, we'd have seen it was an honest mistake on her part. We could not expect her to learn all Maycomb's ways in one day, and we could not hold her responsible when she knew no better. (pg. 33) This proves that this piece of advice from her father is very useful, and she used it again the next time there was a misunderstanding, this time with her brother Jem. After Jem’s traumatic experience of going back to the Radley house, alone at two o’clock in the morning he stayed silent and moody for a week. Rather than trying to get Jem to talk to her, or play with her, Scout uses the advice that Atticus gave her.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Effects of Corn Monoculture on Soils: Models for Change in American Agr
Effects of Corn Monoculture on Soils: Models for Change in American Agriculture According to writer and environmentalist Vandana Shiva, "the crucial characteristic of monocultures is that they do not merely displace alternatives, they destroy their own basis"(1993, p.50). If the self-destruction of a monoculture is really so simple, it seems that continuous cropping agriculture should long have been abandoned for a more suitable method. Unfortunately, the problem is far more complex. This paper will focus on the effects of corn monoculture on soils in general, the development of the monoculture in the United States and the effects this had on soil in this country. Through the exploration of other models, suggestions will then be made on how to modify the continuous cropping system in the United States into a more sustainable one. The first piece of evidence that the continual cropping system is inefficient, is that it is the least productive growing system. In experiments done in Wooster, Ohio, it was found that a field where crop rotation was used could produce 27.62 bushels of corn per acre, a field with continual cropping produced only 13.33 bushels per acre, and where chemical fertilizer was used on a continuous cropped field, 30.53 bushels per acre were produced (Weir, 1936,p. 502). Though it interesting that these facts are fundamental enough to have been discovered before 1936, it should also be noted that a recent eight year study done at the University of Nebraska, where scientists compared thirteen cropping systems, "the results confirmed the findings of studies done in the first half of the century"(Committee on the Role of Alt. Farm. Methods, 1989, p.229). If continual cropping is the least effective method o... ...ouncil, 1989, Alternative Agriculture: Washington, D.C., National Academy Press. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1980, China: Multiple Cropping and Related Crop Production Technology, report on the fao/undp study tour or the People's Republic of China, 25 June- 22 July 1979: Rome, United Nations Publishing. Hudson, John C., 1994, Making the Corn Belt: A Geographical History of Middle-western Agriculture: Bloomington, Indiana University Press. Miracle, Marvin P., 1966, Maize in Tropical Africa: Madison, University of Wisconsin Press. Shiva, Vandana, 1993, Monocultures of the Mind: Perspectives on Biodiversity and Biotechnology: London, Zed Books Limited. Weir, Wilbert W., 1936, Soil Science : Its Principles and Practice Including Basic Processes for Managing Soils and Improving their Fertility: Chicago, J.B. Lippencott Company.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Intro for Self Introduction Essay
The purpose of this assignment is to provide information you would like me to know about you as a person and as a student. Your essay will also give me an example of your writing, including a reasonable picture of how clearly, correctly, concisely, and creatively you communicate in writing. Write, type, or word process the essay in blue or black ink, using only one side of each sheet of paper. Either lined or unlined paper is fine. Please remember that: †¢ I am your audience for the essay; †¢ inappropriate language is not acceptable in English class; †¢ good form requires an inch margin on all sides of each sheet; †¢ if your essay is longer than a single page, subsequent pages should be numbered at the top right corner; †¢ except as we discussed in class, it is seldom appropriate to use abbreviations; and †¢ if this assignment is turned in on time and is acceptable, it is worth twenty points and will start you out immediately with a one hundred percent score in my grade book. Friendly essay format is provided below as a guide, with some ideas for what to write about: Excellent Student Ms. Werner English 10 September 4, 2007 Title [The essay should have one or more paragraphs about you. You might include information about your family, your activities, your interests and hobbies, your talents, your job or jobs, how you spent your summer, your favorite book, movie, or band, or other information that identifies or introduces you.] [Please describe yourself as an English student. What would you like me to know about your learning style or preferences, your academic ability and achievement, how you learn best, or your concerns or frustrations with English?] [Include a description of two or three goals you hope to accomplish in this class and why you would like to accomplish these goals. Be sure that the goals you set will make a real difference to you, are observable or measurable, and are realistic.]
Monday, September 16, 2019
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Copyright is identified as a branch of law that gives rights to authors to exclusively reproduce, perform, distribute, and display their works. The main goal of the said law is to promote the investment of creating new work of arts and literature. The copyright law is an integral part of a legal field which is known as intellectual property. Basically, the copyright law is a legal foundation that was created in order to protect the work of major industries such as book publishing, production of motion-pictures, music labels, and the development of computer software.Since the said industries are in account for the upscale development in the economic activity of United States, the creation of the copyright law became as important as the emergence of these industries (Schechter). Most of the time when people hear the term copyright, the idea of protection is limited to certain works such as those of literature. However, due to the advancement in the technology of today majority of the i ndustries are now at high risk of infringement.Infringement is identified as the reproduction, performance, distribution and display of any copyrighted material without the permission of the owner of the copyright and without the presence of any required license (Schechter). By the time that personal computers have been widely utilized, the issue of infringement catapulted as well. End users are now capable of reproducing copyrighted materials digitally and the distribution has been made easier in every part of the globe through the use of internet.In order to combat such unlawful activities, the initial actions of copyright owners were to apply protective measures in their works like the use of encryption and passwords. Yet, many of the end users are able to penetrate these measures; in the end, the copyrighted material is still reproduced, distributed, displayed and performed (Schecter). In response to the augmenting issue of infringement, a diplomatic conference was held in Genev a, Switzerland in December of 1996.The said conference was spearheaded by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and was centered on the issue of â€Å"certain copyright and neighboring right questions†(Castro). As such, the meeting was held in order to address the challenges being faced by different industries regarding the protection of intellectual property that is at risk in the technological advancement of the digital age.The session was a month-long negotiation which concluded in the adoption of two treaties: (1) the copyright treaty which is centered towards the certain question which concerns the protection of artistic and literary works; and (2) The performances and the phonographs treaty which is focused in the protection of the performer’s rights and the rights of the phonograph producers. The treaties include obligations about technological measures, management information rights as well as the provisions in the enforcement of rights (Castro). On October 12, 1998, less than two years after the diplomatic conference, the US congress put forward the Digital Copyright Act (DMCA). By October 28, 1998, President Clinton signed into law the DMCA. The said legislation was intended to execute the functions of the two treaties signed during the Geneva conference. In addition, related provisions were also added in order to address the copyright issues that impact the entertainment industry.The final form of the DMCA covered five titles: (1) â€Å"WIPO copyright and performances and phonograph treaties implementation act of 1998;†(2) â€Å"Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act;†(3) â€Å"Computer Maintenance Competition Assurance Act;†(4) The fourth title is comprised of six miscellaneous amendments that adhere to the Copyright act of 1976 which also include provisions regarding the facilitation of broadcasting over the internet; and (5) the implementation of the â€Å"Vessel Hull Design Pro tection Act†(Castro).Title I: WIPO Treaty Implementation The main purpose of Title I redresses the US copyright law in complying with the treaties adopted by the WIPO in 1996 which are the â€Å"copyright treaty and the performances and phonographs treaty. †Two new prohibitions were also created under the Title 17 of the US code. First is in relation to the circumvention of the technological measures applied by owners of the copyright in order to protect their works, and second is the copyright management information tampering.Civil remedies and criminal penalties were also added in account of violating the said prohibitions. Furthermore, title I also requires the copyright office of the USA to work with the Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administrations (NTIA) in a two joint studies (U. S. Copyright Office 2). The following are the highlights of the most important prohibitions, limitations, defenses, exemptions and rights stated in Title I of DMCA: A. Technologies to circumvent access controlsBasically the prohibition in circumvention states that no individual shall bypass any technological measure that has the capability to control the access in a copyrighted material and the prevention of copyright management information from tampering (Castro). B. Use and distribution of technologies that bypass access controls Manufacturing, trafficking or importing technological devices as well as services in order to gain control over a copyrighted material is strictly prohibited (Castro).C. Utilization and distribution of technologies that bypass the protection of any copyrighted material. This is an additional prohibition in the use and distributions of technological products, services and devices that tend to bypass the measures used for the protection of the rights of the owners of the copyrighted material. This prohibition is focused on the copyrighted materials rather than the access controls that protect them (Castro). D. Rights, limitations, defensesThe rights, limitations, remedies and defenses for copyright infringement is not covered under these provisions. Both copyright violations and circumvention violations are different from each other thus the defenses for copyright violations are not the same as the provisions in section 1201 which is intended for the circumvention violation (Castro). E. Exemptions The Congress fully recognize that there are legitimate reasons why technological are circumvented in order to gain access over a copyrighted material. As such, the congress provided exemptions in provision 1201.The exemptions include: Non-profit libraries, archives and educational institutions, reverse engineering, encryption research, use for the protection of minors, personal privacy and security testing. Each of the said exemptions has its own set of conditions upon its application (Castro). Title II: Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Title II of the DMCA a dded a new section 512 in the â€Å"Fairness in Musical Licensing Act†stating that four new liability limitations are applied for the Online Service Providers (OPS) in terms of copyright infringement.The said limitations are derived from the four categories: Transitory communications, system caching, information storage in systems or networks directed for users, and information location tools. Section 512 also includes special rules that apply to non-profit educational institutions in account to the said limitations (U. S. Copyright Office 8). Generally, Title II puts a limitation in the financial liability of the providers in account to copyright infringement.The limitation is applicable in events such as when another party placed infringing materials on the website owned by the online service provider or if the OSP provided links or made connections to a particular website that contains infringing works. The new provisions provide a legal protection for the providers as lo ng as they follow the guidelines set by the law. The guidelines identified exemptions or â€Å"safe harbors†in accordance to the activities carried out by the provider.Exemptions given out by the DMCA would only be functional if the defense presented by the OSP is under a copyright law or any law that is said to be applicable (Castro). Moreover, Title II created a procedure wherein an owner of a copyright could secure a subpoena from the federal court which orders an OSP to reveal the identity of a particular subscriber who is engaging with infringing activities (U. S. Copyright Office 9). Title III: Computer Maintenance or RepairTitle III is an extension of the exemptions written in Copyright Act section 117 which is related with computer programs allowing the owner of a program copy to reproduce or adapt the programs while working on the computer. Owners or lessees of the computer are authorized by the amendment to reproduce the copy of a certain program during the time of the computer repair or maintenance. However, the reproduced copy should not be used in any manner and should be destroyed right after the computer maintenance or repair is done (US copyright office 13-14). Title IV: Miscellaneous ProvisionsDMCA Title IV applied the following provisions: (1) Refine and added the duties and authority of the copyright office; (2) Added ephemeral recordings for broadcasters. Ephemeral recordings are the copies of a particular recording in order to manage the process of transmission. For instance a radio station could record songs and instead of broadcasting songs from the original CD, they would use the recorded songs during the broadcast. (3) A provision that gives consideration on the promotion of distance education; (4) Provision that gives exemption for non-profit libraries and archives.As such, the provision assists libraries in working on a new format of a copyrighted material once the original format of the material is already out-dated; and (5) A provision that considers webcasting of sound recordings as well as the transfer of motion pictures (US copyright office 14-17). Title V: Protection of Certain Original Designs The Title V of DMCA encompasses the â€Å"Vessel Hull design protection act (VHDPA)†by adding a new chapter 13 in the US Code Title 17.The amendment created a system that protects the original design of a boat hull’s â€Å"useful articles†which makes the object appear distinct and attractive. According to the VHDPA, the â€Å"useful articles†of the boat are only limited to the hulls of the boat and should not be longer than 200 feet. The said design would only be protected by the VHDPA if the â€Å"useful article†which embodies the design is made public or the design registration is published. If the application for the registration is not done within two years after the design was created, the VHDPA protection is lost.A design could not be registered if has been alrea dy known by the public for more than a year prior to the date of the application for registration. By the time that the design is registered, the protection is continued for ten years (US Copyright Office 17). The enactment of Digital Millennium Copyright Act received criticisms from various sectors. However, it is important to note that not all countries have the capability to enforce laws which governs the protection of copyrighted materials.Putting such law in effect is a step towards combating infringement of copyrighted materials and without the presence of strict laws that protect the rights of copyright owners, copyright piracy and copyright violations would continuously augment. Although limited countries have laws that actually heighten the security of copyrighted materials, in one way or another these countries would be able to persuade other nations to partake in the fight against infringement that would eventually end copyright violations.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Political Changes in Europe Since the Fall of the Soviet Union
In April 1986, Mr. Gorbachev began the perestroika, translation â€Å"reconstruction†, which was to end the Cold War that effectively brought down the Iron Curtain. The split between West and East not only partitioned the world into two parts, but also divided the European family for over 40 years. With the fall of the Soviet Union came many changes that affected much if not all of Europe. At the end of the Brejnev era , the socialist bloc was severely outdated and far removed from the contemporary world.The economy was in a shambles, independent civil society was largely in exile, and corruption throughout and within the state via the Communist Party had become legendary. In addition, the USSR had to devote an enormous portion of its budget to the military. On the international level, the USSR had lost many allies, because its social model proved to be decreasingly successful in its deceit, and the ill-fated invasion of Afghanistan (1979 – 1989) did not help in any way .It was therefore necessary to undertake urgent measures, especially in countries where satellite totalitarian regimes were challenged and the USSR no longer had the support of local communist parties. The advent of Gorbachev to power marked the beginning of the reconstruction. His first step on his rise to power was the partial liberation of the press, also known as glasnost. The first free newspapers emerged and some major newspapers such as â€Å"Novii Mir (New World),†Argumenti i Fakti â€Å"(Arguments and Facts) or†Moskovskie Novosti (Moscow News) changed editors. Books banned by the Soviet censorship began to appear in stores.Also, films which had been censored until this time were finally appearing on the screen. The policy change was also considerable. Under Gorbachev, 140 dissidents, victims of Stalinist repression, were honored and rehabilitated. From exile in Gorky, Sakharov, who condemned the war in Afghanistan – was released. Several opposition po litical organizations emerged as a Democratic Union and in 1988 the first anti-communist demonstrations took place. Gorbachev, considering the difficulty and complexity of the political situation at the time, tried at any price to change the political elite in an effort to ensure reconstruction. Policy frameworks†began and brought fresh faces to power. â€Å"Without – parties†(political parties that were not members of the Communist Party) were authorized to occupy important positions in state bodies. In addition, elections were introduced within the party to make elected officials accountable to its voters. Before this time, the party presented a candidate for the post and members could only nod in approval. Despite all this progress, the USSR was unable to overcome the economic and social crisis that hit the country in the early 80s. The Soviet system was not adaptable by itself and reconstruction was doomed from the start.Gorbachev did not have the political capacity to push the desired reforms through. His strategy, in essence, triggered the collapse of the USSR, which was completely unexpected. Perestroika could not change the structure of the Soviet economy, and thus served as an obstacle to reforms. All means of production were under state control. In addition, factories managers and corrupt officials wanted at all costs to keep the economic system that afforded them considerable privilege, especially in a country where the deficit of consumer products was seen in everyday life.The political system, like the economy, rested on a foundation of lies. Political leaders from cities and regions fabricated domestic and foreign policy statistics, using propaganda, including the newspaper â€Å"Pravda†(Truth). This newspaper was later to become a symbol of Soviet exaggeration of the productivity of the communist state. The Soviet secret services were doing everything to prevent people from having information deemed undesirable; any foreign or independent press was prohibited. In launching his reforms, Gorbachev wanted to reform that which what was not reformable.Perestroika and glasnost had made the system fragile, because the lie was no longer there to blind people. Thus, in 1991 a political system that had seemed indestructible – unbeatable, all but disappeared from the world political map. Perestroika was ultimately the determining factor in the fall of the Iron Curtain. The forces it unleashed, such as freedom of speech (glasnost), by Gorbachev inside his country had devoured the communist parties of Eastern Europe. That was also the case with the fall of the Berlin Wall and subsequent German reunification.The fall of the Berlin Wall was largely provided for by the green light given by Moscow. Without such approval, it would have been very probably a repetition of the â€Å"coup de Prague†of 1968, as the forces of the Warsaw Pact entered the Czechoslovakian capital to put an end to the demo cratic reforms of Dubcek following the Prague Spring. After the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, the reunification of Germany was inevitable. The non-intervention of Warsaw Pact forces during the fall of the Berlin Wall signaled the outbreak of the revolutions that occurred thereafter.Elsewhere in 1989 in Eastern Europe, democratic movements freed from the tutelage of Moscow out-punched Communism. This is the case in Romania with the fall of Ceausescu, Czechoslovakia and Poland with the resignation of the communist government and the start of negotiations between General Jaruzelski and the representatives of Solidarnosc. The policy of rapprochement between the West promoted by Gorbachev led to the collapse of the Warsaw Pact. Having neither the financial resources nor the political will to save this military alliance, the Soviets proposed in 1988 to repeal the pact against the dissolution of NATO.In December 1988, Gorbachev and Bush declared at a meeting in Malta that th e Cold War was over. Immediately after the fall of communism in Europe, former satellites of the Soviet Union chose to join the unified European family and NATO. Chronologically, in the first half of 90 years, almost all the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have submitted their applications to join the European Union and NATO. For these countries, membership in these structures is first and foremost a political symbol, to guarantee their freedom and sovereignty.European integration also meant the return of these countries into the European mainstream as equal partners and not merely as â€Å"little brothers†, as was the case with the USSR. Long oppressed by a regime imposed from outside, these countries could finally defend their interests in the democratic framework that the European Union offers. Without perestroika, the world today would not be the same. It is mainly through this process that democratization has been set up in the Central and Eastern Europe an d that Europe is no longer divided in two.
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