Saturday, August 31, 2019
Nothing But The Truth Essay Essay
In the novel Nothing but the Truth, many differences are seen between Thando and Mandisa. These differences are seen through their different cultural understandings and their relationships with their fathers. Thando and Mandisa both also have very different views on the Truth and reconciliation commission (amnesty) hearing. In the play, the character of Thando is presented to us as a loving and caring character. Her father, Sipho, in South Africa, raises her. He is very traditional and has instilled the same teachings into Thando. Thando’s cultural roots are present throughout the play. You can see this in the way she mourns her uncles death and refuses at first to go out with Mandisa to Johannesburg. Sipho and Thando also arrange for a cultural funeral which includes the slaughtering of an ox. Thando’s hospitality towards Mandisa and her constant use of African phrases(â€Å"Ndyintombi†¦,†tata†, â€Å"malome†) displays her traditional African roots throughout the play . Labola is also mentioned which is part of traditional African culture. Mandisa, however, is presented to us as almost the opposite to Thando. Mandisa is shown to us as an modern fashion designer who can be selfish. She, unlike Mandisa is outspoken and isn’t afraid to express her opinions even when she is in a home with people she just met. Mandisa is also insensitive to cultural, South African way of living. This is seen in the play when she says to Mandisa: â€Å"Girl! He won’t allow you!†when Thando turns her down when she was asked to accompany her to Johannesburg. She also turns her â€Å"Makhaya†surname to â€Å"Mckay†and does not understand isiXhosa(she keeps asking Thando to translate what her uncle says). It is evident that her cultural roots are lost. Her fathers body had been cremated which was not typical of South African tradition and Mandisa only mourns her fathers death for 2 weeks. Mandisa does not understand that South Africa is not England and is insensitive to the Sipho when he feels violated that his brothers body had been created. She responded to him by insensitively saying : â€Å"that’s what everybody does in England.†Mandisa and Thando both however love to be called â€Å"African Princess†The relationship that Thando has with Sipho is that of a very obedient daughter who carries out her duties. She rejects Mandisa’s invitation to Johannesburg because her father wouldn’t allow it and never does anything without the consent of Sipho(â€Å"I’ll have to ask tata first†). The duties that she carries out are seen when she doesn’t leave the house without preparing a meal for her father first. She values her traditions and explains the traditions of mourning to Mandisa saying that her father would expect them to â€Å"show some respect for atleast a month as children†. Her obedience is also shown when she says : â€Å"I live under his roof and for as long as I live here, I have to live by his rules.†Her attitude towards her father is respectful and obedient. Mandisa, having being brought up In Engand, away from her cultural roots is very different from Thando. She is not affected by Sipho feeling violated by his brothers cremation and retorts: â€Å"Oh this is ridiculous!, I didn’t come to argue about the ashes.†Mandisa also tries to change Thandos mind about not going to Johannesburg with her â€Å"You don’t have to do what pleases him.†Her independence and tendency of speaking her mind and not caring about others perception of her, makes her seem to be insensitive and disrespectful towards the older generation. Thando and Mandisa also have different views of the TRC hearing and don’t agree on how the amnesties were being dealt with. Mandisa’s views are unsympathetic towards the TRC because she is angry at the fact thatsomeone can commit murder and still be forgiven without being given justice. Her view is cynical and her talk of revenge shows an unsympathetic side to her character. She thinks that the concept of Ubuntu is â€Å"giving in too easily†and that the amnesty process is too lenient. Her vengeful side is shown when she agrees with Sipho when he says that the minister of security should be judged by a black judge and that he should serve prison for many years when Sipho was drunk. Her answer was always : â€Å"yes†, â€Å"that’s more I like it†, â€Å"Exactly.†Mandisa believes that the government has ‘sold out’ for ‘international approval’ and has not considered the peoples need for revenge and that full disclosure was not given at the amnesty hearings(she points out that it is still not known who gave Craig Williomson his order) and argues that there was an â€Å"outcry against him receiving amnesty.†Thando on the other hand, works at the TRC and has a very positive behavior towards the process although she can see the dirt to it . â€Å"One gets confused sometimes especially when so many lies are told.†She believes that it was the wrong thing to do to be vengeful-â€Å"Where would revenge get us besides more violence?†She personally believes that re-building the nation is what matters most. Thando embraces forgiveness: â€Å"If all those who suffered can forgive, so can you.†She also contradicts to Mandisa’s accusation of the TRC being too easy by reminding her that some people such as Derby-Lewis had been punished. Although there are many differences between Thando and Mandisa, the sisters also share many similarities. African heritage is important to both of them- they both enjoy being called African princess by their fathers and Mandisa refers to SA as â€Å"home†– â€Å"I am happy to be home.†She also speaks of listening to stories about home. Thando’s defensive and quick response to Mandisa when she disrespects their lifestyle â€Å"show some respect for our tradition†shows her protective and possessiveness of her African roots. Like Mandisa, Thando is also an independent thinker. This is present throughout the play when Thando is always contradicting to whatever Mandisa says about the amnesty â€Å"Some people like Derby-Lewis have been punished†and her open-mindness is shown when she explains to her father that some black people in SA are also practicing cremation in todays times. Both sisters are so different, yet so alike.
Friday, August 30, 2019
One Direction
Intro to Communication 2. oopm-3. 40pm Informative Speech Outline Dreams and Ambitions Purpose: To inform my audience about how to follow your own dream and path, not following anyone else's paths because they say you can't do something. l. Introduction A. Greeting Good evening everyone. B. Attention getter Today, I'm going to tell you the stories of my life and someone who I looked up to. When I was in middle school, I was a dreamer and so was he. (Visual aid #1) One day, while watching Fast and Furious with my dad, I told him that when I was older, I would become a racecar driver Just like Vin Diesel.My dad checked my temperature after I said that. (Visual aid #2) Another day I was watching Step Up with my mom and told her I would become a dancer. I would search up dance tutorials on Youtube, watch them over and over again. Practiced in front of the mirror until I got it. But I never got it. And it Just annoyed my parent that they kept hearing mammoth footsteps from my room and tha t they couldn't sleep. More recently, when I was half asleep on the bus on its way to my school. I was suddenly awakened to this funky song sung by this amazing singer. Then I knew I'd become a singer.Excited for an upcoming school concert. I signed up. Then my friends in school slammed me that no one would like me and that I would be the Joke to the school. I doubted myself since then. C. Credibility statement As someone who have been following every of his footsteps from he was as small as a fetus. He represents an iconic symbol for having dreams, faith, and to never stop believing in yourself. I would like to inform you about this person. D. Thesis statement It didn't matter how many times you got knocked down on the floor, but you know one day you would have to get up and stand tall.Because everything has to start from omething, and something would be nothing if you didn't believe and have faith in yourself. Where would you be if you didn't believe. E. Preview of main points I'm going to leave with your imagination to fgure out whom this person is. I will slowly leave clue about this person. So I will be talking about his not so ideal background, his struggles to superstardom, and his triumphs. This is his story. Transition II. Body A. Main point #1 – His background 1. Subordinate point (e. g. , â€Å"According to†¦ â€Å") – He didn't have the happiest family, in the world.He didn't live in the biggest mansion in his neighborhood. And he didn't even come first place in a school singing competition. a. Support- According to Townhall. com, his mother had him when she was only 18 years old. She had to live through an abusive childhood. Because everyone was pressuring her to abort her child. Because everyone thinks she didn't have sufficient finance to support for her child, since she worked for a series of low paying office Jobs. His parent split when he was 10 months old. (Visual aid #3) b. Support- He came from a small town called Stra tford, Ontario.When he was 12 years old, he wanted to play guitar and sing in front of a shopping mall. He would sit t the steps at the gate of the shopping mall and sing in the cold night. His voice carry out throughout the whole street Every pedestrians would have to stop, pull out their camera and film it. He also Joined his school idol competition. With only 12 years of age, he demonstrated a wide range of musical talents. Such as pop, R and B, he even rap for the audience too. Sometime he would bust out dance move that crack the audience. Like the air guitar. His friends were surprised, they would ask him where did all of hose moves come from.However, he fall short in third place. Suffered his first rejection in his singing career. Transition/Signpost Now that I have mentioned his background. I will now talk about his struggles. – B. Main point #2 – His struggles 1. Subordinate point – At this stage of success, there will be Jealousy and hatred. There are p eople who want him to fall, they want him to be the next train wreck, and want him to fall on the ground and never be able to get back up. a. Support – Celebrity gossip sites on the Internet such as TMZ, they will make up the most hideous and untrue stories about this kid.Here are examples of the stories they made up. – According to TMZ, they pictured him walking around with his shirt off in he street of London. Saying it's a sign of disrespectful. Other say that he illegally went to an under aged club with his shirt off. Later, he was asked during an interview about this issue, and he was Just sweaty and hot from a grueling three hours performance. – According to mirror. co. uk, another news site. They said he was accused of hitting a paparazzi photographer in June while driving in the city of los Angeles who apparently stood right in front of his car.The paparazzi then have to be moved to a nearby hospital for treatments. However, in the photograph, the papara zzi is a full grown adult with twice the size of this kid. And another one, according to mirror. co. uk again, he was branded â€Å"disgusting†and â€Å"revolting†. For spitting from the top of his hotel. Transition to main point – Now that I have talked about his struggles and challenges, I will then talk about his road to fame. C. Main point #3 – His road to success. – At this point of success, people are watching him every breath and every move he takes.He have basically grown up with cameras all around him. Therefore, there are people who Just want to see him fall. But he didn't take it as granted. He takes matter into his own hand. He became Just another kid on Youtube, to a worldwide arena eteran. a. Support – Then came social media. A powerful source of information that aided him to raise to superstardom. When he was 12, he decided to mess around with youtube. Posting videos of him doing different cover in his small apartment. And on e day, this manager. People liked his video, wanting him to do different covers.His subscribers on Youtube reached hundred of thousand. – Then his mom, received a call from her friends. Saying that there's this guy trying to reach her. He got a hold of his great aunt, got a hold of his school board. His mom was scared, asking herself, â€Å"Who is this guy? â€Å". So she went to a computer phone and called the mysterious guy from an unknown number to tell him, â€Å"Please stop calling! †She was trying to get rid of the anonymous man. Then they ended up taking from 2 to 3 hours. And this man, all the way from Atlanta. Told the mom and the kid to fly to him for a week with no strings attached.And he would introduce her to a bunch of other record producer to see if they want to sign the kid. If the mom didn't want to sign, then they would Just get a free vacation and back to life as usual. They flew to Atlanta. This anonymous guy was a manager for a small record stud io. He picked them up form the airport drove to his music studio. Then there's this expensive Range Rover drove up to their car. And step out of the car was Usher, this kid freaked out ran up to him. And told him, â€Å"I'm one of your biggest fan. Can I sing one of your song to you? †after the manager warned him, â€Å"What ever you do, don't say anything! . Yet again, he suffered another rejection. Usher simply pushed him aside and said, â€Å"It's cold outside buddy, don't worry about it. †He took off. This kid and the manager would fly to several states in 2 or 3 days. Meet with record producer, labels, and musicians. And every record label would say no to him. They said he had no platform. They need this kid to come from an experienced background like Disney. There's no other option for him right now. Eventually this manager went to Usher's recording studio, and Usher had to let him tryout. After a few minutes listening to this kid.He looked at the manager and asked him, â€Å"Who is this kid? †in astonishment. And the kid answered, miou don't remember. You blew me off the other day. †It was not Just his amazing voice, it was his hair, his face, and his down to earth attitude. He just soaked up all the air in the room. It was beyond convinced that Usher had delivered a gift. That's it, he has singed a contract with Usher. The mom and the kid is moving to the His grandfather, looking him walking pass the gate at the airport. He knew it was time to let this kid go. b. Support – He started to go to radio station.There were 40 kids, then 80, then 100 kids, then a couple of hundreds kids lining up outside the radio station to see him. – There are artists who sell out arena and stadium world tour, he is now the member of this club. On his first record, in his first year and a half. – Madison Square Garden in NY represents the pinnacle of success for an artist. The Rolling Stones, 132, Michael Jackson. And for this kid to play at MSG, and he's the headliner. This Just doesn't happen. And MSG sold out tickets in 22 minutes. The entire show depends on 2 fibers in his vocal chord. â€Å"Little things goes a very very long way. The moment we forget that, I think its over. †Said his manager. There were people standing outside the arena because they cant affordti, what he did was he walked outside the arena and gave free tickets that sit right up close to the stage to these girls. The fact that this kid can do this for his fans is amazing. – In the end, it's Just him with his pen, nd paper in a room expressing his feelings and telling the world who he really is through his music. He said, â€Å"I'm 19 years old. I think I'm doing a pretty good Job.Basically from my heart I really Just want to say it really should be about music. It should be about the craft that I'm making. This is not a gimmick and I'm an artist and I should be taken seriously. †– And he's right, so far at this point, he have won countless awards. 2 Grammy awards, 1 Brit awards, 6 Billboard Music Awards, 7 American Music Awards, 11 Teen Choice Awards, and the most prestigious award in the music industry, the milestone award. Which celebrate Ill. Conclusion IVe already signed up for the concert, its too late to back up now. I got on the stage alone, and I sung.My legs and hands were shaking. I asked myself â€Å"Will I be a dumb joke to the school? †But no, the audience leaped up from their chair, they applaud and clapped. Shocking, I couldn't believe my own eye. Teachers were asking me to sing for their concert. Then I realized I was wrong. There's nothing wrong with dreaming big, when you have believe in yourself. You only live once to follow your own dream. Don't follow anyone else's pathway. However, if you're lost in the wood and you found a pathway, by all mean follow that. And most importantly, don't listen to anyone's advice.So here's my advice Heres the mode l that IVe lived by. â€Å"There's gonna be time in your life when people tell you that you cant do something. And there's gonna be time in your life when people say you can't live your dream. And there's gonna be time in your life when people say that you can't sell out Madison Square Garden. This is what I tell them. Never Say Never. †Justin Bieber â€Å"Don't ever let someone tell you that you can't do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. When people can't do something themselves, they are onna tell you that you can't do it.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Political Research Methods- Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Political Methods- - Research Paper Example The exception these proportions of parity in the social resources literature are uncharacteristic. It is evident that countries that score highly on social trust also happen to score highly on economic equality, for example Canada and the Dutch. The case of escalating social trust by sinking inequality has for the most part been overlooked in strategy debates on social trust. The strategy implication that is depicted from the research is that the low down levels of trust and social resources that affect many countries are brought about by little or no government act to lessen inequality. Many countries with low levels of public trust and social resources ultimately find themselves in a situation we call a â€Å"social trap.†Public trust would not rise since immense public inequality reins, but the public strategies that could cure this state of affairs cannot be recognized specifically since there is a real need for trust. This state of affairs concerns both the citizens and the government. Introduction. There exists a great deal of evidence throughout the world that proves income inequality is extreme and ever increasing. It is reported that income inequality has grown in the United States of America than in any other place in the world. Poverty and inequality are closely linked to one another as logical issue and also as a strategy matter, it leads to strict limitations in trying to deal with shortage or even with economic safety devoid of also probing income discrimination. Literature review. Inequality and its perception by the average person is a deadly element of today’s American society since it is related to low levels of trust, as well as a horde of other public challenges. Key terms; Income, inequality and trust. In the 19th century, equality conditions were exceedingly praised and advocated for by Alexis de Tocqueville as he considered them an immense platform for democracy to thrive on. Inequality levels have risen and have remained a t those levels for the better part of the last five decades. This research outlines a self-sufficient assessment based on facts shown in the articles; â€Å"The Spirit Level by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett†and â€Å"A Trust Deficit; Look to the Inequality by Ray Brescia.†The literature review has mirrored the following fundamentals: 1) Consequences of income inequality on contentment significantly depend on the apparent income distribution in a country. Income inequality tends to be absolutely linked to reported well-being as people tend to believe that they will sooner or later reach a higher income. The contrary is witnessed in low income distributing countries because in those countries people tend to believe that it is impracticable to reach high levels of income. 2) Studies of the detrimental consequence of income inequality on health are more often than not decisive. This shows that there is still not a widely acknowledged justification for explaining why income inequality ought to impact on health. Studies tend to put forward that the situation is vice versa, from health condition to income inequality. 3) The connection between income inequality and educational realization might go in both directions. Rising inequality ought to promote funds through improved proceeds while on the other hand, it may thwart these funds for the people at the bottom of the income distribution channel. As regards the second method, the studies suggest a reserved outcome or no outcome of income
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Directors, Shareholders and Rewards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
Directors, Shareholders and Rewards - Essay Example The operation procedures of the London stock exchange are much active in the arena of corporate governance. The various benefits due to the listing are, like the companies to the Specialist market which are versed in the issuing of funds should have to suit themselves with the requisites of standards set by the European markets, this helps in the minimization of corruptions. The organization may have to deal with the legal structures which deal with the restriction in partnership. â€Å"The benefits make the AIM one of the leading markets in Europe.†(Boldyrev 2010). The corporate governance law transactions with the London stock exchange is in a competent manner to assure understanding along with the customers. The LSE is among the leading stock exchanges in the world and is a vital part of the UK finance market. The LSE provides to make certain that organized markets are in pace with the rules, principles , the transactions and market movements. The basic intend of the LSE is to construct accessible intermediaries and investors with attention-grabbing and coordinated markets to increase capital investments. The corporate governance denotes confident rules to be taken in the listing of LSE. There are rules related to the listing, prospectus and the policy written in the stock exchange. These rules relate to the transparency, instruction and communicate in terms of financial reporting. There are enormourous consequences for the Medicaments plc Company after listing themselves in the stock exchange; it will be useful in assessing the company in terms of the future opportunities and economic growth and developments. The LSE lists the results of the shares in each quarter and the results of the shares can help Medicaments Plc understand the financial position and the company opposition and make the moves according to that. The company has the advantages of getting operated in the market in terms of derivatives in the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Starting a Business Online Part 2 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Starting a Business Online Part 2 - Term Paper Example This is because our domain provides has given a very good reputation for our business despite being new in the domain. The domain has acted us a promotional avenue where it draws the potential clients and the well displayed contents encourages people to choose or buy service from the website. Determining whether to sell or not a domain name depends on the business value of the domain name (Kalakota & Robinson 2003). A domain valuation is a key tool of determining the value of the website. The process is relatively complex for individuals who do not have experience. The URL brokers are very critical aspects in determining the domain value. I will turn down the offer to sell the domain name since it will have negative implication on the business. The business sell will drop down if we sell the domain name. Moreover, finding our business in the internet will be very cumbersome. The reputation and the hard work that has been invested in the business to make the business credible and relevant will be hugely jeopardized. Most companies which have excelled in terms of domain have supplied a lot of determination and hard work. The usability and the convenience of the software used in e-commerce is a very critical aspect when it comes attracting and maintaining. The however most software developers do not consider when they are developing their systems. Usability is how the easy the users can use the module of a system. If the module for example the catalogue module is simple and clear, then it can attract the attention of the user. How organized the module is assisting the users in accomplishing their task with a lot of simplicity. The availability of effective shopping cart abilities is critical in ensuring that the customer’s purchasing via internet is increased. Lack of an effective shopping card result less sells and waste of time. The module ensures automation of the complete shopping process. This makes the whole purchasing process simple and automated . Shopping card saves money, time and makes the happy. The criteria of creating a shopping are very critical since the usability and the effectiveness of a shopping process is very crucial. The processing of purchasing transaction process is equally important. The transaction process starts from ordering, processing, payment and delivering process. The procedure should b short and clearly so the records of all the procedures are recorded and processed in an effective manner. Moreover, the processing of the purchase involves the transfer of money. The security of the payment processing is critical since the security of money is very crucial. The web usability can be increased by ensuring that the all the usability features of the different section are effectively attended to. For instance, the ability of a customer to go through the ordering process within the shortest time possible assists in attracting more and maintaining those who have used the service. The most effective ways of improving the usability of a website is by increasing web traffic, SEO and market segmentation. Search engine optimization is the best way of improving the traffic. Search engine optimization is a method used to increase the traffic to a website using techniques which raises the ranking of you search engine in the website. The technique is related to Google. Some of the aspects which are considering in maximizing search engine include: Check out- the web manager should
Monday, August 26, 2019
Is President Barack Obama a Good President Essay
Is President Barack Obama a Good President - Essay Example In a reflective analysis of the various aspects of the President-ship of the current president of the US, one may undoubtedly argue that Barack Obama is one of the most prominent and effective leaders and presidents in the history of this great nation. First of all, his life story very well reflects the true American story – incorporating the â€Å"values from the heartland, a middle-class upbringing in a strong family, hard work and education as the means of getting ahead, and the conviction that a life so blessed should be lived in service to others.†(President Barack Obama). Therefore, the President has been aware of the American story very well which has helped him tremendously to shape his opinions and policies as a president of the people. The vast amount of experience in the public service arena has contributed to the success of Obama as a great leader and president of the nation which is also reflected in the nation’s unwavering belief in his ability to unite people around a politics of purpose. Some of the fundamental points to argue why Barack Obama is good president and effective leader of the nation include his intelligent leadership; he is not war-hungry or money-hungry; the effect of his genial and luminous personality on diplomacy; his civil rights struggles; his awareness of an overall reform of the various political policies of the nation, etc. In consideration of these features of his leadership and many others, one must argue that President Obama is one of the most effective and successful presidents that the people of the United States have ever seen. It is important to remember that, when President Obama was elected as the 44th President of the United States, there was a great expectation about his ability to lead the nation from the front to a great period in the history of the nation and he seemed like a different kind of leader in comparison with many of his predecessors. Definitely, he has lived up to those expecta tions which earned him high reputation even in the international scenario. As the BBC Radio 4’s Today program evaluates, President Obama has not just been the first black man in the White House but also ‘a new sort of American president’: thoughtful, reflective and determined to represent all of his country. (Mardell). This remark about the leadership of the president very well reflects the various aspects of the policies of his government. All through his tenure, the President has given great thought and reflective attitude towards the various issues facing the nation, be it economic crisis, employment issues, or matters of international affairs. Most of the Americans considered, and still consider, President Obama as the most important transformational figure of the nation who can lead this great nation to meet the demands of the contemporary world. The former state secretary Colin Powell was right when he endorsed Barack Obama describing him as a ‘transf ormational figure’ who was the right president for this moment in time. In his words, President Obama is the right choice for leading this great nation as he has both style and substance. (Bennis, 2009, p. 223). One of the major factors that contribute to the success of Barack Obama as the transformational president of the nation is his leadership qualities. It is important to recognize that the world’s hunger for effective leadership at the international scenario has been satisfied by the election of this charismatic new leader as the president of the United States on November 4, 2008. Millions of Americans wept with pride in their country and relief on the night of his victory as he had triumphed over old prejudices. â€Å"One result of Barak Obama’s extraordinary election is to remind us of just how thin our leadership bench is.â€
Sunday, August 25, 2019
MGMT 670- STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
MGMT 670- STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Article Example It is a tool with a purpose to help an organization perform at its best, so strategic planning helps an organization to focus its energy and make sure that all members are working toward the same goals, to control whether the organization is going toward its goals in as straight manner as possible and to adjust the course for changes in internal and external circumstances. Strategic planning is thus an organized action to answer fundamental questions of what an organization is, what it does, why it does it in that way, and were it intends to be in the definite future. Strategic plan development is a process of answering a set of questions in a specific order to keep it focused and productive. (Porter, Michael E. , 1980) ) The planners must first examine current experience and situation, set and test assumptions to the best of their capabilities, they must obtain and include current information about the present and envision internal and external circumstances in which the organizatio n will be working in the future. Strategic planning involves preparing the best way to respond to changes in the environment, which are not known at the time of plan preparation, realistically, taking into account company’s resources and objectives. Strategic plan is a set of decisions of what to do, how to do it, and why to do it, in order of priority, meaning that it needs to set which decisions and actions are more important than others in order to reach the goals set. Strategic planing is a continuous process while strategic plan is a snapshot taken in various future points in time. Strategic planning is a tool of managing an organization just like hammer is a tool of reshaping a piece of metal into a horseshoe. Hammer does not make a horseshoe, a blacksmith does it applying his physical and mental power to it. In the same way manager uses strategic planning to lead an organization toward its desired goals. Strategical thinking is applied to strategical planning by manage ment to make it work for better performance of the organization. Strategic thinking is geared toward specific purpose of setting and achieving goals, being at all times mindful of internal and external circumstances that influence the purpose in order to creatively develop best responses to changes in those circumstances. The question that best supports strategic thinking would probably be: â€Å"Are we doing the right thing in the right way?†. If the answer becomes negative at any measurable moment corrective actions need to be taken. â€Å"Are we doing the right thing†would translate into measurable milestones toward set goals while â€Å"are we doing it the right way†would translate in being aligned with company’s mission, vision, values and objectives. (Porter, Michael E., 1980) For example, a fictitious merchant with a convoy of cargo ships and a goal of making the most income and reasonable profit in regular voyages from port to port from Shanghai , China via Sydney, Australia, Los Angeles, USA, Amsterdam, EU, Mumbai, India, Singapore,Singapore back to Shanghai China envisions that the company would capture 10% market share in trading commodities in each port. (Vancil, R.,1976) His objective is to make the biggest regularly modernized fleet that does not harm the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Segregation In Public Schools In the American Society Research Paper
Segregation In Public Schools In the American Society - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that some researchers claim that the school assignment policies must focus mainly on socioeconomic integration instead of racial integration. Even though the most significant aim is racial integration, economic integration is significant if academic achievement is to be boosted. The low socioeconomic status of a learning institution is openly connected to minimal learning for students, even when age, family socioeconomic status, and race have been controlled. Additionally, so as to be able to appreciate the proper social significance of integration, it is good to focus on the long-term results rather than short-term outcomes. Although the court verdicts limit schools to take into consideration race in the admission processes, these verdicts do not forbid racial deliberations in total. Since there is a strong affiliation between school integration and neighborhood in the present days, the court ruling should on integration instead concentrate on decreasing ethnic s egregation in the neighborhoods. This paper makes a conclusion that school segregation in the United States is still present even after court rulings that enhance integration. Greatness ought to be shared no matter what race or age you are in, it is good to have a society that is integrated so as to be able to achieve civil rights goals. Additionally, when enacting policies, the lawmakers must make sure the laws touch all aspects of segregation, and there should be a continuous oversight if the laws are being adhered to.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Family Medical Leave Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Family Medical Leave Act - Essay Example Until 1993, workers were at the mercy of their employer's demands, and would often be forced to resign to accommodate their sick child or ailing parent. Larger workforces usually had some form of a leave of absence, but there was no standardization or legal protection to guarantee that your job would still be waiting for you when you returned. In 1993, President Clinton signed the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) that guaranteed US workers that they would have some amount of legal protection if they are forced to take time off from work to take care of a sick family member, or help a woman through the childbirth period. While the intent of the FMLA is simple enough, there are myriad caveats and regulations that enact the legislation. The 1993 FMLA, and subsequent amendments, have created a law that allows time off to be taken by an immediate family member to care for a sick or injured relative. The time frame allowed is generally 12 weeks, though this may vary in specific situations. Because the law attempts to accommodate a wide range of scenarios, and anticipate the application of the law, it has numerous special provisions and entitlements. The purpose of this paper will be to clearly define the eligibility requirements for FMLA leave. This paper will explain what is required to obtain a leave under FMLA. It will present examples of the proper use of the FMLA, as well as the improper use of the Act. This paper will examine the potential for fraud and abuse under the law, and what is currently done to eliminate or reduce these cases. In addition, it will explain the penalty for abuse, and attempt to reveal why abuse may be difficult to identify and punish. It will accomplish these goals by examining the law fr om the standpoint of the individual as well as the organization. While this paper will strive to be complete, it is recognized that the number of specific rules, regulations, and exceptions makes a full and detailed explanation beyond the scope of this paper. The paper will cover the most widely used, and most common requests that are made to employers by workers that have a family member in need of care. Brief Historical Background The 1993 Act was finally passed and signed into law by President Clinton after two unsuccessful attempts were vetoed by President George Bush SR. in the 101st and 102nd Congresses. A Senate Report from the time noted the "demographic revolution" of the time, as well as the increasing numbers of women in the workforce, the number of adults who care for their parents, and the growing number of single parent families (Lee, 1993, 8). The Senate further contended that these numbers would have "profound consequences for the lives of working men and women and their families" (Lee, 1993, 8). In essence, single parent homes left sick children with no caregiver except the breadwinner, and aging adults that would be left to the mercy of the welfare system. In passing the FMLA in 1993 Congress stated that the Act was to "provide job security as well as a proper balance between work and family life for employees, resulting in increased worker productivity for employers" (Lee, 1993, 9). At the tim e the bill was passed, private employers had "failed to adequately respond to economic and social changes that intensified the tensions between work and
Original Cases Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Original Cases - Research Paper Example One such issue became prominent in 2010, when the government of Singapore made changes in their policies related to the employment of foreign people. The government eased regulations on hiring foreign workers in order to ensure local people get the opportunity to fill up the vacancies. However, before 2010, the government of Singapore was very much enthusiastic in recruiting foreign employees. This created a number of issues within the country regarding the approach of the government to hiring people. Nevertheless, the policy change brought gaiety and cheer among the local people of Singapore (â€Å"Eight Reasons†). This case will, however, focus on the scenario of the UAE, where the government relies on the foreign talents to hold vital positions of the organizations. The case can be further elaborated with the example of the Abu Dhabi Police Institution and Training Center, which is a government organization. The Abu Dhabi Police Institution and Training Center is one of the most important divisions of the UAE police department. This department is responsible for providing training to the General Directorate of the Abu Dhabi police. According to, "The General Directorate of Abu Dhabi Police in Abu Dhabi Emirate operates with other agencies to achieve a safer society. It seeks to preserve the stability, the reduction of crime and the removal of a sense of fear, as well as contributing to the achievement of justice among the general public" (â€Å"Director General Welcome Message†). The Abu Dhabi Police Institution and Training Center
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Food production Essay Example for Free
Food production Essay There are staggering numbers of people all over the world who experience hunger. Many people believe that hunger is caused by the insufficient supply of food. More importantly, it is assumed that due to the large population of the world, an inadequate amount of food is produced. However, this is a completely false assumption for as Robbins said, â€Å"There is enough food in the world to feed 120 percent of the world’s population on a vegetarian diet. †(Robbins, p. 178) This fact then brings about the question, if there is enough food, then why do so many people go hungry? The answer lies in the economics of food production. Food is now a capitalist commodity. Therefore, the production of food must be seen as the production of any other market commodity. Food production is not driven by global need, it is driven by market demand. As Robbins mentioned, â€Å"Food production is not determined necessarily by the global need for food; it is determined by the market for food. †(Robbins, p. 186) Looking at food production from this perspective will reveal the factors that affect the production of food. The market for food refers to the number of people that have the means to buy and pay for food. However, since a large segment of the population lives in poverty, there are very few people who can afford food. Since it is demand that determines the amount of food to be produced, the lower demand translates to lesser food production. Producers do not want to produce at a maximum level because it will mean an over-production. This will result to lower prices and ultimately lower productivity. Another factor that affects food production is the fact that farmers tend to use land to produce non food crops such as tobacco and corn as well as for crops that are marginally nutritious. (Robbins, p 186) The choice of what crops to plant relies on what the market demands. For instance, farmers tend to prioritize planting coffee for there is a large global demand for this. Coffee produced in agricultural countries in Africa is not necessarily for local consumption; it is produced because the more affluent nations demand it. Farmers consider the profitability of producing certain crops and coffee production is considered to be more profitable than vegetable production. Another example is soy bean. Soy bean is not as nutritious as vegetables. However, since there is a market for this crop in the more developed countries, farmers tend to plant this rather than vegetables. A more concrete and evident example of how market demand drives food production is the production of beef. Robbins discussed why Mexican farmers tend to concentrate on beef production. â€Å"People in Mexico go hungry because land is devoted to the production of beef, which few Mexicans can afford, but which brings high prices in the United States. †(Robbins, p. 186) The rationale behind this is that food production is driven by the demands of the markets that have the money to buy food. There is no question that there is enough food to feed the world. Hunger cannot be attributed to the inadequate amount of food. Hunger is a result of an economic problem. Lack of food on the plate is a result of the lack of money to buy food. Food production is no longer determined by the need for it by everyone. It is driven by what people who have the means to buy food demand and want. Food has become a commodity rather than a necessity. The solution of the problem of hunger lies not in production but in distribution. As Robbins (p. 187) said, â€Å"Rather than seeing hunger or famine as a failure of production, we can focus on a failure of distribution†¦ The goal is simply to establish, reestablish, or protect entitlements, the legitimate claim to food. †Reference: Robbins, R. (2007). Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism. 4th ed. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. pp 177-187.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Strategic Management Case Study: Honda
Strategic Management Case Study: Honda Ever since the days of Henry Ford, the global car manufacturing industry, one of the worlds biggest employers, has blazed the trail in both the product innovation, and perhaps most notably for the Japanese motor industry, the development of leading manufacturing methods. The industry is not unlike many others, with blistering competition on all fronts, which makes strategic planning utterly important for both the sort as well as long term survival of any industry player. The ratification of the Kyoto Protocol for instance, spurred car manufacturing companies into the adoption of strategies such as the closed-loop-strategies, in the not only the development of more efficient engines, but also the production, distribution, operation and ultimately recycling of decrepit cars etc. This report presents a review of a number of strategic alternatives by Honda and other automotive industries both in the West as well as Japan, in an attempt to establish the driving force behind Hondas success and growth. The first part of the report gives a description of Honda, followed by the reconciliation of several divergent strategies. Discussion of the differences, if any, between the western and Japanese styles of corporate leadership will unearth the myth behind Japans corporate culture before ultimately concluding with a discussion of the importance of both corporate governance as well as CSR. Contents (Jump to) HONDA, COMPANY PROFILE RECONCILIATION OF DICHOTOMIES PLANNING v. LEARNING POSITIONING VERSUS DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNAL RESOURCES CORE COMPETENCIES VERSUS CORE CAPABILITIES MANAGEMENT STYLES Lifelong Tenure CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY CONCLUSIONS RECOMMENDATIONS HONDA, COMPANY PROFILE With over 182,000 employees, ÂÂ ¥ 10,011, 241 million in annual revenues in 2009 coupled with upwards of $ 1370.1 million$ and 1896.4 in operating profits for the FY 2008 and 2009 respectively, Japans Honda is easily the industrys biggest manufactures of motor cycles, besides being a among the leading automobile producers. Operating across the globe, Honda is involved in the development, manufacturing as well as marketing and distribution of motor cars, motor cycles and a range other power products (Honda Ltd, 2010). It was founded in 1946, by Soichiro Honda and subsequently incorporated two years later, followed by years of success and growth as a motor cycle maker. Away from its core business, the companys 105 affiliates and 396 subsidiaries across the world provide financial services to thousands of its clients. It operates a four tier business model which includes the financial services division, motorcycle, automobile as well as power products (Honda Ltd, 2010). Besides multi wagons, Honda also produces a range of passenger cars, SUVs, mini vans, passenger cars, mini vehicles as well as sports coupes among others. Hondas flagship car and motor cycle models include the Accord, Civic, Legend, Insight, Acura CSX and Acura RL, CR-V, Cross Road, ASIMO Robots as well as the scooters among many others. The company recorded sales of over 10,114,000 units mainly in Japan, North America and Europe, representing an 8.5% rise over the previous years figures. Its sales have been on the rise despite through the global economic down turn that hit its American competitors, and largely driven by Toyotas PR woes over alleged flaws in the breaking system in its flagship Prius model. This success is largely attributable to the company strategic preparedness. Case in point, in 2002, it launched a hybrid car model to tap into the ever growing environmentally conscious clientele, besides launching the Environmental Learning Center (based in Texas), while in 2004, the company entered into a strategic partnership with GE, that led into the development and production of a trail blazing light jet engine, suited for business jets. Sethi and Swanson (1984), commencing in the year 2000, the company has embarked on an ambitious program to set up production plants in the emerging car and motor cycle markets, notably China, Argentina, Russia and the motor bike hot spot, Vietnam. The company prides itself with the twin principles of respect individuals and the Three Joys Principle i.e. buying, selling as well creating. These values reflect the company does wish to build on each persons unique abilities and its endeavor to ensure that everyone who comes by purchasing the products or by other means should have a great/joyous experience. Honda ensures this by relentlessly, lead in the creation of value, innovation, new products at accessible prices. RECONCILIATION OF DICHOTOMIES Honda ltds strategic innovation is founded on a process of dichotomies reconciliation which include both learning and planning, positioning on the market vs. internal resources development and lastly, core competencies related to the product against the core capabilities related to the processes. These three dichotomies do representing divergent strategies etc that drive Honda as a company since its establishment and through years of exemplary growth and expansion. De Wit Meyer (2010), assert that a critical look at Hondas strategies points especially its successful entry and dominance of new markets raises questions as to whether, Hondas strategy and subsequent decision making is solidly based on a meticulous, analytical and rational planning or whether its strategies are a direct result of the some decisions/ strategies reached at by the company, which evolved or became modified due to the environmental influences of the industry in which the company operates. PLANNING v. LEARNING While designing its strategies, the company has consistently followed a rational approach based on a critical analysis of the market and the industry environment. This strategy hinges on and it suited for a seasoned industry player such as Honda, since it seeks to built on, and exploit the companys immense experience in the automotive industry (Johnson et al., 2005). As a strategy, this is an important bottom up strategy that uses the already gained knowledge to optimize the companys needs. Planning takes into consideration both the companys resources as well as the environmental factors, as such will most likely utilize the companys set objectives within the constraints. Hondas largely seen as having successfully employed the planning strategy while entering into new markets notably while launching into the US motor cycle industry. Its recent strategic alliances with GE as well as its design and launch of innovative new products and expansion of manufacturing plants, in the ultimate attainment of huge scale economies and extremely law costs represent examples of internal planning. Planning is largely apparent from an outsiders point of view. However, interviews with the companys top management reveal a far different picture that suggests at best a company that is far from an overly rational, academic planning seeking to impose its corporate values and policies on the market and the industry, but rather a company, with a management structure that is at all times willing to learn. It is evident and widely accepted by many observers that Hondas strategies have evolved, without a clear plan or analysis of the industry. Case in point, the huge success attained by the companys 50 cc Supercab surprised everyone including the companys management. Mintzberg et al. (1998) observe that though the companys strategy may have looked analytical and well thought out, the management did blunder severally up until the market gave them the correct formula. Rational planning on its own is hardly, suited to many organizations and is in fact removed from the day to day running of a business as compared to learning, which permits management to continually develop and adjust their policies and strategies as they are implemented, in the light of new experience (De Wit Meyer, 2010). Hondas development of hybrid vehicles and energy efficient models e.g. the Honda Civic Sedan, in the wake of Toyotas success in the same field represent examples of learning from the environment. Honda has as well launched joint ventures in RD with other companies. Using both strategies gives the company an advantage, not least because it only allows the formulation of strategies that best meet both the internal resources as well as the environmental factors prevailing in the industry. POSITIONING VERSUS DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNAL RESOURCES Hondas positioning helps its brand to be associated with a given market segment. It is an equally helpful guide to the companys other strategies, particularly the marketing strategy, not least because it does clarify the essence of the brand and the helps the consumers to better identify the goals that the product seeks to meet in a unique way. In positioning a product or brand, managers must make decisions, seeking to appeal a given segment of the population, while at once risking losing the other(s). Honda has placed its various products on the basis of benefit, target, distribution as well as prices. The company offers competitive prices owing to its scale and technology advantages, which in turn permits it to achieve better client franchises. This strategy does however; affect the prestige of the brand, besides reducing the profit margins. Target, distribution and benefit positioning, that has seen the introduction of green models to serve the needs of green conscious clients, co upled by Hondas expansion into India, China and Vietnam, which was entirely meant at catering for emerging middle class in those countries. As against, development of internal resources, Hondas product positioning allows it to use fewer resources but still reach the target markets. It however, has enormous resources in capital, management, cutting production technology as well as manpower, which have driven the companys expansion across the globe. More investment in RD is, and has been possible, leading to greater innovation. While other smaller industry players struggle with limited resources constraining their RD as well as expansion, bigger companies like Honda, Toyota and GM can attain a better edge in the industry. Hondas has been able to pursue both strategies owing to the availability of niche products that it has successfully positioned e.g. motor bikes in Vietnam (over 400,000 units in annual sales), coupled by its huge availability of resources which allows it rope for RD, diversification and expansion. This does not entirely hold though, Honda spends just a fifth of GM expenditure on RD and launches fewer mode ls than the latter, yet it products/models are more successful than GMs. CORE COMPETENCIES VERSUS CORE CAPABILITIES Competencies are as a result of coordination of multiple production skills as well as a complex coordination of numerous technologies. They give a company access to newer markets; provide high barriers for competitors to enter the market, besides contributing considerably to the benefits of the end product(s). Hondas core competencies as regards products are the driving force behind the development of the numerous, innovative end user products. Hamel Prahalad regard Hondas product competencies as a brilliant example of how a small company can break into, and establish itself in a mature, stable market. In 2010 alone, Honda has set up a solar H2 station (Los Angeles), introduced the versatile iGX and GX engine series for general purposes. The company has as well produced lithium-ion based batteries intended for the new range of hybrid motor vehicles, alongside an ELC to spear head its green agenda. Honda is famed for its ability to recycle technologies in all its range of products, affording it RD efficiency. There are elements of core capabilities associated with its processes, but perhaps far lacking behind Toyota and many other industry players. These include efficient distribution channels, cost effective production processes. It trains dealers, determines shop floor plans and has strict operating procedures among others. Core product competencies in the automobile industry are far superior to the process capabilities and Hondas success is an outstanding testimony to this fact. MANAGEMENT STYLES Japanese and Hondas management styles do differ from the American style in at least six distinct aspects. These include differences in the interdepartmental relationships, communication patterns, and supervisory styles, mechanisms for control as well as existence of, or lack of a paternalistic orientation. According to Hofstede (2004), these differences largely stem from the inherent cultural differences between the two countries, which in turn influence the respective corporate cultures. Lifelong Tenure Most of the companies in Japan do provide lifelong jobs to their employees, with greater emphasis being laid on not age, but also seniority. Promotions are thus much more difficult, just as there is greater job security for the workers. Many organizations effectively hire employees for the, and are interested in the long term objectives as against Americas corporate worlds obsession with short term goals. Case in point, Hondas top management i.e. Satoshi Aoki (Chairman), Takanobu Ito, Koichi Kondo and Atsuyoshi Hyogo joined the company in 1968, 1978, 2000 and 1972 respectively, during which time they have risen through the ranks to reach the top management. On the contrary, the western corporate world is characterized by short term contracts for both managers and workers, charged with meeting short term objectives. Teams v. Individuals In contrast with the Western model where managers are responsible for decision making and subsequently accountable for the decisions reached, the Japanese system recognizes the importance of individual expertise, but the performance of the entire team is more emphasized than an individuals. In the western corporate world (Germany and American), certain employees have the star statuses e.g. in Germany, the engineers play central roles to the success of motor companies. Some elements of convergence exist though. Long apprenticeships and cadres (seniorities in Japan) do exist both in Germany, France as well as the Netherlands. Employees attain positions, promotions etc. through years of internships, apprenticeships or memberships to given classes-attained through education and or experience. Decision Making While most western corporations are characterized by top down decision making, the Japanese style of management is largely characterized by collective decision making by individual teams. Hondas decision making is characterized by the Ringi system, where decisions are passed based on a consensus of all the employees in a department or even the entire organization. This management style is identical to that practiced in Holland, except that the latter is anchored on existing contracts or class differences of among the employees. Communication As against the largely bureaucratic communication, hierarchical channels characterizing western corporations, which is largely effective and efficient, the Japanese channels of communication compromise in large part of face-to-face communication. These comprise everything from provision of information regarding assignment of tasks, responsibilities, organizational goals and the development and rechanneling of feedbacks. Implicit Mechanism of Control Honda ltd is concerned with building of its relationships with it biggest assets, the employees. Inspired by its philosophy Respect for the Individual, the company always seeks to develop collaborative relationships with each and every employee, where all mechanisms of control and supervision are largely informal. Supervisors work alongside other employees, who are involved, the decision making, which in turn renders decision making, execution of decisions and reception of feedback a lot more expedient. On the contrary, Hondas competitors run on a rigid, formal control mechanism. This sets goals, measurable, complete with targets that must be met by departments, franchises and individual employees, while the Japanese system is anchored on the management philosophies that all employees as well as managers identify with. Departmental Relationships Pascale Athos (1981), states that attainment of the goals set for a department etc requires inputs not just from the concerned departments, but perhaps most importantly, close collaboration with other departments in the company or even other organizations. Formal (necessary) relationships largely accomplish these goals (characteristic of the western model), while the Japanese style has an extra dimension; voluntary collaboration which is far more productive and results in greater knowledge sharing. Paternalistic Orientation Honda and many other Japanese companies are concerned by the holistic needs of every employee, including the concern for the well being of their families (Culpan, 2009). This imposes a social support role on the managers, a feature which is largely absent in the western world, safe for a limited number of family organizations. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY With car markets in the developed world already saturated, most car companys are looking abroad in the emerging markets notably China, India and Brazil. A recent study by TNS shows that car buyers rate car makers more according to their CSR than those consumer in the first world, thus companies that perform better in this sphere stand a far greater chance of winning the hearts and minds of the new middle class is guaranteed success. In 2005, Honda was ranked the UKs best car company based on its social responsibility initiatives, by the foremost research company on automotives, TNS Automotive. It performs equally well in the US, Indonesia, Italy and Spain among other countries alongside BMW, Shell, Malaysias Petronas, Michelin and Germanys Porsche (Nissan Corp., 2010). Honda spent over 2.3% of its annual revenues in 2009, on its CSR commitments, with the environment taking the lions share of the budget. The company has undertaken numerous actions in an attempt to meet the challenges posed by global warming and climate change. With the reputation of the automobile industry and fossil fuels already damaged, due to its huge carbon footprints, and the growing fears among the public of air pollution, it is only reasonable that companies act in accordance to the wishes of the consumers. Honda has initiated the LCA system, which identifies and sets targets for the required actions. The company develops energy efficient models, adheres by the 3Rs (in design) and noise reduction etc. Hondas corporate governance is a typical Japanese style bottom down structure, characterized by collective decision making and a collective sense of belonging among to the company that in turn reflects on the companys performance (Honda Ltd, 2010). Any companys corporate governance does determine the direction that it assumes, which ultimately reflects on its financial performance. Nissans corporate philosophy, governance as well CSR activities are not different from Hondas. It seeks to bring enrichment of the peoples lives and the environment in which they operate. It has made CSR an important part of its corporate management policies. It has devised its green purchasing guidelines, coupled with Nissan-Renault Suppliers Guidelines, which ensure that the companys entire supply chain is green and serves the purposes of the policies set by its top management. Through its charitable arm, Chryslers management makes annual donations to needy communities, projects and causes (Chrysler, 2010). In 2009, the company advanced upwards of $100000 to Good Harvest geared at combating hunger. The companys CSR initiatives are not as extensive as both Nissan and Hondas partly because the company caters for the luxury market segments that are in the main concerned about the quality and luxury as against a companys CSR etc. CONCLUSIONS Honda is largely touted by observers and varied literatures in strategic management. Its strategies have largely been used either rightly or wrongly to back up a number of conceptual dichotomies, with contracting positions i.e. learning v. analytical planning, core capabilities v competencies etc. Most of these assumptions, and evidences have however, proven erroneous owing to empirical mistakes that result into the over emphasis of the companies strengths, while its mistakes go largely unnoticed. Further, strategies and explanations are expressed in form of reductionist, single-sided theories that largely fail to portray the actual strategic orientation of Honda. Hondas thrives on reconciling dichotomies. Thus many observers in the west have largely missed out in studying, learning from and understanding Honda. Rohlen (1974), it is evident that capabilities as well as competencies can possibly complement one another, forming into one theory. The latter does focus on the production expertise and technologies while the capabilities serving to improve the whole chain of value. Capabilities are far more visible and easily appreciated by the clients than are product competencies. Hondas ability to meet high targets and post tremendous growth rates is largely due to its tendency to set stretched targets, which brings into direct competition with the biggest players in the automotive industry. In order to compete, it uses its resource base to compete by either providing niche products or undercutting competitors on basis of cost advantages, attained through scale economies. This ability to leverage her resources offers the key to its success, as against the widely fabled Japanese management styles. This style is widely different from and more appealing that the western style corporate management is only suitable for the Japanese and Asian environments. There are aspects in both management styles that could beneficially be, and have largely been adopted by either side to the great advantage of the corporations, but not the complete management packages as they will be utter failures in the other ones environment (Schein, 1981). Finally, this report has demonstrated the importance of corporate governance, policy and CSR is important in the ever changing consumer tastes as well as preferences, and most importantly, increasing consumer awareness. RECOMMENDATIONS Increased spending and expansion of Hondas and other automotive companies in CSR, environmental protection and production of innovative environmentally friendly models should continue as the only way counter changing consumer needs as well as the changing times. The Western and Japanese styles of corporate management should be blended to suit both the practical and strategic objectives of each organization. Reconciliation of strategies is crucial for success and helps companies reap the benefits of divergent strategies, thus companies must seek common grounds between strategies rather than opting for only one.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Possible Causes Of Sick Building Syndrome Environmental Sciences Essay
The Possible Causes Of Sick Building Syndrome Environmental Sciences Essay The World Health Organization defines Sick Building Syndrome as a complex of sub-chronic symptoms that occur while occupants are in a building and generally decrease when they leave. The EPA defines it as phenomena used to describe situations in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a building, but no specific illness or cause can be identified. The discomforts faced by the occupants are usually of the dermis, the nervous system and the mucous membranes (Brinke et al., 1998). Typical symptoms may include itchy eyes, itchy and/or dry skin, irritation of the nose, throat, difficulty in breathing, headache, nausea, fatigue, chest tightening etc. (Apter et al, 1994). The problem may not necessarily be one related to the place of occupation, but studies that describe it refer almost specifically to occupation related disorders. Sick building syndrome is a by-product of building related illness which itself is an extension of indoor air quality. SBS is hard to diagnose as the symptoms that accompany it are not mutually exclusive to it, and may also be the manifestations of other illnesses. Previous studies and surveys conducted on office buildings in the U.S and Europe indicate that at least a 5th of the healthy individuals in the building experience symptoms related to SBS (Pickering et al.,1992) . Usually however, the symptoms disappear if the person leaves the building. 2. CAUSES OF SBS The following are the possible causes of sick building syndrome: 2.1. Ventilation (or lack thereof) In the mid 1900s the building ventilation standards were set at approximately 15 cubic feet per minute (cfm) of outside air for each building occupant, primarily to dilute and remove body odors (US EPA). As a result of the 1973 oil embargo, however, national energy conservation measures called for a reduction of the amount of outdoor air provided for ventilation to 5 cfm per occupant, which in most cases were found to be inadequate. Inadequate ventilation may also occur if heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems do not effectively distribute air to people in the building(US EPA). To maintain adequate indoor air quality, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recently revised its ventilation standard to provide a minimum of 15 cfm of outdoor air per person (20 cfm/person in office spaces). ( ASHRAE Standard 62-1989). 2.2. Contaminants Contaminants are of a varied nature and varied origin. They can be broadly categorized into two categories on the basis of their composition i.e. chemical and biological; and their origin i.e. indoor and outdoor. 2.2.1 Indoor chemical contaminants These originate inside the building. Examples could be chemicals/fumes from the paint, carpeting, wood products, upholstery, copying machines, computers, cleaning agents. Such chemicals are usually classified as Volatile Organic Carbons. Other chemical contaminants can be the CO2 exhaled in totality, the fumes/chemicals in cigarette smoke. Heating systems especially the old ones can give rise to combustion byproducts such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxides, aerosol particles, ozone etc. Various studies have been conducted on almost all of the above mentioned chemicals contaminants and their ill effects have been well documented. 2.2.2. Outdoor chemical contaminants As the name suggest, these originate outside the building. These also include VOCs, gases like carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, oxides of sulfur, ozone, etc. However, the basic difference between this and indoor chemical contaminants is that outdoor contaminants arise due to vehicular use outside the building, which gradually pervades inside the building. 2.2.3. Biological contaminants Bacteria, molds, pollen, and viruses are types of biological contaminants. These contaminants may breed in stagnant water that has accumulated in ducts, humidifiers and drain pans, or where water has collected on ceiling tiles, carpeting, or insulation. Sometimes insects or bird droppings can be a source of biological contaminants. Physical symptoms related to biological contamination include cough, chest tightness, fever, chills, muscle aches, and allergic responses such as mucous membrane irritation and upper respiratory congestion. One indoor bacterium, Legionella, has caused both Legionnaires Disease and Pontiac Fever (Apter et al, 1994). 3. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF SICK BUILDING SYNDROME Several studies have been conducted on the Sick Building Syndrome, and the effects related to it. These studies had employed questionnaires which depended on self-reporting by the subjects, and indoor quality measurements. The first of such surveys/studies which focused primarily on building related sickness or complaints was done in the United Kingdom for humidifier fever by Anthony Pickering (Pickering et al, 1992). The same method was utilized by the subsequent researchers, with some modifications in the study design or questions. The studies were usually comparative, i.e. there was a test group in which the subjects worked/resided in not so well ventilated buildings, and the control group in which the subjects were in well ventilated buildings. Self reporting was usually a component of the study design (Redlich et at, 1997), and by its very nature the most likely to introduce bias in the study. Subjects usually reported nasal symptoms such as congestion, pruritis, rhinorrhea etc. , eye related symptoms such as tearing, dryness etc., and others such as tightness and congestion in the chest area, nausea etc. (Apter et al, 1994). When comparisons were made between the two groups, it was seen that the prevalence of all these symptoms was higher in the subjects that were in the test group. This would help to draw the conclusion that there was some factor in the building, possibly the ventilation or lack of it that contributed to these symptoms. Though building related factors are not the only variables in such studies, age, gender, environmental factors also account for a lot. A study conducted by Ooi et al. suggests that building related health complaints were reported more frequently by people who handled/dealt with visual display units. A majority of the researchers conducting these studies agree that these symptoms could also be manifestations of work related stress, which obviously plays a major part in todays work environment. Stress related disorders include headaches including migraines, peptic ulcers, high blood pressure, bronchial asthma etc. When these are considered in conjugation with building related health complaints, there is a very high degree of overlap. Indoor air quality measurements usually help to somewhat pinpoint the origin of these disorders, if not accurately predict them. Air quality measurements with respect to building related disorders prove that inadequate ventilation is usually a major cause of the disorders. Inadequate ventilation fails to dissipate the concentration of the chemical and biological contaminants, and may even lead the increase in their concentration over time. Sources of these contaminants will be discussed further. 3.1. Sources of the Contaminants A).VOCs: Volatile organic compounds are usually aerosols of hydrocarbons. They arise from various sources and are present in a variety of compounds present indoors. Such sources are paints, coatings, caulks, carpeting, Office products such as type-writer correction fluids, photo-duplication and laser printing toners and their thermal degradation products, and carbonless copy paper release. In addition, perfumes, emissions from dry-cleaned clothes, and other products associated with human beings may give of VOCs. Also certain microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi may emit VOCs (Brinke et al, 1998). B). BIOAEROSOLS: As the name suggests, these are released by biological sources such as micro-organisms and even humans. Plants also emit bioaerosols. Inadequate cleaning services and moisture control may lead to the proliferation of microorganisms. Furthermore, dust may collect in vents and in between carpeting (Apte et al., 2000). Workers may even carry them in through their clothes, and these are the major ways how organisms such as dust mites, cockroaches and even bed bugs are transported and subsequently propagated. These compounds usually give rise to respiratory illnesses and can increase the incidence of asthma, though their epidemiology is not much supported by previous studies. C). ENVIRONMENTAL TOBACCO SMOKE: In most U.S office buildings, smoking is prohibited. However, already present outside smoke may pervade in through doorways and windows through wind patterns. Usually tobacco smoke is not much of a problem in the United States; however, it is so in many other countries especially developing countries. Such a factor may increase passive smoking, and increase the incidence of asthma, and other respiratory diseases. D). OUTSIDE AIR POLLUTION: Vehicular exhaust, factory exhaust and other outdoor pollution factors can pervade indoors gradually. This is seen in buildings which are near busy roadways and city centers. The compounds in such are usually VOCs and aerosols which cause a huge variety of problems (Brinke et al, 1998). E). PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS: Work stress is a psychological factor that can exacerbate already existing health problems and/or make a person more susceptible to them. Furthermore, several studies have proved that gender and age play a big part in the prevalence of the disorders. Typically, women and older workers are more susceptible to sick building syndrome disorders (Brasche et al, 2001). 4. POSSIBLE REMEDIATION OF SICK BUILDING SYNDROME Sick building syndrome is different from building related illness in the sense that it is reversible, i.e. most people report alleviation in their symptoms if they leave the building. This improvement in their health is more or less fast, and it is this factor that makes SBS somewhat easy to manage. The following solutions can be used in combination or separately to remediate these symptoms. 4.1. Elimination of contaminants This method is the best remedy if the sources are known and it is economically feasible to remove them. A well maintained HVAC system can automatically help to eradicate some or most of these pollutants. The EPA suggests the following procedures to help in eliminating the contaminants: 1. Periodic cleaning or replacement of filters 2. Replacement of water-stained ceiling tile and carpeting 3. Institution of smoking restrictions 4. Venting contaminant source emissions to the outdoors 5. Storage and use of paints, adhesives, solvents, and pesticides in well ventilated areas, and use of these pollutant sources during periods of non-occupancy 6. Allowing time for building materials in new or remodeled areas to off-gas pollutants before occupancy. 4.2. Increasing ventilation rates Improving ventilation and the general air distribution greatly impacts the indoor air quality of a building. It is usually the most economically feasible options of counteracting SBS. HVAC should at the very least meet the minimum standards of local and/or national building codes. The ASHRAE suggests operating HVAC systems at their design optimum which is usually better and higher than the generic codes. The most optimum and the best option to operate HVAC systems is to the ASHRAE standard62-1989. If there is a large proportion of outdoor pollution pervading indoors, the exhaust systems have to operate to their most optimum capacity so as to continually eliminate such contaminants. Another plausible but far less economically plausible option could be to avoid such congested areas altogether, and build new buildings in comparatively more open spaces, however, this could lead to the reduction in a places green cover, and would be ultimately counter-intuitive to the purpose of elimination of air pollution. The EPA recommends local exhaust ventilation to remove pollutants that accumulate in specific areas such as rest rooms, copy rooms, and printing facilities. It also recommends that the HVAC systems must bring in adequate amounts of outdoor air to dilute and eventually remove indoor contaminants. 4.3. Air cleaning Air cleaning is usually a good remediation option if the SBS is too much, or the indoor air quality is too deteriorated. It is more of a cure than a prevention strategy. Like most mechanical cures, this option also comes with a lot of limitations. Particle control devices such as the typical furnace filter are inexpensive but do not effectively capture small particles whereas high performance air filters capture the smaller, respirable particles but are relatively expensive to install and operate. Mechanical filters do not remove gaseous pollutants. Some specific gaseous pollutants may be removed by adsorbent beds, but these devices can be expensive and require frequent replacement of the adsorbent material (Wargocki et al, 2000). 4.4. Proper Communication and Education These are one of the most important measures in remediation and prevention of SBS. The top management needs to keep in mind the health of its employees and should communicate measures to help them. All the levels of the management must work in tandem to maintain good or rather excellent indoor air quality. The EPA eloquently puts it as When building occupants, management, and maintenance personnel fully communicate and understand the causes and consequences of IAQ problems, they can work more effectively together to prevent problems from occurring, or to solve them if they do. 5. CONCLUSION Sick Building Syndrome is increasingly becoming an issue in the workplace and there are documented proofs that it results in reduction in productivity. However, thankfully, it is a reversible and easily remediable phenomenon, and if the employers and employees work together in eliminating it, it can truly be eradicated.
Monday, August 19, 2019
A substantive grounded theory :: Informative, Theory
A good formal theory ought to be at least the equivalent ought of a ton of ethnographies and perhaps half a gross of substantive theories (Strauss 1987, p.248). A substantive grounded theory is a tailor-made theory while a formal grounded theory is a ready-made theory (Kearney 1998). Substantive theory may limit its application to other contexts if a constant comparative method of modifying a theory is neglected. Nevertheless, it may have important general implications and relevance to other areas. It is for this imperative that, the emergent substantive grounded theory generated from data, is moved to a formal theory. Formal theory allows more generalization, and transferability of research results, which may be adapted to other different scenarios. While it is possible to generate formal theory directly from data (Glaser and Strauss 1967; Strauss 1987), it is better to start with a substantive grounded theory of which a formal theory can be developed (Glaser and Strauss 1967). Both the substantive and formal theory can inform each other on the development of a formal theory. On moving substantive grounded theory to formal theory, Glaser and Strauss (1967) suggests using someone else’s formal theory as an important starting strategy. Through discussion of substantive theory with formal theory, findings from other substantive areas are constantly compared in a generation of a grounded formal theory. A substantive grounded theory is a one area theory developed for a substantive/empirical area while a grounded formal theory is a ‘multi-area’ theory developed for a formal/conceptual area (Glaser and Strauss 1967; Strauss 1987). A formal theory cannot fit or work well when written from only one area (Glaser and St rauss 1967). Therefore, a discussion of substantive grounded theory with a formal theory incorporates other substantive areas to make a formal theory adequate. The best building materials for grounded formal theory are the findings of other substantive theories (Glaser and Strauss 1967). Moreover, avoidance of prevalent mode of formal theory will be achieved as Strauss (1987) noted: [†¦]The prevalent mode of formulating formal theory is to move directly from substantive to formal theory, without grounding the latter in any additional data. The theorist, for example, suggest that his her substantive findings and perhaps theory about say physician-patient relationship have implications for general theory of professional-client relationship but does not do the further work of studying the latter relationship comparatively [†¦] (Strauss 1987, p. 243) A core phenomenon in a substantive study has clear implications for a formal grounded theory (Strauss 1987).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Macbeth - Noble Soldier to Bloody Tyrant Essay -- Macbeth essays
Macbeth - Noble Soldier to Bloody Tyrant  The purpose of tragedy is to arouse in the audience emotions of fear or pity, and to produce a catharsis-a relieving cleansing-of these emotions. Macbeth is the most horrific of Shakespeare's tragedies because the protagonist commits such bloodthirsty acts. Apart from on the battlefield, however, this brutality is not evident when we first meet the hero. General Macbeth is a man of military and political importance, the heroic Thane of Glamis and potential heir to the throne of Scotland. By the end of the play he is an entirely different person than he was in the beginning. In the beginning he is a heroic, decent, and noble soldier, but by the end of the play he is a bloody tyrant.  A key ingredient in such a genre is the tragic flaw, an idea that goes back to an influential work of literary criticism called Poetics, by Aristotle. Aristotle said that the tragic hero should be someone of rank or importance with a tragic flaw, who suffers a "reversal of intention" that eventually leads to his or her death.   Aristotle also said that in the process, the tragic hero should experience recognition of this failure and that by the end of the work our moral sense should be satisfied that right or justice has prevailed.   The tragic flaw is some weakness in character that is responsible for action or inaction on the part of the tragic hero and leads to the reversal of the hero's original intention. Therefore, the reversal of intention is the turning point in the tragic hero's life when he or she experiences something that causes the tide to turn and previous success to turn to failure. [The fourth soliloquy prepares us for the r eversal, and the climactic... ...ere is room for debate about his courage and nobility, and whether or not we feel any pity or compassion for him. Our feelings at the end constitute the expected catharsis.  Works Cited and Consulted: Greenblatt, Stephen. "Introduction to Macbeth." The Norton Shakespeare. New York: Norton, 1997. 2555-63. Hawkins, Michael. "History, politics, and Macbeth." Focus on Macbeth. Ed. John Russell Brown. London: Routledge, 1982. 155-88. Kermode, Frank. "Introduction to Macbeth." The Riverside Shakespeare. Boston: Houghton, 1974. 1307-11. Shakespeare, William. Tragedy of Macbeth . Ed. Barbara Mowat and Paul  Warstine. New York: Washington Press, 1992.        Notes: 1 Roman Polanski changes the ending in his film, when he has Donalbain visit the witches to determine his own fate as the brother of the new King Malcolm. Â
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Goffman Essay -- Book Review, Social Exchange
Goffman â€Å"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Student of sociology, believe Erving Goffman could easily claimed to have made that statement just as Shakespeare is given due. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life details dramaturgy or as Goffman himself relates, â€Å"The Perspective employed in this report is that of the theatrical performance†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Preface, p. xi). Using theater metaphors Goffman wanted to analyze frame by frame the organization of the social experience. He created a framework, a common sociological language, to conceptualize social interactions and thus authored influential work producing deeper intellectual inquiry, academic discussion, and social science development. Through critical review, Goffman’s book reveal its core concept plus consider how his influential paradigm, the dramaturgical perspective maybe placed i n the terms of sociological discussions within the discipline. The book surveys a host of social exchanges whereby the author demonstrates that we in our everyday lives participate in performances of ourselves in ways similar to actors depicting characters. Essentially to Dr. Goffman, it is acting -the presentation of oneself - whether recognized as such by individuals involved or not He begins quoting George Santayana in an exploration of mask. In chapter one, entitled â€Å"Performances,†the theatrical lens starts the analysis. He relays sociologist, Robert Ezra Park’s concept, â€Å"We come into the world as individuals, achieve character, and become persons†(p.20). These examples and all other pertinent information supporting his thesis are registered through theater. Previewing t... ...sic way has been the way of the intellectual craftsman.†This describes Goffman as a serious sociologist. He uses the dimensions of stagecraft to develop intellectual craftsmanship that his academic colleague calls upon. The dramaturgical perspective of Erving Goffman, Ph.D., has been examined in this report through a survey of his book’s assertions. The lineage of sociology prior to his publishing his social science conceptual study was detailed and connected to his stated views of micro-sociology. The sociological discussion within the discipline based upon his book concluded this critical review. This entire survey has caused me to appreciate Goffman’s work as a student of sociology because he has shown me intellectual tools to make abstractions concrete so that I may operate with on a cognitive level to comprehend group dynamics in a scientific way.
Technological Advances and their Effects on Media of Art
Some people find comfort in being involved in art. For them, their creations are the product of self-expressions that have no other better way of being expressed than through art. Some feel that they connect to the world or to their surroundings and arouse feelings through art. There may be some people whose passions center on art. For whatever reasons, art has become one of the areas where changes took place. Particularly, the media of art changed through the many technological advances that were introduced into the public. Art can be defined in many ways.There were traditional and contemporary definitions of art (Adajian). Generally, art refers to creative human endeavors. It also refers to any product of a creative impulse. Although it usually refers to visual arts, art also includes music, plastic arts, performing arts, and decorative arts. Moreover, art has many forms, including music, sculpture, painting, literature, performance art, drawing, and architecture. With the changing times and new technologies, art has included other forms such as conceptual art, computer art, photography, comics, video art, and film (WordIQ).All of these forms of art evolved as the world slowly became modernized. Recent technological advances have also placed great burden on some of the traditional media of art such as pencil and canvas. Many people think that along with hi-tech devices such as computer and camera, the use of pencil, coloring materials, ink or paint would become obsolete. Other technological advances that affected the media of art will be discussed as follows. The Quantel Paintbox The Quantel paintbox, which was launched in 1981, is a computer system which aids in manipulating video and in creating graphics.Through Quantel paintbox, the production of television graphics was further developed and improved. Quantel paintbox can now be run on workstations, unlike before when only hardware can run it. Moreover, professionals use Quantel paintbox up to this day for TV production. It was used extensively in creating artwork for the â€Å"Painting With Light,†which was a 1986 BBC series. Additionally, the Quantel was used in Arte, a European Network which created original TV designs. There were also new designs made for Quantel, namely: the Paintbox, Paintbox gQ, and QPaintbox (BroadcastEngineering).Computer Computer impacted the media of art in such a way that no traditional art media is needed to create art. For instance, with just the mouse, an artist can create cartoons and visual effects, unlike before when artists really must use pencil and paper. Artists before used materials for creating a film and sometimes these materials were unstable. For instance, images were placed in cels, or sheets of clear plastic. To avoid creating brushstrokes, colors must be manually painted from the back of the cel.Artists also used substances such as cellulose nitrate and cellulose acetate during the early 1900s. But today, artists are spared from using materials that decompose (Worth). Moreover, the ease of using computer and saving the works in it is an advantage that traditional medium cannot compete with. An artist can make use of visual or special effects with just a few clicks. A lyricist can write his songs in the computer. There is even software which allows the recording of songs. The invention of the computer has encouraged artists to use it for art purposes.Animation Software We see it on movies. From The Lion King to Bolt. There are even movies where humans and cartoon characters were incorporated as though the world of humans and that of the cartoons are one. Thanks to animation softwares that are of much help, everything can be possible today. The implementation of animation softwares among artists has also affected the media of art in major ways. With these softwares, it is much easier for artists to make animations. However, traditional media of art is still used.For instance, an artist creates a storyboard us ing pencil before the output can be fed into the computer for further changes or improvements. In another instance, character designs are created first by animators or artists. Then these designs would be produced on Model Sheets (or photographic stats) before distribution to the other artists (Worth). Camera Camera was first invented in 1841 by Joseph Nicephore Niepce. It has evolved from the machine that only takes images from the dark to the high-tech ones today (ShotAddict). With the invention of the camera, photography became the â€Å"in†thing.As time passed by, many more persons added features to the first camera. There was the invention of film, and now there are digital cameras which do not use films. It is also much easier to print out pictures taken by a digital camera. With the appearance of digicams, the traditional cameras slowly become obsolete, although there are still some artist which prefer using ones that they can manipulate Paints From the paints that we re used on canvas, now there are paints that can be used for clothing, foils, and specialty papers.With these paints, artists can turn any flat surface into printable surface. These paints have affected paint as a traditional medium of art because now paints are not only limited to paper or canvas (ArtMedia). With the fast paced world, art has been under a lot of changes, particularly in its media. Pencils, markers, paints and the other materials that were used before were now substituted with more hi-tech materials such as computer, camera, and animation softwares. However, despite the technological advances, art has always been there and man continually seek art.
Friday, August 16, 2019
A Whisper of Aids Rhetorical Analysis Paper
Shayan Momin Momin 1 Mr. Pople AP English III, Period 7 12 October 2012 Rhetorical Analysis of â€Å"A Whisper of AIDS†In 1891, Voltairine de Cleyre wrote The Philosophy of Selfishness and Metaphysical Ethics, critiquing the selfish and egoistic mindset of society. This same mindset is critiqued by Mary Fisher in â€Å"A Whisper of AIDS†. She uses rationally emotional rhetoric in order to criticize this â€Å"self-ism†that exists in the world. Fisher begins by speaking of the non-existent impacts of movements that have attempted to raise awareness about AIDS.She utilizes the word â€Å"despite†in consecutive phrases to show that â€Å"despite science and research†and â€Å"good intentions†, nothing significant has occurred because â€Å"the epidemic is [still] winning†. Through her usage of repetition, it is inferable that society has ignored these efforts due to the way of thinking that was scorched by de Cleyre. This ignorance fr om the public reveals how deeply rooted this â€Å"self-ism†is in our society. And to extend her point even further, she says that the â€Å"White House†has attempted to try to raise awareness about AIDS.Her reference to the government further exposes the stubbornness of society to change their selfish way of life. She tries to say that even with the government pushing for this cause, the public still refuses to take action. But even the government isn’t doing much. Fisher mentions the â€Å"campaign slogans†and â€Å"hopeful promises†that were made by the government with a sarcastic tone. This implies that the speaker believes that even our federal government has a mindset of selfishness. But this is only the beginning of her attack on society. Momin 2She goes on to blame society for the magnitude of the virus’s impacts. She says that by ignoring the virus and the people affected by it, society has â€Å"helped [the virus] along†and that we â€Å"have killed each other with our ignorance, our prejudice, and our silence†. Her usage of a list explains in what ways society has committed such a crime. And all of this is due to the existence of a mindset that promotes self-centration, a mindset that calls for the ignorance of all others who coexist with you. The connotation of â€Å"killed†has a double effect.First, its negative connotation creates an image in one’s head of a mob of people destroying one another. It represents how severe the aftermath of the virus has been. The second effect, one that is deeper, and somewhat hidden, is that the word â€Å"killed†implies the killing of open-mindedness and selflessness. It shows how people hurt each other, knock each other down, and even kill each other for their own selfish desires. In this case, society has ignored the AIDS virus because they have the thought that â€Å"If I don’t have it, I shouldn’t care about itâ € .This kind of thinking has lay ruin for the victims of this virus, who have been hurt even more due to the ignorance of society towards such a major problem. Fisher refers to empirics in order to prove the detrimental effects of having a selfish society. She speaks of how her grandfather had heard the Pastor Niemoeller say that when â€Å"[the Nazis] came after the Jews†, he didn’t protest because he wasn’t a Jew. When the Nazis â€Å"came after the Trade Unionists†, the pastor did not protest because he wasn’t a Trade Unionist. But when the Nazis â€Å"came after [the pastor]†, â€Å"there was no one left to protest†.The parallelism used here helps to better define the impacts of a self-minded society, supporting the speaker’s main purpose which is to critique the â€Å"self-ism†that exists today. This quote is significant in another way as well. The way the pastor reacted to the Nazi invasion is the same way peop le are reacting Momin 3 to the AIDS and HIV virus. They are mirror reflections of each other. It shows that people will only learn when they are victimized. When this happened to the pastor, he then realized his mistake. But in this case, if people will only learn through victimization, the result would be catastrophic.Fisher says how â€Å"a million†are infected now; if this is what is to happen, billions will be exposed to the virus. Through this foreshadowing, the author is able to convince the reader that self-centration will lead to our demise. Unless we become aware. Mary Fisher’s critiquing of society’s selfishness and self-mindedness makes the reader aware of the dangers of having such a mindset. Her purpose is to point out that in order to help raise awareness of HIV; we must first rid ourselves of such a malignant way of thinking.
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