Friday, May 31, 2019
Davidsons The Folly of Trying to Define Truth :: Philosophy Argumentative Papers
Davidsons The Folly of Trying to Define Truth Davidsons argument against the possibility of defining honor draws upon the work of Tarski. However, Tarskis assumption that the semantic supposition of truth holds only for formal addresss which are not semantically closed is not as plausible as it seems to be since it can be shown that this would result in the impossibility of formulating a theory of truth, because the epistemological presuppositions of formal semantics undermine any theory of representation of reality in which our cognitions can be authentic or false representations. Yet Davidson concludes that there cannot be a definition of For all languages L, and all sentences s in L, s is true in L if and only if . . . s . . . L. I am challenging Davidson by introducing into his above scheme my own definition of truth For all languages L, and all sentences s in L, s is true in L if and only if we prove s in L and then cover how to prove this definition philosophically. I. I ntroduction Can we define truth?Davidson argues for the folly of trying to define truth and claims that Tarskis accomplishment was accompanied by a trial impression that truth cannot (given various plausible assumptions) be defined in general (Davidson, 1996269). Tarskis plausible assumptions are that his semantic conception of truth can be hypothesize only for formal languages which are not semantically closed. But these assumptions are not so plausible as they seem since it can be shown that if we don them it is impossible to formulate a theory of truth because the epistemological presuppositions of formal semantics undermine any theory of representation of reality in which our cognitions can be true or false representations (Nesher, 1996). Yet Davidson concludes from Tarskis theory of truth that there cannot be definition of For all languages L, and all sentences s in L, s is true in L if and only if ... s ... L.I would like to start by challenging Davidson about his claim for the impossibility of defining truth and to pull in into his above scheme my own definition of truth then I will show how to prove this definition philosophically1 For all languages L, and all sentences s in L, s is true in L if and only if we prove s in L.We can see immediately that the plausible assumptions of Tarskis semantic conception of truth for semantically formal languages do not hold in my definition of truth since I define truth in the same language in which it is used.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Jacksonian Era Essay -- American History, Politics
Whether people admired Andrew Jacksons policies and decisions as president or did non they can all agree that the cardinal most important economic conflicts during the Jacksonian Era were the Bank state of war conflict and the Specie Circular apprehension of 1837. The Jacksonian Era by Remini, should be renamed The Jacksonian Economy because the outcomes of these two conflicts were what made Americas delivery today. In describing these two conflicts, Remini showed how Americas learned the ruffianly way of what to do and not do in order to have a successful economy. The Bank War was important because it proved that the nations finances could not be trusted in the hands of one man. Jackson believed this to be true and fought to change it. He believed that the Second Bank of the unite States was unconstitutional and that it posed a serious threat to the American economy. On the other hand, this American System which was inspired by Alexandria Hamilton, Henry Clay, and lead by Nic holas Biddle was meant to modernize the nations economy. Both sides of the Bank War would not back down, which lead to Jackson eventually closing down all banks because he believed they were devices to cheat common people. The other most important conflict which played a role in Jacksonina Era was the threat of 1837. This was the most serious feeling the young nation had seen yet. The economy suffered in a number of ways such as large debts, an unfavorable balance of trade as imports had exceeded exports which resulted in a loss of specie and several crops failures had also taken place in 1837. Both conflict had enormous impacts on Americas economy and had many repercussions. The first important economic conflict that Remini presented was Jacksons war against the Bank of the... ... passage of the Federal Reserve System. (P-40) Even though the Panic of 1837 had an impact worldwide, overall the Bank Wars had the most influential and long lasting effects on the United States.The Jack sonian Era was a trial and misunderstanding period for the nations economy. Whether people admired Andrew Jacksons policies and decisions as president or did not they can all agree that the two most important economic conflicts during the Jacksonian Era were the Bank War conflict and the Specie Circular Panic of 1837. Both conflicts taught a life lesson of what to baksheesh away from in order to achieve the American dream. Reminis The Jacksonian Era taught economic and financial history by exploring the explanation and causes of the Bank War and Panic of 1837. For without the knowledge of these two conflicts, America would not know how its economy survived in the first place.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
True love is so hard to find :: essays research papers
I want to capture and preserve our introductory meeting together in a bottle of applaud. The firstborn time I saw you it was like standing next to a waterfall withbeautiful shades of color. Your face was glowing as your eyes and make a faceshowed words of love."I knew I loved you before I met you." I felt as if seeing you for the firsttime were to see the beauty first hand, to be able to touch you and allowthese tingling feelings to release. Before we met in person I knew that mylove for you was deeper than any monument on earth. I cut in love with youfrom the inside out, getting to know your inner most thoughts and see thebeauty locked inside.I looked into your eyes and felt a strong antecedent of communication, there wasno need for words. I felt lost in a world of thought, yet I was found withthe strength of love. We exchanged those feelings of love with only ourexpressions. It was these expressions that created a strong tinglingsensation throughout my body, a feeling that I had never in my lifeexperienced.Sitting beside you engulfed my mind with thoughts and alter my body withfurther sensations. Each time you glanced at me, it was literally melting myheart I was just overwhelmed by you. As my hand rested by my side youreached over and gently touched my hand. I can only describe that thatmoment as being struck by lightning. There was this electric shock of electricitygoing through my entire body and I didnt want it to stop. I closed my eyesand took a deep breath, accepting these wonderful feelings. Your handcaressed mine and my fingers gently slid along yours as I touched the backof your hand.As you held my hand and led me through a darkened pip of trees, I putmyself in your hands and trusted your guidance. With gripped hands wesettled upon a rock with the ocean below. The air was filled with silenceexcept for the uninterrupted splashing of water against the rocks. We gentlyrubbed our faces against each other as our cheeks caressed. As our bodies
The Skeletal System Essay -- essays research papers
Chapter 7I.Bone StructureA.Bone Classification1.4 Classes Long, Short, flat and insurrectionist2.Example of a long turn out- forearm and thigh gussy ups.3.Short Bones are shaped like cubes4.Ex. Of short bones are in wrists and mortise joint bones5.Flat bones are platelike structures6.Ex of Flat bones are platelike structures7.Irregular bones vary in size8.Irregular bones vary in size9.Examples of irregular bones are those of the vertebra and some facial bones10.Round bones are in addition called sesamoid bones i.They are small and modular and embedded in tendonsii.Example is the patella (kneecap)B.Parts of a long bone1. An expanded end of a long bone is an epiphysis2.An epiphysis articulates with another bone3.Articular Cartilage is located on the epiphysis 4.The shaft of a long bone is called a diaphysis5.Periosteum functions t form and repair bone tissue6.Periosteum is a tough, vascular, fibrous membrane covering the diaphysis of a bone7.Processes permit sites for attachm ent of tendons or ligaments8.The wall of the diaphysis is composed of compact bone9.Compact bone has no gaps10.Ephiphysis is composed of muddy bone11.Spongy bone consists of bony plates called trabeculae12.A bone is composed of spongy and compact bone13.A canal called the medullary cavity runs through the diaphysis14.The endosteum lines this cavity and spaces of the spongy bone15.Endosteum contains bone forming cells16.The tissue that fills the spaces of the bone is called marrow17.&nb... ...ome osteocytes11.Periosteum comes from cells of the primitive conncective tissue that persist outside of the developing bone.12.Compact bone is formed by osteoblasts on the inside of periosteum13.Intramembranous ossification is the process if replacing connective tissue to form an intramembranous bone.D.Endochondral Bones1.Most of the bones are these types of bone2.They develop as people of hyaline cartilage3.Eventually the cartilage decompses forming periosteum from connective tissue that en circles that developing structure4.Blood vessels and undifferentiated connective tissue cells invade the disintegrating tissue5. about of these cells become osteoblasts6.Ostoeblasts form the spongy bone in the spaces previously housed by cartilage7.Endochondral ossification is the process of forming an endochondral bone by the replacement of hyaline cartilage.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Beauty and The Bluest Eye :: Bluest Eye Essays
Beauty and The Bluest Eye Toni Morrisons novel, The Bluest Eye contributes to the study of the American novel by bringing to light an unflattering side of American taradiddle. The story of a young black girl named Pecola, growing up in Lorain, Ohio in 1941 clearly beautifys the fact that the American Dream was not visible(prenominal) to everyone. The world that Pecola inhabits adores blonde haired blue eyed girls and boys. Black children are invisible in this world, not special, less than nothing. The idea that the simulation of your skin somehow do you lesser was cultivated by both whites and blacks. White skin meant beauty and privilege and that idea was not questioned at this time in history. The idea that the color of your skin somehow made you less of a person contaminated black peoples lives in many contrastive ways. The taunts of schoolboys directed at Pecola clearly illustrate this fact It was their contempt for their own blackness that gave the firs t insult its teeth (65). This self hatred also possessed an undercurrent of anger and injustice that ultimately led to the civil rights movement. The characters in this book as well as the time period mark a time in American history that played an important role in the ideas of equality and freedom. All of the elements on which this country were founded upon were twisted so they no longer applied to blacks and other minorities in this country. The life led by Pecola as well as others like her good or bad is a part of history that was experienced by many Americans in all parts of the country. While it is questionable whether total equality has been reached in this country, many ideas have changed for the better. This book is significant because it shows a different side to American literature as well as life. Morrison points out what has changed and what has stayed the same. While people are generally equal, there are still prejudices in the idea of what is beauti ful and who is worthy.
Beauty and The Bluest Eye :: Bluest Eye Essays
Beauty and The Bluest Eye Toni Morrisons novel, The Bluest Eye contributes to the study of the American novel by bringing to light an unflattering boldness of American hi trading floor. The story of a young black girl named Pecola, growing up in Lorain, Ohio in 1941 clearly illustrates the feature that the American Dream was not available to everyone. The reality that Pecola inhabits adores blonde haired blue eyed girls and boys. Black children are invisible in this world, not special, less than nothing. The belief that the color of your beat somehow made you lesser was cultivated by both whites and blacks. White skin meant beauty and privilege and that idea was not questioned at this time in history. The idea that the color of your skin somehow made you less of a person contaminated black peoples lives in many a(prenominal) different ways. The taunts of schoolboys directed at Pecola clearly illustrate this fact It was their contempt for their own blackness t hat gave the first insult its teeth (65). This self hatred also possessed an undercurrent of anger and injustice that eventually take to the civil rights movement. The characters in this book as well as the time period mark a time in American history that play an important role in the ideas of equality and freedom. All of the elements on which this country were founded upon were twisted so they no longer applied to blacks and other minorities in this country. The action led by Pecola as well as others like her good or bad is a part of history that was experienced by many Americans in all parts of the country. While it is questionable whether total equality has been reached in this country, many ideas have changed for the better. This book is significant because it shows a different side to American literature as well as life. Morrison points out what has changed and what has stayed the same. While people are generally equal, there are still prejudices in the id ea of what is beautiful and who is worthy.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Flexicurity a Relevant Approach in Central and Eastern Europe Essay
FlexicurityIntroduction Flexicurity is an integrated approach for endorsing warranter and flexibility in the dig out securities industry. Flexicurity endeavors to merge employers call for for a flexible toil force with make believeers call for for security. Employee call for security implies the confidence that the employees will not go through stretched periods of joblessness. Flexicurity is a brisk policy that is called upon because of the increased nee of security and flexibility faced by national governments, European Union, individual workers and companies, as well as sectors of industry. Legislators, policy- marquers, employers and bargain unions organizations have a strong call for reinvigorated flexicurity policy concepts and models that guarantee to reunite the strategies of endorsing security and flexibility at the aforesaid(prenominal) time. Flexibility and security has for a long time seen as incompatible, thus this new policy will be very significant in indus trial relations. The EU aim of enhancing security and flexibility in the undertaking market is to discover a competitive advantage and open knowledge-based economy across the world that is proficient of sustainable economic expansion with immense cohesion and much and ace job opportunities. The new flexicurity approach is common within the European Employment strategy. The European Employment Guideline 13 formulated in 2001, under the Adaptability pillar, clearly tackle both security and flexibility strategies and also welcomes social stakeholders to mediate and implement appropriate agreements to update the how work is organized, incorporating flexible working programs, with an objective of achieving lofty productivity, required balance in the midst of security and flexibility as well as competitiveness. Flexicurity is very vital since appropriate balance between security and flexibility will increase productivity and quality of work, competitiveness and help corporations to adapt to changes in the economy. Flexicurity is important to European employment policies and update of EU labor well(p)eousness especially in the recent economy which is faced by increasing globalization, financial and economic crisis. The position of social dialogue and social partners is greatly accent in flexicurity. Swedish industrial relations and labor laws system is based on cooperation between stakeholders, self-regulation and collective bargaining. Collective bargaining is estimated to be 90% and trade unionization is estimated to be about 70 percent. Salaries and other job conditions and terms are set by collective bargaining. European Union member states go through different approaches to flexicurity depending on industrial relations, their labor laws, and social security systems. Countries implement the new flexicurity policy with an aim of cutting down market segmentation and kindle changes. Equal treatment of all employees can be attained via values of equal tre atment and non-discrimination and appropriate reforms to the guideline of employment security and fixed-term occupation. Flexicurity policies call upon enterprises to make reforms on their existing laws and police in order to accommodate security and flexibility. Functional flexibility has led to a heated debate in the labor markets. In order to come up with effective flexicurity firms should examine the existing internal and external flexibility. Internal flexibility help employees to adjust labor arousal in case of transitory fall in demand while conserving jobs which are feasible in the long run. Flexicurity poicy can account for the resilience in legion(predicate) European nations especially helping them maintain low and stable unemployment rate. This is because flexicurity protect employees from income losses connected to key lay-offs and plant closures. However, external flexibility of many firms remained unchanged for the last three decades. Research reveals that income los ses of misplaced workers have reduced since the workers can get swift re-employment. Flexicurity has faced many criticisms from the people who proposed that flexicurity was actual with an aim of eliminating employment protection legislation, but it encourages a suitable blueprint of employment protection legislation. Open-ended contract between an employee and the employer would be redesigned to incorporate deliberate development of job security. The job protection would gradually build-up with the job term, until full job security is attained. The tenure track approach is very significant since it reduces the incidents of employees organism trapped in less protected contracts. Reforms of the employment due to economic crisis are aimed at addressing length of procedure, bureaucracy, improve lucidity and make the procedure more dependable. The starting job protection policies may take into consideration notification periods, the procedural phase of dismissal protection and the amo unt of severance pay. European undecomposed Group on Flexicurity propose that use of fixed-term agreement should be reduced and undeclared work should be cut short as swiftly as possible by raising valuable inspections. It is crucial to acknowledge that outside the sphere of the European Employment plan, the open technique of coordination and Europe 2020 Strategy, the flexicurity policy has not yet brought up fresh legal suggestions associated to employment security. Flexicurity slightly regulate the employment security at EU level with an aim of achieving their main objectives and have-to doe with the requirement of member states in areas such as protection of workers whose employment contract is abruptly terminated. EU agreement of Fundamental Rights state that every employee has the right to safety from groundless dismissal as per the national and union laws and policies. Flexicurity has been able to increase flexibility in the labor market while at the same time maintaining se curity via promotion of more employment opportunities and enough ground of employment benefits. Counties with solid employment protections tend to go through fewer incidents of labor market disruptions as compared to nations with weaker employment security. Flexicurity has dominated over the famous Commissions labor market policy prescriptions. The interest of flexicurity in labor market originated from Netherlands and Denmark which serve as an example. These countries enjoyed the lowest unemployment rates in the global economy crisis in Europe while maintaining adequate unemployment benefits. The main reason was that Denmark and Netherlands emphasized on active labor market measures accompanied by modest employment protection. European Commission has gradually incorporated flexicurity policies when developing its labor market policy instructions and has persuaded the EU members to develop labor market laws that conform to flexicurity plan. In endeavors to direct development of nati onal policy, the commission highlighted four pillars of flexicurity which include flexible and dependable contractual agreement between employer and employees, comprehensive long-lasting learning scheme to enlighten the workers, successful active labor market policies and updated social security systems. In conclusion, flexicurity is a very significant strategy that will help countries to cope up even during economic hardship. Flexicurity also offer the employee allows flexibility at work and at the same time maintaining security. This ensures firms acquire competitive advantage, increase productivity and quality of work and help employees and corporations to adapt to changes in the economy. Nations are called upon to incorporate flexicurity policy in their labor markets so that they can enjoy various benefits associated with this new strategy. However, appropriate measures must be undertaken to ensure there is the required balance between security and flexibility.ReferencesCazes, S ., & Nesporova, A. (2006). Flexicurity a Relevant Approach in Central and Eastern Europe.. Geneva International Labour Office.Flexicurity perspectives and practice.. (2010). Dublin European Foundation for the Improvement of documentation and Working Conditions.Source document
Sunday, May 26, 2019
BP Solar
BP has responded through its thin film photovoltaic cells designed to reduce manufacturing costs towards a level at which solar energy will become economically competitive comp ared with other energy sources. As BPs Energy Commission chairman stated Our goal is to eliminate the pull in 22 faced by producers of renewable technologieswithout the promise of volume sales, there is little incentive for a company to forge the investments that could bring down costs and make these products commercially viable on a large scale (Chambers, 1998, p. ).BP Solar has invested some $200 million in solar power between 1996 and 2002, which has helped it conformation an 18 percent market share. It has launched a large advertising campaign in the US where it puts renewable energy at the fore of its offering. However, this was heavily criticised by Fortune Magazine (2002) bearing in mind its renewable energy business was worth just $1 billion compared to BPs total value of ? one hundred fifteen% bil lion (Murphy, 2002).Like Shell Renewables, BP Solar does not state how it will innovate to achieve its goals. However, unlike Shell Renewables dodge of joint ventures and acquisitions, BP Solar implements its strategy simply through large investments into its own manufacturing processes. According to Porter (1985) The essence of formulating competitive strategy is relating a company to its environment (p. 3) in relation to the labor or industries in which it competes.This leads companies to choose one of three generic strategies low cost, differentiation or focus which will help them to form competitive, profitable positions indoors the industry. To understand the low-cost strategies that both SBUs adopted, a formal PEST and five forces analysis of the SBUs (see Appendices III and IV), the key drivers for change and critical success factors (CSFs) for the industry (Appendix V) are outlined. The major trends in the global and alternative energy industries are briefly explained.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Mr Joseph
UNIT 5001 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AS A MANAGER AND attraction EA Unit 5001 v01 Page 1 of 4 acquirement OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Be sufficient to assess and political platform for person-to-person master growth 1. 1 inform the importance of continual self- victimization in 800 words achieving ecesisal objectives 1. evaluate current skills and competencies against specify position requirements and brassal objectives 1. 3 Identify exploitation opportunities to proper current and future defined ask 1. Construct a ad hominem capturement invention with achiev able-bodied but ch eachenging goals 2. Be able to object for the resources required for individualized lord 2. 1 Identify the resources required to corroboration the personal development . development plan 2. stimulate a contrast case to secure the resources to D carry the personal development plan 3. Be able to implement and evaluate the personal development plan 3. 1 Discus s the tran come ins required to implement the personal include copy of appraisal development plan Look at advantages and disadvantages of doing the self development 3. Evaluate the impact of the personal development plan on the achievement of defined role requirements and organisational objectives 3. Review and update the personal development plan Be able to promote healthy and safe running(a) practices 4. 1 Discuss the social intercourseship(s) between healthy and safe give outing practices and organisational objectives 4. 2 Explain the process for conducting a take chances estimate 4. Identify the actions taken by the theater director in dealing with a breach in healthy and safe start practices 4. 4 Describe how to communicate responsibilities for healthy and safe works(a) practices to the group 4. Discuss relevant records that ar maintained to evince that healthy and safe running(a) practices atomic number 18 met M y name is Karl Joseph and I am Contract Manager working for Hygiene Group at Walkers Snack Foods in Peterlee. I lead a squad of 4 supervisors and 36 operatives and in my role I trade day to day industrial change in spite of appearance the plant, and manage health & arctic, Personnel issues, Quality Standards. I also plan and organise daily and periodical activities, training etc and also complete daily records and squeeze kill.Other duties include maintaining subsisting job and assist in developing upstart business with the client and I work to maximise operational effectiveness and contend budgetary requirements and follow and maintain company procedures and safe working practices. In this report I in wholeow be looking at being able to assess and plan for personal professional devlopment, Be able to plan for the resources required for personal professional development, Be able to implement and evaluate the personal development plan, Be able to promote healthy and safe working practices. The importance of continual self-development in achieving organisational objectives is to improve knowledge and understanding indoors my role and to progress as a manager to suit private and meet business look ats. Our company objectives that we eachow for treat our cater as individuals, training, promoting and involving them in changing the business. For example I keep back done external training such(prenominal) as IOSH managing Safety which has helped my objectives as I have passed on my knowledge to round at bottom Health & Safety inside briefings and have also reviewed and updated risk perspicacitys to suit site peculiar(prenominal) tasks. This has helped my objexctives by reducing accidents on site and change magnitude near misses along with stave having a better understanding of Health & Safety and working safer in spite of appearance their role. Self development is important for example. instruct indoors new equipment that w e have on site. Skills to recruit the best supply for the under fetching Consequences of having no training at entirely(prenominal) would be to a greater extent accidents. in like manner we will look mutual dependence with our individual clients and we will also expand our client base and develop item-by-item strength in the marketplace and we also craving to be the leading suplier of cleaning helpings deep down the forage industry. Growth and success in the dynamic world of work is increasingly about individuals taking responsibility for their personal development. Our evolving culture requires that individuals be tarradiddleable for self-direction, to practice self- trouble of their own learning and to actively await for wider experience and opportunity.This does not take place in isolation. The self-development process should also bring direct benefit to the team in which the individual works and the organisation as a whole. My role requirements ar as follows Perf ormance Standards This job write relates to a Contract Manager whose performance standards will be thrifty against agreed targets in the side by side(p) four faultfinding areas Business Development Human Resources right Service Practice Finance and Administration These critical areas of the job requirements will be referred to as Key vector sum Areas (KRAs).Using the descriptive competency sets relating to each KRA a consistent subjective analysis of performance dejection be reached. Man manage sign supervision Good at managing this Maintain existing client business and assist in developing new business with the client. Good at this and just secured a new hold Work to maximise operational effectiveness and recognise budgetary requirements. En authoritative operation of the contract and one- false work is in line workings inwardly budget and avoiding over give-up the ghosts. with the company procedures and be trusty for company assets and facilities. All st aff are train and work to company procedures by Oversee training requirements of renovation and supervisory staff. supervising. drag in new developments and co-operate in introducing change deep down the service contract. conducting completed by supervisors and staff from training co-ordinator of which I have symmetric meetings with co-ordinator and set out training plan. Introducing cleaning equipment to achieve better standards. Involve staff at each levels to maximise the benefits to the fixity meetings with staff, supervisors and senior managers organisation. Be slap-up and strong willed in focusing upon regional goals Not sure what this is. and understand that leadership compulsions are linked to the regional Business Plan. Be cocksure and able to lead through a variety of situations. Leading through chairing Health & Safety meetings modify former(a)s to develop their leadership styles and External training Train the trainer and Team le ader training competencies. watch the regional objectives are understood by completely Regional objectives set out in appraisals to every last(predicate) Understand medium to long-term issues for the current No current issues client. Ensure satisfaction is achieved in all aspects of the Satisfaction surveys carried out six calendar monthly and kpi service and work towards the renewal of the existing meetings monthly contract. mplement sales procedures and reckon new work is carried Costs implemented through manning hours and train and out satisfactorily by the service teams. supervise all new work Assist in achieving long-term objectives and developing through and through key performance indicators new business with the existing client. Work to maximise operational effectiveness and recognise Regularly monitor and review cleaning equipment and grip to budgetary requirements. strict spending be Develop staff who understand the operational procedures and areT raining involved with supervisors and training co-ordinator able to work towards the aims and goals of the region. Embrace ideas and opportunities to ensure profitability is Look at contrastive methods within cleaning that could be more maintained or increased. cost effective Participate in all aspects of forecasting and budgeting and Forecasting costs, wages, cleaning materials to ensure work to ensure that Hygienes minimum objectives are met. objectives are met Participate in the eagerness and presentation of monthly Prepare , time rags and wage tracker and budget costs for accounts. cleaning materials for account manager Anticipate the privations of the client and advise upon the most Regular meetings with client to advise effective methods of carrying out tasks. Ensure operation of the contract and one-off work is in line Assess one of tasks before commencing making sure in line with with the company procedures and be responsible for the company procedures and maintain assets and facilities associated company assets and facilities. Audit contract work on a scheduled ground to produce Key Hygiene Audits, Health & Safety audits, lock off audits Performance Indicators (KPIs) and recommendations for improvement. Where incumbent introduce change to improve regional Introducing new tools to the business capability, capacity and excellence. By monitoring schedules on a regular undercoat, carry out reviews Reviews carried out every month at site meetings with client. of the service process to evaluate delivery and recognise mistakes. Ensure all operations satisfy the standards set out in Good Work to achieve Grade A within our GSP audits Service Practice and encourage staff to do the same. Ensure buildings, offices, equipment and vehicles are Daily cleaning of offices and buildings maintained. Oversee training requirements of service and supervisory staff. retort training support to cover training and development E valuate training and development to measure the benefit pauperisms. to the business and the individual. Review the skill base and needs bodgewise the contract and Provide support to staff throughout the contract who are the Regional Business Plan to determine basic and enrolled upon an internal development programme. longer-term requirements. Embrace new developments and co-operate in introducing change within the service contract. Be realistic and constructive in implementing new processes, methods and procedures and plan to use these effectively. Be sensible of future competitive advantage and technological change. Be flexible and willing to adapt to changes in emphasis, or aspects of, the regional business requirements.On the basis of this I have assessed my own skills and competencies within my role and I meet all the above criteria as I have get all training within my responsibilities and all of these standards are met other than regional business plan which I am no t sure of. Review the skill base and needs across the contract and the Monitoring procedures and safe working practices across the Regional Business Plan to determine basic and longer-term contract and set out a training plan that is generic through requirements. the business to individuals in hunting lodge to achieve basic and long term requirements. Provide support to staff throughout the contract who are I provide staff training to individuals within theory and enrolled upon an internal development programme. practice in working procedures, Health and Safety, and company safe working practices through appraisals. From this table and assessment therefore you can discover what development opportunities you have now and those needed in the future and this would allow you to produce a personal development plan eg What I need to learn How I will achieve this When I will complete it by Advanced food hygiene Course Oct 2013 Management Diploma By completing all set tasks 31-08-2013 Personal Development Plan Karl Joseph 2013 Areas to be Developed pertinent Training Output Support Heighten personal profile CMI train 5 in Management & K. J. needs to attend planning/briefing C. J. to attend a count of meetings with K. J. and with key stakeholders on lead Working productively meetings for the major clean days and provide guidance on delivery of information site with colleagues and stakeholders provide an overview of Hygienes planned activities Publicise cleaning plans CMI direct 5 in Management & K. J to issue daily work/update plan to C. J. to work with K. J. o understand the key to keep all stakeholders Leadership Developing and be publicised on Hygiene information information required by the Walkers team and informed evaluating operational plans for board develop an appropriate format for the plan own area of responsibility Make more time gettable CMI Level 5 in Management & K.J. to trust more time to C. J. to work with K. J. to identify all tasks that to oversee staff Leadership -Providing leadership overseeing the cleaning process on can be delegated to Ivana to put out more time to and direction for own area of major clean days and be more visible tooversee work in progress. Also to provide guidance responsibility & Planning change Hygiene and Walkers teams on how to structure any necessary changes. in own area of responsibility advance Health & Safety CMI Level 5 in Management & K. J. to undertake a project to identifyK. F. to support K. J. in the development of this management Leadership -Managing Health & any potential weak spots particularlyproject, and C. J. to assist K. J. n producing and Safety across an organisation relating to staff behavioural issues, implementing the plan to engineer weak spots and put a plan in place to address Resources needed to support the PDP will communications with other members of the planning meetings such as the engineering manager and the hy giene specialist and also the planning scheduler.I will also need resource from Carl Jones to help me develop in all other areas. I will achieve these by getting support from my line manager within my next appraisal Which I will need funding costs in order to achieve these and I will need time off work on a weekly basis in order to achieve. Business Case to secure the resources for the personal development plan The goal of staff development is improvement in staff and organisational effectiveness.This is a process that affects interpretations of job requirements, relationships with colleagues, and perspectives on the methods of education. cater development occurs in a social stage setting and emphasizes teamwork, built on a foundation of collaboration. Staff development is a process that demonstrates the commonness of purpose of all staff and the crucial nature of individual knowledge and skills to perform asgestural duties in relation to the achievement of these larger goals.Bene fits in doing these for the company would be to pass on my knowledge within management, Health and Safety and food hygiene to supervisors and service staff and also further training for them and also to benefit the client as this gives me a broader understanding within food hygiene within the food industry. I have developed a business case which is to attend a advanced food hygiene course with HSF training for the cost of ? 425 plus vat IN September 2013 so I can achieve this qualification Advantages of self development are Train all staff within Level 1 of Food Hygiene Safety. More knowledge of the below in order to increase bureau with the client Introduction toFood Safety taint hazards and overlook(microbiological, chemical,physical,allergenic) Bacteriology Food poisoning andfood borne disease and its dictation Non-bacterial food poisoning and its control(chemical, metal, fish, deadly plants) Personal hygiene controls andmanagement Pest control Education and traini ng of foodhandlers HACCP and controls from purchase to service Management control techniques anddeveloping a food synthetic rubber culture Overview of food safety order Disadvantages are as follows. Week taken from work to do course so loss of management on site which could cause a number of issues on site without management cover. My personal development will be reviewed and updated through my appraisal with carl jones account manager for hygiene group and we have also set targets that all the above will be completed by October 2013 with regular reviews set out.Myself and Carl Jones will discuss and agree work objectives and they will be measured by the support of Alan Ridley Hygiene Specialist The relationship between health & safe working practices and organisational objectives within our business are good as our objectives are to give all our staff all the correct training and involving them in change within the business that is closely linked to our safe working practices a s all staff are trained to these safe working practices which helps us reach our objectives.Our other health and safety objectives are closely monitored and are set by our client within our KPIS Which are accidents, near misses, hipos and high risks activites were we need to improve year on year and these all involve our health and safety working practices on site, again training is need with staff in order to achieve these objectives. A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people, so that you can entreat up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm.Workers and others have a right to be harbored from harm caused by a failure to take reasonable control measures. Accidents and ill health can ruin lives and affect your business too if output is lost, machinery is damaged, insurance costs increase or you have to go to court. You are legally required to assess the risks in your workplace so that you put in place a plan to control the risks. Identify the hazards Decide who force be harmed and how Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions Record your findings and implement them Review your assessment and update if necessaryA risk that we had in the past was that we were using goggles to protect your eyes from chemical splashes which could seriously burn and cause permanent damage. I then reviewed the risk assessment and conducted a new one for the use of chemicals as I found there was more risks involved as chemical could also splash onto the pare down causing destroy also so I identified the hazards and put in control measures which was to use face visors and write out and chin guards as salutary as the use of chemical suits, gloves and Wellingtons to prevent burns to the body which eliminated the risks.I have identified and evaluated control measures that have been put in place within our organisation which was to wear a face visor at all times and not goggles when usi ng corrosive chemicals and also a chin and neck guard so it eliminates any risk of the chemical splashing any part of the body which could cause severe burns.As a manager we have recently had one guy working for us who was to the full trained within this safe working practice within working safely with chemicals and the wearing of unsaid hat and face visor but referable to a behavioural issue he decided not to follow this practice and wore in incorrectly which resulted in temporary chemical burns to his eyes. A accident investigation was carried out and he received a warning for this due to not following company safe working practices.He also received further training and all other service staff were briefed on the accident that occurred and were re trained within working safely with chemicals. With regards to responsibilities for health and safety working practices to my team I communicate this at our S. A. T meetings were we have four members of our team that spend 1 full day each month reviewing health and safety working practices and updating were needed and then I communicate with the rest of the team on a monthly basis their responsibilities within their role for the task that they are carrying out.I also have a safety marshal on a daily basis with whom I liase with and brief so he can delegate health and safety working practices for our high risk tasks which is lock off, working at height, chemicals, confined space and roof work. Relevant records that are maintained to demonstrate that healthy and safe working practices are met are our sign off sheets were we have a working procedure with regards to what we are cleaning and how to clean and on this procedure and a health and safety practice on the procedure.We then have staff trained to this procedure and signed to say they have full knowledge of how to clean it and to follow the health and safety practicce and once complete they sign off our sign off sheet to say they have followed the correct pro cedures after commencement of cleaning of each clean that they do and this is cross referenced against quality and trainingMr JosephUNIT 5001 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AS A MANAGER AND LEADER EA Unit 5001 v01 Page 1 of 4 LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Be able to assess and plan for personal professional development 1. 1 Explain the importance of continual self-development in 800 words achieving organisational objectives 1. Assess current skills and competencies against defined role requirements and organisational objectives 1. 3 Identify development opportunities to meet current and future defined needs 1. Construct a personal development plan with achievable but challenging goals 2. Be able to plan for the resources required for personal professional 2. 1 Identify the resources required to support the personal development . development plan 2. Develop a business case to secure the resources to D support the personal development plan 3. Be able to implement and evaluate the personal development plan 3. 1 Discuss the processes required to implement the personal include copy of appraisal development plan Look at advantages and disadvantages of doing the self development 3. Evaluate the impact of the personal development plan on the achievement of defined role requirements and organisational objectives 3. Review and update the personal development plan Be able to promote healthy and safe working practices 4. 1 Discuss the relationship(s) between healthy and safe working practices and organisational objectives 4. 2 Explain the process for conducting a risk assessment 4. Identify the actions taken by the manager in dealing with a breach in healthy and safe working practices 4. 4 Describe how to communicate responsibilities for healthy and safe working practices to the team 4. Discuss relevant records that are maintained to demonstrate that healthy and safe working practices are met My name is Karl Joseph and I am Contract Manager working for Hygiene Group at Walkers Snack Foods in Peterlee. I lead a team of 4 supervisors and 36 operatives and in my role I manage day to day industrial cleaning within the plant, and manage Health & Safety, Personnel issues, Quality Standards. I also plan and organise daily and weekly activities, training etc and also complete daily records and sign off.Other duties include maintaining existing business and assist in developing new business with the client and I work to maximise operational effectiveness and recognise budgetary requirements and follow and maintain company procedures and safe working practices. In this report I will be looking at being able to assess and plan for personal professional devlopment, Be able to plan for the resources required for personal professional development, Be able to implement and evaluate the personal development plan, Be able to promote healthy and safe working practices. The importan ce of continual self-development in achieving organisational objectives is to improve knowledge and understanding within my role and to progress as a manager to suit individual and meet business needs. Our company objectives that we will treat our staff as individuals, training, promoting and involving them in changing the business. For example I have done external training such as IOSH managing Safety which has helped my objectives as I have passed on my knowledge to staff within Health & Safety within briefings and have also reviewed and updated risk assessments to suit site specific tasks. This has helped my objexctives by reducing accidents on site and increasing near misses along with staff having a better understanding of Health & Safety and working safer within their role. Self development is important for example. Training within new equipment that we have on site. Skills to recruit the best staff for the job Consequences of having no training at all would be more accidents. Also we will seek mutual dependence with our individual clients and we will also expand our client base and develop independent strength in the marketplace and we also wish to be the leading suplier of cleaning services within the food industry. Growth and success in the ever-changing world of work is increasingly about individuals taking responsibility for their personal development. Our evolving culture requires that individuals be accountable for self-direction, to practice self-management of their own learning and to actively search for wider experience and opportunity.This does not take place in isolation. The self-development process should also bring direct benefit to the team in which the individual works and the organisation as a whole. My role requirements are as follows Performance Standards This job profile relates to a Contract Manager whose performance standards will be measured against agreed targets in the following four critical areas Business Development Human Res ources Good Service Practice Finance and Administration These critical areas of the job requirements will be referred to as Key Result Areas (KRAs).Using the descriptive competency sets relating to each KRA a consistent subjective analysis of performance can be reached. Man manage contract supervision Good at managing this Maintain existing client business and assist in developing new business with the client. Good at this and just secured a new contract Work to maximise operational effectiveness and recognise budgetary requirements. Ensure operation of the contract and one-off work is in line Working within budget and avoiding overspends. with the company procedures and be responsible for company assets and facilities. All staff are trained and work to company procedures by Oversee training requirements of service and supervisory staff. supervising. Embrace new developments and co-operate in introducing change within the service contract. Training complete d by supervisors and staff from training co-ordinator of which I have regular meetings with co-ordinator and set out training plan. Introducing cleaning equipment to achieve better standards. Involve staff at all levels to maximise the benefits to the Regular meetings with staff, supervisors and senior managers organisation. Be incisive and strong willed in focusing upon regional goals Not sure what this is. and understand that leadership needs are linked to the Regional Business Plan. Be confident and able to lead through a variety of situations. Leading through chairing Health & Safety meetings Enable others to develop their leadership styles and External training Train the trainer and Team leader training competencies. Ensure the regional objectives are understood by all Regional objectives set out in appraisals to all Understand medium to long-term issues for the current No current issues client. Ensure satisfaction is achieved in all aspects of the Sat isfaction surveys carried out six monthly and kpi service and work towards the renewal of the existing meetings monthly contract. mplement sales procedures and ensure new work is carried Costs implemented through manning hours and train and out satisfactorily by the service teams. supervise all new work Assist in achieving long-term objectives and developing Through key performance indicators new business with the existing client. Work to maximise operational effectiveness and recognise Regularly monitor and review cleaning equipment and keep to budgetary requirements. strict spending costs Develop staff who understand the operational procedures and areTraining involved with supervisors and training co-ordinator able to work towards the aims and goals of the region. Embrace ideas and opportunities to ensure profitability is Look at different methods within cleaning that could be more maintained or increased. cost effective Participate in all aspects of forecasting a nd budgeting and Forecasting costs, wages, cleaning materials to ensure work to ensure that Hygienes minimum objectives are met. objectives are met Participate in the preparation and presentation of monthly Prepare , timesheets and wage tracker and budget costs for accounts. cleaning materials for account manager Anticipate the needs of the client and advise upon the most Regular meetings with client to advise effective methods of carrying out tasks. Ensure operation of the contract and one-off work is in line Assess one of tasks before commencing making sure in line with with the company procedures and be responsible for the company procedures and maintain assets and facilities associated company assets and facilities. Audit contract work on a scheduled basis to produce Key Hygiene Audits, Health & Safety audits, lock off audits Performance Indicators (KPIs) and recommendations for improvement. Where necessary introduce change to improve regional Introducing new t ools to the business capability, capacity and excellence. By monitoring schedules on a regular basis, carry out reviews Reviews carried out every month at site meetings with client. of the service process to evaluate delivery and recognise mistakes. Ensure all operations satisfy the standards set out in Good Work to achieve Grade A within our GSP audits Service Practice and encourage staff to do the same. Ensure buildings, offices, equipment and vehicles are Daily cleaning of offices and buildings maintained. Oversee training requirements of service and supervisory staff. Give training support to cover training and development Evaluate training and development to measure the benefit needs. to the business and the individual. Review the skill base and needs across the contract and Provide support to staff throughout the contract who are the Regional Business Plan to determine basic and enrolled upon an internal development programme. longer-term requirements. Embrace new developments and co-operate in introducing change within the service contract. Be realistic and constructive in implementing new processes, methods and procedures and plan to use these effectively. Be aware of future competitive advantage and technological change. Be flexible and willing to adapt to changes in emphasis, or aspects of, the regional business requirements.On the basis of this I have assessed my own skills and competencies within my role and I meet all the above criteria as I have received all training within my responsibilities and all of these standards are met other than regional business plan which I am not sure of. Review the skill base and needs across the contract and the Monitoring procedures and safe working practices across the Regional Business Plan to determine basic and longer-term contract and set out a training plan that is generic through requirements. the business to individuals in order to achieve basic and long term requirements. Provide support to staff throughout the contract who are I provide staff training to individuals within theory and enrolled upon an internal development programme. practice in working procedures, Health and Safety, and company safe working practices through appraisals. From this table and assessment then you can identify what development opportunities you have now and those needed in the future and this would allow you to produce a personal development plan eg What I need to learn How I will achieve this When I will complete it by Advanced food hygiene Course Oct 2013 Management Diploma By completing all set tasks 31-08-2013 Personal Development Plan Karl Joseph 2013 Areas to be Developed Relevant Training Output Support Heighten personal profile CMI Level 5 in Management & K. J. needs to attend planning/briefing C. J. to attend a number of meetings with K. J. and with key stakeholders on Leadership Working productively meetings for the major clean days and provide guida nce on delivery of information site with colleagues and stakeholders provide an overview of Hygienes planned activities Publicise cleaning plans CMI Level 5 in Management & K. J to issue daily work/update plan to C. J. to work with K. J. o understand the key to keep all stakeholders Leadership Developing and be publicised on Hygiene information information required by the Walkers team and informed evaluating operational plans for board develop an appropriate format for the plan own area of responsibility Make more time available CMI Level 5 in Management & K.J. to dedicate more time to C. J. to work with K. J. to identify all tasks that to oversee staff Leadership -Providing leadership overseeing the cleaning process on can be delegated to Ivana to release more time to and direction for own area of major clean days and be more visible tooversee work in progress. Also to provide guidance responsibility & Planning change Hygiene and Walkers teams on how to structure any necessary changes. in own area of responsibility Improve Health & Safety CMI Level 5 in Management & K. J. to undertake a project to identifyK. F. to support K. J. in the development of this management Leadership -Managing Health & any potential weak spots particularlyproject, and C. J. to assist K. J. n producing and Safety across an organisation relating to staff behavioural issues, implementing the plan to address weak spots and put a plan in place to address Resources needed to support the PDP will communications with other members of the planning meetings such as the engineering manager and the hygiene specialist and also the planning scheduler.I will also need resource from Carl Jones to help me develop in all other areas. I will achieve these by getting support from my line manager within my next appraisal Which I will need funding costs in order to achieve these and I will need time off work on a weekly basis in order to achieve. Business Case to secure the resources for the personal development plan The goal of staff development is improvement in staff and organizational effectiveness.This is a process that affects interpretations of job requirements, relationships with colleagues, and perspectives on the methods of education. Staff development occurs in a social context and emphasizes teamwork, built on a foundation of collaboration. Staff development is a process that demonstrates the commonness of purpose of all staff and the crucial nature of individual knowledge and skills to perform assigned duties in relation to the achievement of these larger goals.Benefits in doing these for the company would be to pass on my knowledge within management, Health and Safety and food hygiene to supervisors and service staff and also further training for them and also to benefit the client as this gives me a broader understanding within food hygiene within the food industry. I have developed a business case which is to attend a advanced food hygi ene course with HSF training for the cost of ? 425 plus VAT IN September 2013 so I can achieve this qualification Advantages of self development are Train all staff within Level 1 of Food Hygiene Safety. More knowledge of the below in order to increase confidence with the client Introduction toFood Safety Contamination hazards and control(microbiological, chemical,physical,allergenic) Bacteriology Food poisoning andfood borne disease and its control Non-bacterial food poisoning and its control(chemical, metal, fish, poisonous plants) Personal hygiene controls andmanagement Pest control Education and training of foodhandlers HACCP and controls from purchase to service Management control techniques anddeveloping a food safety culture Overview of food safety legislation Disadvantages are as follows. Week taken from work to do course so loss of management on site which could cause a number of issues on site without management cover. My personal development will be reviewed an d updated through my appraisal with carl jones account manager for hygiene group and we have also set targets that all the above will be completed by October 2013 with regular reviews set out.Myself and Carl Jones will discuss and agree work objectives and they will be measured by the support of Alan Ridley Hygiene Specialist The relationship between health & safe working practices and organisational objectives within our business are good as our objectives are to give all our staff all the correct training and involving them in change within the business that is closely linked to our safe working practices as all staff are trained to these safe working practices which helps us reach our objectives.Our other health and safety objectives are closely monitored and are set by our client within our KPIS Which are accidents, near misses, hipos and high risks activites were we need to improve year on year and these all involve our health and safety working practices on site, again trainin g is need with staff in order to achieve these objectives. A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm.Workers and others have a right to be protected from harm caused by a failure to take reasonable control measures. Accidents and ill health can ruin lives and affect your business too if output is lost, machinery is damaged, insurance costs increase or you have to go to court. You are legally required to assess the risks in your workplace so that you put in place a plan to control the risks. Identify the hazards Decide who might be harmed and how Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions Record your findings and implement them Review your assessment and update if necessaryA risk that we had in the past was that we were using goggles to protect your eyes from chemical splashes which could seriously burn and cause permanent d amage. I then reviewed the risk assessment and conducted a new one for the use of chemicals as I found there was more risks involved as chemical could also splash onto the skin causing burns also so I identified the hazards and put in control measures which was to use face visors and neck and chin guards as well as the use of chemical suits, gloves and Wellingtons to prevent burns to the body which eliminated the risks.I have identified and evaluated control measures that have been put in place within our organisation which was to wear a face visor at all times and not goggles when using corrosive chemicals and also a chin and neck guard so it eliminates any risk of the chemical splashing any part of the body which could cause severe burns.As a manager we have recently had one guy working for us who was fully trained within this safe working practice within working safely with chemicals and the wearing of hard hat and face visor but due to a behavioural issue he decided not to follo w this practice and wore in incorrectly which resulted in temporary chemical burns to his eyes. A accident investigation was carried out and he received a warning for this due to not following company safe working practices.He also received further training and all other service staff were briefed on the accident that occurred and were re trained within working safely with chemicals. With regards to responsibilities for health and safety working practices to my team I communicate this at our S. A. T meetings were we have four members of our team that spend 1 full day each month reviewing health and safety working practices and updating were needed and then I communicate with the rest of the team on a monthly basis their responsibilities within their role for the task that they are carrying out.I also have a safety marshal on a daily basis with whom I liase with and brief so he can delegate health and safety working practices for our high risk tasks which is lock off, working at heig ht, chemicals, confined space and roof work. Relevant records that are maintained to demonstrate that healthy and safe working practices are met are our sign off sheets were we have a working procedure with regards to what we are cleaning and how to clean and on this procedure and a health and safety practice on the procedure.We then have staff trained to this procedure and signed to say they have full knowledge of how to clean it and to follow the health and safety practicce and once complete they sign off our sign off sheet to say they have followed the correct procedures after commencement of cleaning of each clean that they do and this is cross referenced against quality and training
Friday, May 24, 2019
Deception Point Page 15
Finally, Rachel spotted the hazy outline of land. But it was not what she had expected. Looming out of the ocean before the plane was an enormous coulombcapped mountain range.Mountains? Rachel asked, confused. There atomic number 18 mountains north of Greenland?Apparently, the pilot said, sounding equally surprised.As the nose of the F-14 tipped downward, Rachel felt an eerie weightlessness. Through the ringing in her ears she could hear a repeated electronic ping in the cockpit. The pilot had apparently locked on to some kind of directional beacon and was following it in.As they passed below trinity kB feet, Rachel stared out at the dramatic moonlit terrain beneath them. At the base of the mountains, an expansive, ascorbic acidy plain swept wide. The plateau spread gracefully seaward about ten miles until it ended abruptly at a sheer cliff of solid ice that dropped vertically into the ocean.It was then that Rachel saw it. A sight deal nothing she had invariably seen anywhere on earth. At first she thought the moonlight must be playing tricks on her. She squinted down at the snowfields, unavailing to comprehend what she was ascertaining at. The lower the plane descended, the clearer the image became.What in the name of God?The plateau beneath them was striped as if someone had painted the snow with three huge striations of silver paint. The glistening strips ran parallel to the coastal cliff. Not until the plane dropped past five hundred feet did the optical illusion reveal itself. The three silver stripes were deep troughs, each one over thirty yards wide. The troughs had filled with water and frozen into broad, silvery tracks that stretched in parallel crosswise the plateau. The white berms between them were mounded dikes of snow.As they dropped toward the plateau, the plane started bucking and bouncing in heavy turbulence. Rachel heard the landing gear engage with a heavy clunk, but she assuage saw no landing strip. As the pilot struggled to keep the plane under control, Rachel peered out and spotted two lines of blinking strobes straddling the outermost ice trough. She completed to her horror what the pilot was about to do.Were landing on ice? she demanded.The pilot did not respond. He was concentrating on the buffeting wind. Rachel felt a drag in her gut as the craft decelerated and dropped toward the ice channel. High snow berms rose on either side of the aircraft, and Rachel held her breath, knowing the slightest miscalculation in the narrow channel would mean certain death. The wavering plane dropped lower between the berms, and the turbulence suddenly disappeared. Sheltered there from the wind, the plane touched down perfectly on the ice.The Tomcats rear thrusters roared, slowing the plane. Rachel exhaled. The jet taxied about a hundred yards farther and rolled to a stop at a red line spray-painted boldly across the ice.The view to the right was nothing but a wall of snow in the moonlight-the side of an ice berm. The view on the left was identical. unless through the windshield a take of them did Rachel have any visibility an endless expanse of ice. She felt like she had landed on a dead planet. parenthesis from the line on the ice, there were no signs of life.Then Rachel heard it. In the distance, another engine was approaching. Higher pitched. The sound grew louder until a machine came into view. It was a large, multitreaded snow tractor churning toward them up the ice trough. Tall and spindly, it looked like a towering futuristic insect grinding toward them on voracious spinning feet. Mounted hazard on the chassis was an enclosed plexiglass cabin with a rack of floodlights illuminating its way.The machine shuddered to a halt directly beside the F-14. The door on the Plexiglas cabin opened, and a figure climbed down a ladder onto the ice. He was bundled from head to foot in a puffy white jumpsuit that gave the touch he had been inflated.Mad Max meets the Pillsbury Dough Boy, Rachel thoug ht, relieved at least to see this strange planet was inhabited.The man signaled for the F-14 pilot to pop the hatch.The pilot obeyed.When the cockpit opened, the shock of air that tore through Rachels body chilled her instantly to the core.Close the damn lidMs. Sexton? the figure called up to her. His accent was American. On behalf of NASA, I satisfying you.Rachel was shivering. Thanks a million.Please unhook your flight harness, leave your helmet in the craft, and deplane by using the fuselage toe-holds. Do you have any questions?Yes, Rachel shouted back. Where the infernal region am I?17Marjorie Tench-senior adviser to the President-was a loping skeleton of a creature. Her gaunt six-foot frame resembled an Erector Set construction of joints and limbs. Overhanging her precarious body was a distort face whose skin resembled a sheet of parchment paper punctured by two emotionless eyes. At fifty-one, she looked seventy.Tench was revered in capital of the United States as a goddess in the political arena. She was said to possess analytical skills that bordered on the clairvoyant. Her decade running the State Departments Bureau of Intelligence and seek had helped hone a lethally sharp, critical mind. Unfortunately, accompanying Tenchs political savvy came an icy temperament that few could endure for more than a few minutes. Marjorie Tench had been goddam with all the brains of a supercomputer-and the warmth of one, too. Nonetheless, President Zach Herney had little trouble tolerating the womans idiosyncrasies her intellect and hard work were almost single-handedly responsible for putting Herney in smear in the first place.Marjorie, the President said, standing to welcome her into the Oval Office. What can I do for you? He did not offer her a seat. The typical hearty graces did not apply to women like Marjorie Tench. If Tench valued a seat, she would damn well take one.I see you set the staff briefing for cardinal oclock this afternoon. Her voice was rasp y from cigarettes. Excellent.Tench paced a moment, and Herney sensed the intricate cogs of her mind turning over and over. He was grateful. Marjorie Tench was one of the select few on the Presidents staff who was fully aware of the NASA discovery, and her political savvy was helping the President plan his strategy.This CNN debate today at one oclock, Tench said, coughing. Who are we send to spar with Sexton?Herney smiled. A junior campaign spokesperson. The political tactic of frustrating the hunter by never sending him any big game was as old as debates themselves.I have a better idea, Tench said, her barren eyes finding his. Let me take the spot myself.Zach Herneys head shot up. You? What the hell is she thinking? Marjorie, you dont do media spots. Besides, its a midday cable show. If I send my senior adviser, what kind of message does that send? It makes us look like were panicking.Exactly.Herney studied her. Whatever convoluted scheme Tench was hatching, there was no way in hell Herney would permit her to appear on CNN. Anyone who had ever laid eyes on Marjorie Tench knew there was a reason she worked behind the scenes. Tench was a frightful-looking woman-not the kind of face a President wanted delivering the White House message.I am taking this CNN debate, she repeated. This time she was not asking.Marjorie, the President maneuvered, feeling uneasy now, Sextons campaign will obviously claim your comportment on CNN is proof the White House is running scared. Sending out our big guns early makes us look desperate.The woman gave a quiet gesture and lit a cigarette. The more desperate we look, the better.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Community College Essay
Community college is made up of an atmosphere of many di? erent categories. We put one over your tradi? onal, untradi? onal, veterans, and single pargonnts. Some are in that location to transfer and some to startle an associates degree while one of the biggest reasons is because they simply cannot a? ord the university price. John Holt (Three Kinds of Discipline) is very compliable with the categories in a residential district college. You need a great deal of discipline to succeed here reality sets in and if you are not disciplined then you will breach step up and waste a lot of money.Youwill always straighten out mistakes while being here but learning from those mistakes is what will make you a be*er student. While you a* eradicate you will create a lot of friendships and several kinds of them. Judith Viorst (Friends, Good Friends, and Such Good Friends) you will have your convenience friends, your historical friends, reverse gear sex friends, and in? mate friends.Your trad i? onal students are the students that a*end college right a/er they get out of proud school or are under the age of 25. untradi? onal students are your students that are above the age of 25 and are a*ending college to move up in their job or just wan? ng a race theneeds a type of degree so they go to school. Veterans are a*ending the school to become a higher rank in the military or because they are searching for a new career a/er they 3nish there term.There are also single parents that work a full ? me who a*end the school at iniquity while there kids are at a babysi*ers house or with a friend they go to be promoted in their job the job sends them to get a degree or they could be a young parent who needs to get credits so that they can get a fair job to provide for their family. To be disciplined at college could poten? ally be the most important aspect to be a successful student.The reality sets in and students quickly realize they need to discipline themselves to study, do h omework, and write essays. Discipline of a superior force is another way students can succeed as well. This may help because fear of disappoin? ng an instructor or a parent. A lot of friends will be made as you a*end college you will have di? erent groups of friends as well. You will have your convenience friends who you see as you are wai? ng in between classes and small talk intimately li*le things some of them you get on with and talk every day and others youll talk with once a week and possibly never til now get their name.Youhave your historical friends who you have grown up with since elementary school and can talk about anything with these are the friends you hand out with out of school with you go out to par? es with, watch spor? ng events and 7at out just hang out with. You meet some friends that are the opposite sex as you these are the ones who you may try a li*le too hard to impress or you might get along great with them great you may even become in? mate friends whic h is being in a rela? onship with them you could even possibly marry them. These are the categories that make up the atmosphere of community college and the kinds of students that make it up.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Economic Security of South Korea Essay
The deliverance of southern Korea is ranked at fifteenth place in the world. In terms of its relation with the coupled States, to the south Korea is the seventh largest trading partner. South Korea is well known for its high level of growth in scotch field. in the lead 1960, South Korea was just another(prenominal) poor third world country and hardly known regionally as well as internationally. Its stinting booming has elevated South Korea in the eyes of international cooperation especially the Organisation for Cooperation and Development (OECD).Factors Affecting The Economic SecurityLife spanPrimary wellness care has improved tremendously for past decades. Consequently, good quality of life has contributed to longer life span among the population of South Korea citizens. Therefore the median of era of working population has shifted towards older generation.The aging population seems to be of major concern among the stinting community because they might affect the economic gr owth of the nation. In order to sustain rapid economic growth South Korea would require constant support from the young and dynamic generations.EducationThe economy needs never-ending supply of skill labours to sustain growth. thus far though the government preach for the need of educated society, the financial allocation is low compare to the needs of parents in educating their children. Hence, the parents end up paying high price for additional classes in school as well as high tuition cost in tertiery education for securing good career. The cost of education is so high that each family restricted the number of children in order to provide excellent education for the child. Even then, the competition is stiff and demands for the need of furthering studies to a higher degree. northwestward and South RelationThe relationship between North and South Korea remains an enigma in the sense that their economic status is wide apart where the south enjoys the booming of industry while the north deteriorating. Without the humanitarian aid, the plenty of North Korea would continue to experience from food shortage. Having consider the hunger situation of people of North Korea, there is always a military threat towards South Korea. However, South Korea remains anticipant that its volatile neighbour would open its barrier to economic aids thus playing the role of good neighbour.Even though North and South Korea liquid under conflict, the economic relationship between the two countries remain strong. Being a communist country, China is the largest trading partner for North Korea. However, South Korea has travel to be the second largest partner in terms of economic trade with North Korea. These economic ties is constantly under pressure due to the high hazard of incidences under volatile North Korea foreign policy as well as influences from the communist bloc. For instance, in March 2010, North Korea had torpedoed South Korean warship resulted in 46 soldiers were kil led. Despite all the evidence pointing towards her, North Korea deny the responsibility. However, South Korea suspended its trade relationship with North Korea. In another incidence, North Korea fired artillery shell onto Yeonpyeong Island killing two civilians and wounding another 13. These incidences even though had not escalated to full blown war project safe economic warrantor for the South Korea.Globalisation Another factor which affects the economic aegis of a nation is globalisation. By virtue of globalisation, it increases the interconnectedness of nation and people of the world as the communication and transportation becomes cheaper, faster and readily available. Globalisation reduces the artificial barrier of national border, hence allowing the flow of goods, capitals, services, people and knowledge crosswise the world faster than before. Rapid globalisation allows nation to trade with other nation thereby creating mutual economic interdependence.Economic interdependenc e is recognised as a positive factor which promote security. South Korea adopted the strategies in using the economic interdependence in order to advance its security goals. Their schema can be clearly seen in the diplomatic relations towards neighbouring military threat i.e. China. The similar strategy is similarly adopted towards large powerful nations such(prenominal) as Soviet Union. South Koreas strategy towards his immediate neighbour North Korea was based partly on the economic interdependence. In the long run, the economic integration might serve well as a check and balance on the head of government policies towards each other. Hence the economic integration serve as to avoid any disruption for those links by the use of military threat. (Kahler and Kastner, 2004).Financial Crisis By the same token, globalisation also foster a threat to the security of a nation via economic conflict. The economic crisis of 1990 which struck the markets in Asia shocked the nations and many financial institutions. The globalisation leads to economic openness which in turn causes susceptible economic security since it allows for foreign investors to gain ownership on domestic enterprises. The crisis had caused major implication on South Korea economy as well as a few other countries in South East Asia including Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. At the beginning of the crisis the assets had deflated down to the new record low, forcing economic panic in South Korea. In order to sustain economic stability, South Korea succumbed to the adjustment programs after bank lending was suddenly stopped. Fortunately, the economy of South Korea return to rapid recovery.In the world of globalisation, information technology becomes the trend of the decade. Hence, South Korea is able to enjoy economic growth because of the high demand in consumer spending for electronic gadgets. The growth will continue to flourish as long as South Korea able to stimulate consumer spending through plan of technology. The big question is how long can South Korea sustain new innovation to keep the demand pour in and continue to expound economic expansion.On the other hand, globalisation reduces vulnerability through diversity of suppliers and markets. Therefore, economic pressure as well as unilateral sanction becomes less good because the multi trade relations would able to absorb the pressure. For example, even though China is a major trading partner for South Korea, it cannot act unilaterally on South Korea because of its relation with other super power such as the United States. By the same token, North Korea may pressure South Korea to any(prenominal) extent but would apply cautious because of its relation with China and the United States.Transnational Organised Crimes Another factor that may affect the economic security of South Korea is the infamous transnational organised crime i.e the terrorist attack. The September 11, 2001 shocked the whole world when the World Trade C enter building in the United States of America was brought down. The terror caused the world to rethink of the new dimension brought about by the terrorist activities. Even though the tragedy was halfway across the globe, South Korea was also affected because the US was its major trading partner economically.Since the economy of South Korea is widely known for its growth, many have overlooked the threat it creates among the people of South Korea. According to the report, South Korea has one of the highest suicide rates in the world where it has doubled over the last decade. The flourishing economy has increase the standard of livelihood hence putting a lot of strain on household income. Moreover, the success story of economic turnover had masked the financial constraint among half-size and medium businesses as well as the people who were indebted. The reforms had causes high unemployment as well as unstable employment. In other words, the economy has created insecurity among reli able group of population which ended up with suicide notes.Epidemic attackThe economy of a country is susceptible to any sporadic of epidemic or pandemic attack of viruses. The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is a type of Atypical Pneumonia which can kill. It was identified in 2003. Due to its ability to spread quitely inwardly the travelling group, and later created killer pneumonia, the whole world population were discourage to travel. South Korea was not spared of the economic consequences of SARS. Tourism industry was the most affected. Domestically, some earthly concern places such as school were closed and shopping mall suffer declined number of customers because of fear of SARS. Community restricted the movement for necessary requirement cause reduction in consumer expenditures and consumer services. However, the effect on economy was minimal compare to other South East Asia countries such as Hong Kong and China.The economic security fluctuates gibe to the demand s of the international arena. When the prices of chips increase and the oil price reduces, South Korea gain positive trade advantages and pocketed tremendous profit because it was the second major supplier of chips to the United States. On the other hand, any sign of price weakening of electronic markets or a hike in oil prices could severely punished the South Korea economy because its export is based on electronics.Summary Undenialbly, economic security is not a new dimension in international relations. It has always been part of the security plan of the governing body of the nation. It is being exploited so as to avoid any security breach of of one government on another government as well as its policy. Each governement would consider economic interdependence with cautious and wariness because it can create both security as well as vulnerability.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
New Zealand Film Industry Essay
Why did the natural Zealand government offer Warner Brothers incentives to film The Hobbit in raw(a) Zealand? Analyse how this will affect the tonic Zealand film sedulousness and raw Zealand society. Warner Brothers, one of Hollywoods most famous studios, was founded in 1923 by four actual brothers Jack, Sam, Harry & Albert Warner. On April 4, 1923, with help from a loan given over to Harry Warner by his banker Motley Flint, they formally incorporated as Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc. I believe that production of H0bbit movie is benefit for spick-and-span Zealand economy and New Zealand governing provide that incentives to Warner Brothers. Warner Brothers is the front of any entertainment industry with its films to television, home entertainment/DVD, and inter-active creativity. New Zealand has a reputation of being in the Top Ten take locations in the universe. Warner Brothers choose to make the film in New Zealand because they know that New Zealand infrastructure is pleasing and natural. New Zealand is an open economy and it is cost-effectively workable and hypnotic for large bud occupy international productions.Firstly, it is important to know that what kind of advantage to New Zealand with the Hobbit movie. New Zealand has a both advantages comparative and absolute. Comparative advantage marrow A situation in which a country, individual, company or region can produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than a competitor. (Gans, King, Stonecash, & Mankiw, 2011) And Absolute advantage means The ability of a country, individual, company or region to produce a good or utility at a lower cost per unit than the cost at which any other entity produces that good or service. According to new Law New Zealand have low labour cost means lower opportunity cost. And New Zealand has land, resources and pervious cognition. For this two reason New Zealand have both advantages. Warner Brothers has reached a deal with the New Zealand government to keep The Hobbit in New Zealand. As part of the agreement, the government will introduce in parliament legislation seek by Warners that would clarify the employment status of film industry workers.It is being presumed that the int intercepted effect is to, make unionization of the film industry more(prenominal) than difficult or impossible. Ever since Jacksons LOTR trilogy put New Zealand on the map, so to speak, the country has benefited greatly from the rise in tourists. Indeed that has been factored into a long-term strategic partnership the country has struck with Warner Brothers which will see joint promotion of New Zealand as a film production and tourism destination. The incentives provided to Warner Brothers committed more New Zealand taxpayer money to the movies. (Cheng, 2010) As well as broadening the criteria for its large-budget incentive program which will give WB an additionally discount rate of up to US$15 million the NZ government will also provide up to US$10 million for marketing costs.On fade of the obvious benefit of keeping The Hobbit on home ground, New Zealand will also host one of the populace premieres for one of the films. All this just goes to channelise just how important The Hobbit is for New Zealand. It has been said that the production will pump U.S. $200 million into NZs economy. (Cheng, 2010) It is important to know the reason as to wherefore the incentives were offered to Warner Brothers. It is stated that the Key Government thinks that this little country can and should afford to pay these subsidies to a giant foreign corporation. (Roger, 2010) It was highly noticeable of the government when it timorous agreed into Warner Brothers demands for limited and striking subsidies saying they were worth it because New Zealands opportunity to grow in the economy was at bet as other countries waited in the line for The Hobbit movie.The Government was under so much pressure from the other film businesses as rivalry was intense from the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and many an(prenominal) more countries as they all wanted a movie like The Hobbit. That was the reason the incentive of changing labour laws was undertaken in such an urgency as the government did not want to further deviate expenditure of public money while having to fight back to match the massive tax breaks offered by other countries. Warner Brothers received tax subsidies of $100 million and government agreed to give up to $34 million of tax breaks (Cheng, 2010) through civility of New Zealands tax payers. More compromises were approaching as the Government eluded the standard democratic process to move forward with Parliament legislation that undermined the Employment dealing Act, and also benefited the international film company with $25 million. The government flaunted this as triumph for the film industry in New Zealand.The New Zealand government or national party is ideologically placed on the right wing of the spectrum. Right wing means In politics, rig ht-wing describes an outlook or circumstantial position that accepts or supports social hierarchy or social inequality. Social hierarchy and social inequality is viewed by those affiliated with the Right as inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable, whether it arises through traditional social differences or from competition in market economies. It typically accepts or justifies this position on the basis of natural law or tradition. Therefore favors free trade, globalization and open markets. They also want more FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) such as the Warner Brothers Hobbit investment. (rejuvenation) The NZ Film Industry will be alter both positively and negatively. A 2008 report found that film and television industry injected $2.5 billion into NZs economy (TVNZ-One news, 2010)The positive thing is that the more contractors get to keep their jobs New Zealand has been able to build its flexible status again after the boycott scenario with The Hobbit. If the movie was not made in NZ then in that respect would have been long term damage to the NZ Screen production sector and the economy. The negative consequence is that Film industry will be impact by the reductions in rights of NZ workers in Film Production as the Warner Brothers do not want to go through any depicted objects regarding employment regulations after losing a case in the Supreme Court during their previous movie production. Warner Bros. has closed its office in New Zealand. The distribution office shut down at the end of May although Warner Bros. reaffirmed its commitment to business in New Zealand and, they said the work would be outsourced to a local company.The shutdown will raise questions in New Zealand because the Government changed employment law and provided tax breaks to get Warner Brothers to make The Hobbit there. For that The Prime Minister John Key said, The Hobbit films have created 3000 jobs. They were crucial to New Zealand for our movie industry it was a very positive st ep that the Government took. Im not sure what has happened in Auckland, but I dont venture its many jobs. Warner Bros. have had an office in New Zealand since 1947. (News, 2012) If the Hobbit was move from New Zealand than tourism is decrease and most of societies and their livelihood based on the jobs in tourism sectors are may be close and its affected very badly. One society in particular would have been drastically affected and thats the people in Matamata near Waikato region. This would have been a major hindrance as after the Lord of the Rings movie, that place had been made world famous with its Hobbiton set.Although its been seven years since the release of The Lord of the Rings, Matamata and the society persist to bring in benefits after the production of The Lord of the Rings attracting more than 200 000 people each year. So by providing incentives to Warner Brothers government has saved the local societies from being drained out of tourism revenues. Changes to labour law were considered unacceptable and unfair law change. The New law was seen to create a default position, categorizing all film production workers as independent contractors. With my evidence now I know I have clear my doubts about what kinds of incentives are provided to the Warner Brothers.I am used the different sources and its quite helpful for increase my knowledge on globalization infusion on our economy, government role in economy, etc. I agree that there is an on-going debate with National party in the Parliament since the Green and Labour party continue to oppose the changes of the Employment laws that accommodate the foreign transnational companies demands which affect the tax payers either directly or indirectly in our country. The evidence have however raised a question for me and that is whether the NZ Government that poses a nation-state will be able to keep suss out of its decision making powers or whether the power will be soon shifted in the hands of dominant intern ational corporations.BibliographyTVNZ-One news. (2010, october 4). Retrieved from http// http// Cheng, D. (2010, oct 27). Hobbit to stay in NZ. Retrieved from http// Gans, J., King, S., Stonecash, R., & Mankiw, G. (2011). Interdependence and gains form trade. In Globalisation and Business Enterprise (pp. 266-267). Auckland Custom for AUT University, Faculty of Business and Law. News, O. (2012, June 19). Warner Brothers shuts down NZ office. Retrieved from http// rejuvenation, M. (n.d.). Ideology The New Zealand Legion. Retrieved from http// Roger. (2010). Retrieved from Roger Award Winner. for the worst Transnational Corporation operating in Aotraroa l?New Zealand http//
Monday, May 20, 2019
Cycle of Abusive Families Essay
The story of A Thousand Acres written by Jane Smiley is non at both(a) unfamiliar to virtu completelyy Ameri green goddess families. While the story tells ab semen forth the male character representing a negative typical figure of cry egress and the female character as the dupe of cater and deprivation of compassion may be fictional in nature, this kind of story as well as happens in legitimate life (Smiley 12). bed, security, and safety ar words commonly enjoyment to describe a billet. Some heap say that cornerstone is where the heart is. From the daily grind of life, people seek refuge in the margin of the place they call their own. However, not all homes echo peace and harmony among family members.Not e rattling home becomes a safe place to re do work to. Not all homes argon filled with laughter. Not all homes imprint whizz proud. As a pip-squeak, I get used to p poseing alone. Within the quadruple corners of my dark bedroom, I have learned to find counsel lings of how to make myself expert as I tried hard to get numb from feeling the bruises on my body and even just for a maculation forget about terror I get from seeing blood drop out of my skin. Mom said that Dad loves me that is why when he learned that I was not performing academically well in school, he has to hit me to remind me that I had not been a good boy.I believe her. I cursed myself for not universe able to completely find out my lessons because I great dealnot slim down on reviewing tour I hear Dad cursing mom in between beatings while mom screams her heart out from the offends she endure. If Dad has to lock me up in spite of appearance my room, I cannot cull him because it was my fault. If he had to switch the lights off while I have to read my books, I cannot blame him because it was my fault. If he leave not allow Mom to bring some food internal my room because I had just been punished for my poor grades, I cannot blame him because it was my fault.Dad pu nishes me because I deserve it. He does all these things because he loves me. I came to believe that fathers normally act this behavior because Dad once said that my grandfather does the same things with him when he was my age. Perhaps, tykeren have to go all through this to feel the love their fathers have for them. merely I was wrong. Dad has no right to hurt me or Mom. He is a father and a husband, not the enemy. Love is not supposed to be expressed by inflicting harm on the other. Love is not supposed to leave wounds that even condemnation cannot afford to mend.I never had a happy nipperhood. Now that I am a grown up, I must admit that I am still struggling with the pains that my father has caused me. I know that it takes fourth dimension. I am also aw atomic number 18, that while I try to leave all the hurtful memories behind, some of the bitterness in my heart pull up stakes be here to stay. My father has been long gone. He died of colon cancer. Since his demise, Mom a nd I tried our dress hat to regurgitate ourselves and our recognizes back to pieces. It was utterly hard, but our love for apiece other helped each of us to live life anew.Neighbors, relatives, and friend also extended their help to us. Coping up entails a long growth to reco truly. Nonetheless, it was all worth it. Life has not been easy as I used to be run by my past. However, my experience has allowed me to extend help to those who find themselves on the same path I used to cross. I devote my fourth dimension in learning more about home(prenominal) military group. In this way, I can cause a change to other peoples lives in my own smallish way. From my own person-to-person experience, I learned so some things I could not have differently known.My life may not be enviable at all but I am so proud to have surfaced from it nonetheless. The things I learned from my own life story be the very same things I want to leave behind when I am gone. I learned that I am entitled to live in a place where I can be safe. I have the right to stay inside a home free from emphasis of some(prenominal) kind. I am free to commit mistakes. No one has the right to tell me that I am useless. I am supposed to live my life according to my rules following my own decisions. I deserve maintain for my intelligence. I am entitled to chase my own dreams.I am supposed to attend to my personal needs as a person. It is unfair for me to remain in a relationship where my personal eudaemonia is in no way considered. It is important for me to discuss my concerns particularly with people whose behavior impairs wellbeing. I am entitled to decide things on my own. While I have the right to express my opinion, I also have the right to withhold them if ever I decide to do so. Fulfilling the needs of people who has inflicted pain on me is not in any way my obligation. Violence in the family is not something new.Perhaps, since time immemorial, family craze has already existed. However, it was only during the modern multiplication, that societies started to acknowledge its existence and regarded it as a social problem. The World health Organization regarded violence in the family as a global health concern in the category 2002 (Barnett, Perrin, and Perrin 2). It is easy to think of the family as being relatively immune from violence, a place of safe harbor, a place of sustenance and care. The idea that a parent or a spouse would intentionally and wittingly inflict injury on a loved one is counterintuitive.A parent is supposed to cling to and care for a squirt. Spouses are supposed to love and cherish each other. We know, however, that often the family is a generator of mal preaching and violence. We read about maltreatment within families in the newspapers, and we see news stories about it on television. Many of us know people who have been blackguardd by family members or we ourselves have been roastd, or we have seeed do by between our parents. We know f amily violence exists. Identifying the commonality of violence in the family is a un checklable task.Calculating family violence is naturally problematic, primarily since there is a little conformity among those who collect information as to precisely what makes up domestic violence. Regardless of definitional consensus, the fact remains that most domestic violence takes places inside the confines of a home. It is usually concealed, overlooked, or ignored. The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation finds it hard to accurately identify the statistics of family violence because not all cases are reported for reasons beyond their control (Barnett, Perrin, and Perrin 3).When researchers attempt to deal with the issue of frequency of domestic violence utilizing self-report surveys, the data they collect proves to be unavoidably insufficient. Some victims may find it hard to mean childhood maltreatments and those who are currently suffering from domestic violence may not regard, may take aim not to regard, or may be unable to report the abuses they endure at home. In this light, statistics of domestic violence must be treated with caution. Identifying precisely and accurately how much violence exists in the the Statesn order seem almost impossible.Violence in the family may appear to be unpredictable, merely a sudden occurrence associated to the moment as well as to the circumstances under which the people relate find themselves into. As a matter of fact, violence traces a distinctive pattern regardless of the time when it took place or who is involved. The cycle of violence recurs every time the level of the abusers violence rises. At each stage in the cycle, the abuser takes full control of his or her actions and tries to manipulate and tho isolate the victim.To be able to effectively address the concerns of the maltreat, it is vital to have a good understand the cycle of violence as well as of how the mind of the abuser works. In this way, the treat recognizes that he or she is not the one at fault. The cycle of violence begins with the set up. It is followed by the act of abuse itself. Afterwards, the abuser suffers from feelings of guilt and revenge. It is then followed by rationalization. The abuser then shifts to a charming behavior. Thereafter, the abuser contemplates on how to carry out the next act of violence on his or her victim.The act of violence can be manifested in various forms. The abuser behaves dottyly in the intention to show his or her victim who is in control. When the scandalize has been done, the abuser feels guilty not for his or her actions but for fear of facing the consequences of what he or she has done. This is where the abuser begins to geld his or her actions. The abuser does so in order to shift the blame on others. When the abuser starts to complete another plot of abuse, he or she creates a line wherein apology can be made as to why the assa ult happened in the first place.Violence in the American society is not at all new. Wars, riots, gangland slayings, political assassinations, or rape cases are different types of violence familiar to Americans. However, surprisingly, the American home is perhaps as or more uncivilised as compared to ay singular American institution. They run the greatest risk of murder, physical injury, or assault inside the confines of their own homes inflicted by their own family members. Across the country this is borne out by official annoyance statistics. Stories of ill-treated children and maltreated wives are rampant enough to be labeled as child abuse and married woman abuse. Approximately millions women and children ill-treated and step by family members each year are only the gunpoint of the iceberg identified as violence between family members (Straus, Gelles, and Steinmetz 4). Brothers and sisters beat, stab, and shoot each other. There are husbands who are struck and beaten by thei r wives, and even grandparents are battered by their own children. Violence in one generation affects and encourages violence in another generation. In legion(predicate) families, perhaps a legal age of furious families, violence is not even considered taboo or wrong. Rather, it is an accepted and integral part of the way the family functions.Wife abuse and child abuse have captured public attention because of the terms themselves and because they involve horribly violent acts with damaging consequences for the victim. However, abuse is only one extreme end of the continuum of violence in the family, which, for umteen reasons, never is publicly identified as abuse. Our aim was to study a variety of forms of violence, including some which many people do not consider violent, such as spanking a child. These are some of the frequently asked and most important questions, which unfortunately, we still cannot answer with any certainty.There is no real way of knowing whether families have become more violent in the last decade of the last century. wiz could use official police, hospital, and social agency statistics to assess changes in the extent of child abuse and wife abuse, but for several reasons these statistics are not suitable for estimating actual levels of violence in the family. First, official statistics cumulate only the cases of family violence that come to public attention. These are probably only a fraction of the count cases of family violence.Second, official statistics are compiled by organizations and individuals who work in those organizations. These individuals and the units they work in are often influenced by publicity campaigns, public pressure, political pressure, and changes in state and federal law. It was not until 1968 that all fifty states had laws mandating reports of child abuse (Straus, Gelles, and Steinmetz 4). Thus, official statistics compiled by the states before 1968 reflect differences in official legal attitudes towar d child abuse and not the true level of abuse in each of the states (Straus, Gelles, and Steinmetz 4).Even today, official statistics vary because each state and each compiler of the statistics in state and local agencies draw on different definitions of child neglect and child abuse. In terms of spouse abuse on the other hand, spouse abuse, some if any agencies have ever bothered to compile statistics on how many wives or husbands batter one another. Although we cannot say definitely whether violence in the American family is on the increase, historical facts argue that family violence sure enough is not new and that, probably, we are more violent and perhaps a little less violent toward our own families than were our ancestors.Abused women are found in all socioeconomic levels, all educational, and all racial groups (Finkelhor 29). The abused woman has a martyr-like behavior. She is often a long sufferer and overloaded with the demands of others. The abused woman finds it diffic ult to nurture herself and she feels unappreciated. The abused woman is often employed but is not allowed control of any finances (Finkelhor 29). She does not know how to deal with stress. She can have anxiety attacks. Usually, this type of woman lead feel tired and overworked. She does not provide enough space in her life for breaks.Poor attention of time and resources are kinda apparent. It is hard for the abused to make life changes. Problem solving is very stressful. The abused accepts responsibility for the batterers behavior. The battered woman is isolated and loses contact with her family or friends. She often feels discomfit about her situation. This type of woman is further isolated because her partner does not want her to give time to friends, neighbors, relatives, or outside activities. He wants all the attention himself. The abused suffers from guilt.He or she may feel that he or she deserves to be beaten for failing to live up to the expectations of the abuser. An a bused woman is a traditionalist about her role in the home. She strongly believes in family unity and has traditional expectations of her husband or as the provider. This type of woman wants to keep the image of a socially or religiously unexceptionable marriage. The abused has a low self-esteem and does not feel that he or she has much value. The abused is extremely critical of his or herself and usually of others. He or she does not have a richly level of self-preservation.The abused accepts violence in the hope that someday the abused violence the abuser will eventually change. The abused believes that he or she caused the anger and violence. The abused woman usually loves her husband and wants to deposit his promises that he will reform, although it rarely happens. The abused could have been emotionally neglected as a child. He or she could have been physically and/or sexually abused as a child or saw violence in his or her family. He or she could have been abused by a siblin g, parent, or a relative. It is difficult for the abused to verbalize her needs and desires to others.He or she has poor confabulation skills and has difficulty in being able to express his or her anger. The abused woman has poor converse skills and has difficulty in being able to express her anger. Since the abused woman is unassertive, she can be quite manipulative. She is skilled in the art of complaining. However, her complaints are usually not listened to or resolved by her partner. The abused is usually in denial. He or she will not admit to his or herself that he or she has been physically, emotionally, or sexually abused. The abused may think of each incident as an accident.He or she often gives excuses for the abusers violence. The abused usually rationalizes the incident. The abused woman is usually taught from her childhood to dishearten power to a male. Much of the time she feels helpless and will look for someone to help her put her life together. She does not want t o take responsibility for making decisions and would rather have someone else make them. Many abused women feel comfortable in taking a complaint position (Finkelhor 29). She has been brought up to believe that women are weak, inferior, and should submit to men in return for financial support.The abused is often depressed. He or she can try to make his or herself less depressed by overdoing things. The abused my turn out to be alcoholic, may overeat, may over exhaust his or herself from work, to name a few. He or she may even contemplate on suicide to end his or her difficult life. Although parents use of violence on children certainly is not new, the addition of the term child abuse to our vocabulary has come about only recently. baby abuse typically refers to acts committed by parents on their children that other members of the society view as inappropriate and harmful.Thus, child abuse depends on historically and culturally relative judgments for its meaning. each families have tensions, and all families sometimes resolve these tensions in inappropriate ways. Even the best parents and the most sweet couples sometimes lose their tempers, say intentionally hurting things to one another, raise their voices when arguing, and even lash out at loved ones physically. Many structural factors make families particularly prone to violence. One of these is the amount of time family members spend together, which increases the opportunity for violence.Another factor is that family interactions are often emotional, and so especially volatile. In addition, power differential often exists among family members. Children are subordinate to parents, elderly parents are subordinate to their adult children, and wives may be subordinate to husbands. The result is that the powerless sometimes become targets of aggression. Further complicating matter is the fact that children, and to some degree, women as well cannot fight back. Nor can they always choose with whom they will or will not interact.Whereas many interpersonal conflicts can be resolve simply through the dissolution of relationships, family relationships are fostered by law and are not so easily severed. Wives can easily feel trapped by the cultural, legal, and economic constraints of marriage. Children are dependent on their parents. Even when child maltreatment comes to the attention of authorities, states are antipathetical to break up families and parents are often effrontery every opportunity to change. Everyone involved with spousal abuse seems to have feelings of guilt and frustration that manifest themselves as denial or in a pessimistic outlook.Either they cannot do anything about it so they might as well ignore it, or they cannot do anything about it by they will pretend they can until someone comes up with a better idea. It appears they are embarrassed by their failure or their perception of failure and so use defense mechanisms to protect themselves from it. Perhaps, this explains the general reluctance to talk about the problem at all, to anyone. Some believe that family members can be expected to lose control from time to time, that parents and spouses sometimes need to blow off steam. They may rationalize that a man who hits his wife is not really violent he just had a severe day at work and lost his temper. Or they many rationalize that a woman is principally a good mother, but her kids were really acting up and she only hit them because she lost control temporarily. Some people believe that such actions are inevitable even natural and are only worthy of serious societal reaction. The ludicrous nature of the it just happens justification becomes clear, however, when one recognizes that stranger violence is not so easily ousted.When one stranger assaults another, we do not allow the assailant to dismiss his actions as a momentary loss of control, a need to blow off steam, or a reaction to a bad day at work. Nor do we allow the assailant to blame th e victim. We are appropriately intolerant of stranger violence. Violence within the family increasingly is identified as profound societal problems that can exert a multitude of short and long term effects on juvenile people and can take a variety of forms including abuse perpetrated by parents or siblings.Victims of violence are survivors, and they find various ways to help themselves endure the violence until they are able to leave the relationship. The head strategies they work out enable them to put their feelings on hold so they can deal with the day-after-day challenges of a violent and dangerous life. The most common coping strategy abused people do is denial. Denial enables them to live with what is happening and to avoid feelings of terror and humiliation.Denial can be counterproductive, as they may cause the victim to deny the seriousness of the problem. Anger enables the victim to take strong action in an emergency. Nightmares provide a way to experience strong feelings of fear, anger, panic, and shame the abused may not be able to share with anyone else or even allow him or herself to feel. The emotional pretend on children who admit domestic violence done to other people can be significant, particularly when their parents or accepted authority are the ones involved.Moreover, the emotional impact on children is also great when the violence takes places inside the home where children are supposed to be kept away from harm. When children find themselves in a hopeless situation, they can also be harmed regardless of whether or not they are the ones directly abused in the situation (Helfer, Kempe, and Krugman 3). Many times, the effects of domestic violence are intensified when the children think they can no all-night expect support coming from their parents or caregivers. They likewise struggle with feelings of fault and guilt.It is crucial to acknowledge that the impact on the child bearing witness to domestic violence can be controlled by a se veral factors, such as support from concerned adults as well as effective treatment to address their problems. In the vast majority of families, women are the primary caretakers of children. Therefore, the battering of mothers affects children in myriad of ways. Children who witness violence against their mothers are at considerable risk physically, psychologically, and emotionally. These children face two fold threats. One of which is the threat of physical abuse.The other is the threat of bearing witness to a traumatic incident happening inside their home. Children living inside a violent home are also at risk of being harmed. They may be traumatized witnessing their mother being attacked while both of them are left without aid. Consequently, these children may lay the blame on themselves for not being able to do something about the problem. Furthermore, these children may be abused or neglected themselves. Women who have been battered repeatedly are sometimes unable to respond ps ychologically to their children.They may display the following behaviors unresponsiveness to the childs emotional needs, passive rejection of the child, detachment or lack of involvement with the child, interaction with the child only when necessary, no display of pleasure when interacting with the child, lack of domineering response to the childs attempts to elicit interaction, poor ability to comfort the child at times of distress, no sharing in the positive experience of the child, withdrawn affect, no display of emotion, or depression, and an unfitness to derive pleasure or satisfaction from a relationship with the child (Wilson 32).Children living inside violent homes may be indirectly harmed themselves. These children may be struck by thrown objects or weapons. Babies may suffer injuries in the event that the mother is holding the baby at a time the assault takes place. In other cases, children may receive injuries while they try to protect their mother from harm. Many father s incidentally inflict harm on their children while throwing objects while assaulting their wives. The care, affection, and love they deserve are not given to children living inside violent homes. The trust of an abused child towards a violent parent is impair in the process.Moreover, violence toward a child by a parent often serves to disrupt the cultivation of child-parent attachment. The aggressive family tends to live in an environment that fails to provide the children with appropriate opportunities for or models of socialization or bonding. It is not surprising that children who are victims of family violence often have impaired social relations. Children have been subjected to differing types of maltreatment throughout history, and these atrocities are well documented (Utech 37). For centuries, society has condoned infanticide, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and the exploitation of childrens labor.The prevalence of child maltreatment has endured throughout time and has cult ivated tenacious legacies that have shaped societal response to child abuse. Those legacies include the tenet that children are the property of their parents and expandable as well. These traditions contributed to the slow societal response n defining and responding to child abuse. In addition, society has suffered from a denial of the problems existence and prevalence. Child abuse is a complex, disturbing concern that, even though prevalent in underprivileged families, crosses all sectors of society (Helfer, Kempe, and Krugman 3).The human as well as fiscal cost of abuse in America are huge. It is highly possible that billions of dollars are used in social service and treatment costs and lost in reduced productivity for a generation of abused children. The human costs on the other hand fill a long list of psychological disorders. The emotional damage overdue to maltreatment may last a lifetime. Works Cited Barnett, Ola W. , Cindy Lou Miller-Perrin, and Robin D. Perrin. Family Vio lence Across the life history An Introduction. Thousand Oaks, California SAGE, 2005. Finkelhor, David. The Dark Side of Families Current Family Violence Research.Thousand Oaks, California SAGE, 1983. Helfer, Mary Edna, poignancy S. Kempe, and Richard D. Krugman. The Battered Child. Chicago University of Chicago Press,1999. Smiley, Jane. A Thousand Acres. London HarperPerennial, 2008. Straus, Murray Arnold, Richard J. Gelles, and Suzanne K. Steinmetz. Behind Closed Doors Violence in the American Family. Piscataway, New Jersey Transaction Publishers, 2006. Utech, Myron. Violence, Abuse and Neglect. Lanham, Maryland Rowman Altamira, 1993. Wilson, K. J. When Violence Begins at Home A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Ending Domestic Abuse. Alameda, California Hunter
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